King's Business - 1922-05



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Biola Book Room

Zephyrs from an Old Storm Center Rev. Charles F. Reitzel, of Altoona, Pa., is the writer of many helpful books and leaflets, chief among which are “ Paul’s Conversion,” “ The Coming Bridegroom,” “The Parable of the Leaven,” “ The Old Time Faith,” “ The Sabbath Question” and “ The Transfigu­ ration.” The new volume referred to in the heading is a treatment of the book of Jonah. The only unfortunate thing about the book is the title, but when one discovers what is inside the covers he will be fascinated with the way Mr. Reitzel opens up this book. There is much illustrative material of value running throughout the book, and we are sure the contents will be worth far more than $1.00 to those who read it. The Bible and our National Life In this able work on a timely subject Mr. A. B. Ost has given us a thorough review of the religious life of our na­ tion. Going back two hundred years in its history he gives conclusive proof of the Bible as being the sole text-book for study in schools at that time. The title of one of his chapters is as fol­ lows: “ Effect of this Extensive and Intensive Use of the Bible in the Home and in the School in Colonial Days and Early History of the Union.” He shows how the Bible and religious training gradually dropped from the curriculum of our schools until today it is pro­ hibited to teach anything from the Bible in many of our states. Facts, not fancies, áre given throughout the en­ tire book. The book deserves a wide circulation. Price, 50 cents. Perplexing Passages in the Gospels The Biola Book Room is glad to an­ nounce the publication of a new book that will without doubt prove of in­ estimable value to the. ordinary Bible

•tudent everywhere. This is another *vork of compilation by Keith L. Brooks, and is entitled “ Perplexing Passages in the Four Gospels.” For ten years Mr. Brooks has been search­ ing the commentaries to discover the simplest and most natural explanations of every difficult statement in thé Gos­ pels. No hard statement has been passed over, and, as one may imagine, a wealth of the choicest material from well-known devotional writers has been brought together. Where a difficulty would reasonably admit of more than one explanation, these have been given, but the plan of the compiler has been to condense as much as possible, at the same time seeing to it that the explana­ tion was adequate. Such a work will save the student many hours of search­ ing, and the many sources consulted by Mr. Brooks would not be available to a great many. This volume should be in the library of every Christian.for all ' have puzzled over many obscure state­ ments in the Gospels, and for the Sun­ day school teacher the work will be found invaluable. Bound in cloth, the price will be $1.50. Ransacking the Scriptures This valuable Bible study edition by Keith L. Brooks, has just appéared in its fourth edition with many improve­ ments. It has been somewhat reduced in form, and the corners rounded so that it can easily be slipped in a man’s vest pocket. Some very helpful fea­ tures have been added and some re­ visions made. We know of no booklet in so compact form that contains so much vital material for the student. It gives the names of the most impor­ tant chapters in the Bible; key notes of the books; key verses; how Christ is seen in each book; the writers and dates; the outward divisions of the Bible; summary of each book; the dis­ pensations; proofs of the inspiration o f 1

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