King's Business - 1922-05

THE K I NG ' S B U S I N E S S Concordance Bibles B -14 7 X — M inion 16m o C o n co rd a n ce Bible, self-p ron ou n cin g , Persian M o ro cco , divinity circuit, red un der gold edge, leather lined to edge, silk sew ed. Size 7 */2 x 5 1 4 . India p a p er................$ 1 1 .0 0 B -1 4 9 X — L o n g P rem ier 8 v o C o n co rd a n ce Bible, self-p ron ou n cin g , Persian M o ro c c o , divinity circuit, red under g o ld edge, leath er lined to edge, silk sew ed. Size 8 % x 5 % . India p ap er. $ 1 1 .7 0 F -1 1 3 X — Am eth yst 16 m o, C o n co rd a n ce Bible, P ersian M o ro c c o , divinity cir­ cuit, red un der gold edge, leather lined to edge, silk sew ed. Size 5 { 4 x 3 % , India p a p e r..............................$ 6 .8 0 F -7 3 X — A m eth y st 16m o, R e feren ce Bible, Persian M o ro c c o , divin ity circuit, red un der g old edge, leather lined to edge, silk sew ed. Size 5 ^ x 3 ^ . India p a p er .............. -........................$ 6 .1 5 L - 1 13 X — G en uine M o ro c c o , divin ity c ir ­ cuit, red un der gold edges, leather lined to edge, silk sew ed. Size 6 % x 3 % . India p a p e r...........................$ 9 .9 0 R-1 13 X — G en u in e M o ro c c o , divinity c ir ­ cuit, red un der g old edges, roun d corn ers, leath er lin ed to edge, silk sew ed. Size 8 x 5 ^ . India p ap er. $ 1 4 .3 5 R -1 I 0 X — F ren ch L evant, divinity circuit, red u n der g old edges, rou n d corn ers, leath er lined, b o u rg e o is type, India p ap er. Size 8x5J/2.....................$ 1 0 5 0 R -1 0 5 X — F ren ch M o ro c c o , divinity c ir ­ cuit, red un der g old edges, b o u rg e o is type, India p ap er. Size 84/4x5j/2* $ 9 .0 0 N -1 0 5 X — F ren ch M o ro c c o , divinity c ir ­ cuit, red un der g old edge, brevier typ e. Size 7j/£x5 ...........................$ 7 .7 0 Postpaid to any address upon receipt of price. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D. BIBLE INSTITUTE B I O L A B O O K R O O M ' Los Angeles, California

526 blood. In the offering of Cain (Gen. 4:3-5) we see that a religion without blood, however sincere, is not accept­ able to God. Hence we read, “ By faith. Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain” (Heb. 11:4). Why was this? Because God’s holy requirements were met, and sin was acknowledged when blood was shed. Further, when Noah went forth out of the ark, “ he builded an altar” and offered a burnt offering and the Lord “ smelled a sweet savour” (Gen. 8:20, 21). Abraham’s offering of a ram instead of his son, sets forth the truth of substitution. God provided the ram, which was a type of Him who was to come, “ The Lamb of God” (John 1:29.) We see, too, from Exodus 12 how the blood, when personally applied to the door posts, sheltered from judg­ ment. In the burnt offering, peace of­ fering, sin offering and trespass of­ fering, blood must be shed and sprink­ led round and about and -on the altar (Lev. 1, 3, 4, 5), so that God’s claims were acknowledged and vindicated and the sinner’s need was met. In the New Testament we also find that the blood of Christ is the basis of every blessing which is common to believers, as the following list will show: Justification (Rom. 3 ); Redemption (1 Pet. 1 ); Cleansing (John 1 ); Forgiveness (Eph. 1 ); Peace (Col. 1 )' Nearness (Eph. 2); Access (Heb. 10); and Priesthood (Rev. 5). There are two reasons why this sub­ ject is given such prominence in the Holy Bible. First,. ‘‘The Blood is the life” ; ' secondly, man’s life has been forfeited by sin, hence we read, “ The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 5). Our lives being forfeited, we needed an­ other to come forth and lay down his life for us; “ So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many” (Heb. 9). He being sinless and holy, His life had

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