King's Business - 1922-05

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


not been forfeited, and He had power to lay down his life, and power to take it again (John 10). Cod calls the blood of Christ precious. For this rea­ son it meets all the requirements of His throne and the need of guilty man. Reader, do you believe in its worth and efficacy? May you realize your need of this precious blood and be led to pray, “Wash me, and I shall be whiter ■than snow.” “ For ever be the glory given, To Thee, O Lamb of God. Our every joy on earth— in heaven, We owe it to _Thy blood.” PASSOVER—A TYPE OF CHRIST Read Exodus 12 and 1 Cor. 5:7. I. The animal selected was typical. (a) A lamb, harmless, gentle, patient. (b) Without blemish. Christ was spotless, etc. (c) It was to be set apart four

Concordance Bibles N -1 1 0 X — F ren ch L evant, divinity circuit, red un der g old edge, leather lined, brev ier type, India p ap er. Size / !4x5 ....................................... $9.35 N-1 13 X G en u in e M o ro cco , divinity c ir ­ cuit, red un der g old edge, leather lined to edge, silk sew ed, brevier type, India p ap er. Size 7 (4 x 5 . $ 1 1 .6 0 L -1 0 5 X - F ren ch M o ro c c o , divinity c ir ­ cuit, red un der g old edge, leather lined to edge, silk sew ed, India paper, Jasper type. Size 6 % x 4 J 4 ........$ 6 .8 0 H -1 0 5 X — F ren ch IVIorocco, divinity c ir ­ cuit, red un der g old edges, India p a ­ per, m inion type. Size 6 % x 4 ? ^ . $ 5 .2 0 F-1 I OX— F ren ch Levant, divin ity circuit, red un der g old edges, leather linedi India p ap er, A m eth y st type. Size 5 (4 x 3 ¡4 ............................. ................$ 5 .8 5 divinity circuit, red u n der g old edges, , calf lined to edge, silk sew ed, India paper, T ea ch er s Bible, w ith references, c o n ­ cord a n ce, and B iblical en cyclop ed ia . Size 6 ^ x 4 ^ , m inion typ e....... $ 1 2 .2 5 H -I 3 5 X — G en uine M o ro c c o , divin ity c ir ­ cuit, red un der g old edge, leather lined to edge, silk sew ed, India paper, C on co rd a n ce , R eferen ces and Biblical E n cy clop ed ia, m inion type. Size 6% x 4% ................................... $8.20 H -1 3 3 X — Syrian Levant, divinity circuit, red un der g old edges, leather lined to edge, silk sew ed, India p ap er, m inion type, R eferen ces, C o n co rd a n ce and B iblical E n cy clop ed ia, m inion type. Size 6 y6x4y8 ...................................$ 8 .2 5 H -1 4 7 X — G en uine Sealskin,

days— that is, It was to be selected on the tenth day and killed on thé four­ teenth. Christ was pro­ claimed in types and shad­ ows for 4,000 years— suf­ fered in the fourth year of H is m in is try—-entered Jerusalem in triumph four days before He died. (d) It was to be killed and the flesh roasted with fire. Fire is the emblem of God’s wrath. On the cross Jesus was the sacrifice, and fire from heaven consumed His humanity. (e) It was to be killed between the two evenings— between 3 and 6 o’clock, and Jesus died at the ninth hour, or 3 o’clock. (f) Not a bone was to be broken. And not a bone of our Lord’s precious body was broken. John 19:32.

Postpaid to any address upon receipt of price. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D.

BIBLE INSTITUTE B I O L A B O O K R O O M Los Angeles, California

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