King's Business - 1922-05

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


II. The blood was typical. (a) It had to be applied— sprinkled on the door-posts, denoting an open profes­ sion of Christ. It was not to be sprinkled on the threshold; the blood of Jesus is so precious in God’s sight that it must not be trodden on even in symbol. (b) It was to be the means of preservation. “When I see the blood, I will pass over.” III. The eating of the lamb was typical. (a) It was to be eaten. Jesus said, “ Except a man eat my flesh and drink my blood, he hath no part in me.” (b) The whole of the lamb was to be eaten. We must feed upon a whole Christ— Christ in His entirety— Christ and His yoke— Christ and His cross, as well as Christ and His crown. v (c) It was to be eaten with bitter herbs. They were to remember Egypt’s bitter bondage, and we must re­ member our sin. If sin be bitter, Christ will be very sweet., (d) It was to be an “ ordinance

Reference Bibles 1 7 7 5 X— G en uine M o ro c c o , divin ity c ir ­ cuit, leath er lin ed to edge, silk sew ed, rou n d corn ers, red un der g old edges, India p ap er, b la ck fa ce typ e. Size 5 .................................. $ 10.00 I43 3X -— A lg e ria n M o ro c c o , divin ity c ir ­ cuit, leather linin g to edge, silk head- band and m arker, rou n d corn ers, red un der g old edge, India p aper, self­ p ron ou n cin g , m inion type. Size 4 % x 6 !^ ....... ..................................... $ 6 .6 5 2 0 3 5 X — Persian M o ro c c o , divinity circuit, leath er linin g to edge, silk sew ed, rou n d corn ers, red un der g old edge, silk head band and m arker, India p ap er, p ica typ e. Size 6J/gx9. $ 1 5 .0 0 2 0 3 2 X — Seal G rain M o ro c c o , divinity cir­ cuit, grained leather linin g to edge, head bands an d m arker, rou n d c o r ­ ners, red u n der g old edge, India p a ­ per, self-p ron ou n cin g , b o u rg e o is type. Size 51/ 2 x 7 % .................................$ 1 3 .5 0 1 8 35X— P ersian M o ro c c o , divin ity circuit, leather lining to edge, silk se\yed, silk head band and m arker, rou n d corn ers, red under g old edge, India p ap er, self­ p ro n o u n cin g . Size 5J/2 x 7^8— $ 1 1 .5 0 8 1 2 X R L —»-French Seal, divinity circuit, grained linin g and fly leaves, head b a n d s and m arker, rou n d corn ers, red un der g old edges, India p ap er, w ord s o f C hrist in red, se lf-p ro n o u n c- ing, larg e b o u rg e o is typ e. Size 5 ^ x 7 % .........-................................ $ 1 1 .3 0 73 OX— F ren ch Seal, divinity circuit, lined' w ith leather, head bands and m arker, rou n d corn ers, red un der g old edges, India p ap er, b ou rg eois, se lf-p ro n o u n c­ ing. Size 5 J /2 x 7 % ....................$ 1 2 .0 0 9 2 1 5— F ren ch Seal, divinity circu it, head bands and m arker, rou n d corn ers, red- un der gold edges, c o lo re d p ictu re edition illum inated in natural colors, m aps o f the B ible lands. Is especially g o o d fo r the Sunday S ch o o l scholar, con tain in g Sunday S ch ool scholars helps, self-p ron ou n cin g . Size 5 % x 3J4 .............. ...........................$ 2 .4 6 Postpaid to any address upon receipt of price. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D. • ■. . BIBLE INSTITUTE B I O L A , B O O K R O O M Los Angeles, California

forever.” As long as we live, we must continue to feed on Christ.-—Selected.

A PRAYERLESS LOT The great failure. of the modern church is, as E. M. Bounds has said, that "our preachers are raising up a prayer­ less set of saints. Where are the lead­ ers who can put God’s people to pray­ ing?” And where are the men who will lay out before the people the simple laws of prayer as given us in the Word?

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