King's Business - 1922-05

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Reference Bibles S -6 5 X — L o n g P rem ier 8vo, R e fe re n ce B i­ ble, self-p ron ou n cin g , F ren ch M o ro c ­ co, divinity circu it, red un der gold edge. Size 8 % x 5 % . India p ap er. $ 7 .8 0 N -6 5 X — -Brevier 16mo, R e feren ce Bible, F ren ch M o ro c c o , divin ity circuit, red un der g old edge. Size 7 ¡4 x 5 . India p a p er ................— ..........................$ 6 .7 0 N -7 0 X — B revier 16m o, R e feren ce Bible, F ren ch L evant, divinity circu it, red under g old edge, leather lined. Size 7 * 4 x 5 . India p a p e r........................$ 8 .3 5 N -7 3 X — B revier 16m o, R eferen ce Bible, P ersian M o ro c c o , divinity circu it, red un der g old edge, leather lined to edge, silk sew ed. Size 7 * 4 x 5 . India p a p er ............... $ 1 0 .5 5 L -7 3 X — G enuine M o ro cco , divinity circuit, red un der g old edge, leather lined, silk sew ed, Jasper type, referen ce. Size 6 % x 4 J 4 *.....................................$ 8 .9 0 F -1 0 5 X — F ren ch M o ro cco , divinity c ir ­ cuit, red un der g old edge, c o n c o r d ­ ance, Am eth yst, India p ap er. Size 5 ^ 4 x 3 % $ 4 .8 5 M - 1 14 X — R e feren ce C o n co rd a n ce , U n ­ break a ble bin din g, self-p ron ou n cin g , m inion b la ck fa ce type. India p ap er. $ 10.00 14 12 X — E gyptian M o ro c c o , divinity c ir ­ cuit, head bands and m arker, round corn ers, red un der g old edge, self- p ron ou n cin g , India p ap er. Size 4 % x 6 * 4 ............1...........U.................. $ 5 .1 0 I4 3 0 X F — F ren ch M o ro cco , divinity c ir ­ cuit, lined w ith leather, head bands and m arker, rou n d corn ers, red u n ­ der g old edges, India p ap er, bu tton flap. Size 4 % x 6 * 4 ........................ $ 6 .9 0 18 12 X — E gyptian M o ro c c o , divinity c ir ­ cuit, head bands and m arker, round corn ers, red un der g old edge, India p ap er. Size 5 * 4 x 7 % , m aps and map index __ .......... .......... .......................$ 9 .0 0 Postpaid to any address upon receipt of price. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D. BIBLE INSTITUTE B I O L A B O O K R O O M Los Angeles, California

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Enrollments Are Coming Thick Fast

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$ 2

Our newcorrespond­ ence course for Bible beginners is evident­ ly just what people

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have been wanting. Tilt is not complicated.

flit gives you some of the most essential doctrines of the Bible in simple form. flit permits the student to do his own thinking. flit leads you direct to the pure stream of the Word of God. flThe fact that the student has to formhis own conclu­ sions and write them out, makes the studies doubly fascinating. With full privileges of our Correspondence H* School, the price, in- ^ eluding all study ma­ terial is only ......... T H I N K OF ITi 2 Enroll any time with Bible Institute o f Los Angeles 536-558 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.


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