New Light Child and Family

New Light Child & Family Institute was founded in 2007 as a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Corporation. Licensed with the State of Michigan as a Child Placing and Adoption Agency, NLCFI holds a contract with the State of Michigan Department of Human Services to provide general foster care and adoption services to children and families from many counties within the mid-Michigan area. A founding principle of the organization is the concept that foster parents are an integral part of the treatment team. This value informs and encourages a team centered approach that emphasizes communication and collaboration in order to best meet the needs of children throughout the effort to bring them permanency. This philosophy makes NLCFI uniquely different from many other agencies in terms of accessibility of staff at all levels and the commitment to providing optimal service and support to children, foster parents and other members of the treatment team. We would like to thank all of our past and present Board Members for your gifts of time and experience. ​R. JAMES COBB - Board Chairman - Consumers Power BRENDA S. MAY - Board Vice-Chair - Clio School District TRACI WHEATON - Trustee - General Motors GREG STANISLAWSKI - Trustee - Fishers Care Facility JODY DEAN - Millington Chamber of Commerce JASON BITZER - Biddinger, Bitzer, Estelle & Rastigue, PLLC LYNETTE SALISBURY - Trustee/Foster Parent Representative

New Light is funded in part by State and local funds.

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