
4C — December 9 - 22, 2016 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


P ennsylvania Commercial real estate’s global standard for professional achievement PA/NJ/DE CCIM Chapter honors new &&,0 designees

T he PA/NJ/DE CCIM Chapter has recognized six chapter members who recently earned the Certi- fied Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation, the global standard for profes- sional achievement, from the CCIM Institute. The following PA/NJ/DE CCIM Chapter members were among 201 industry profession- als who earned the CCIM des- ignation during the organiza- tion’s 2016 Annual Governance Meetings: • Brian Davison, CCIM – High Associates, Lancaster

career,” said 2016 CCIM In- stitute president Steven W. Moreira, CCIM . “I am hon- ored to welcome this new group of designees into our esteemed network of CCIM real estate professionals that are consis- tently sought out globally for their competence, work ethic, and analysis expertise.” To earn the CCIM designa- tion, commercial real estate professionals must complete more than 160 hours of case- study driven education cover- ing topics such as interest- based negotiation, financial analysis, market analysis, user decision analysis, investment analysis, and ethics in commer- cial investment real estate. n PernaFrederick arranges three Center City space agreements PHILADELPHIA, PA — PernaFrederick Commer- cial Real Estate has repre- sented three tenants in the lease of 15,913 s/f of center city office space having an ag- gregate value of $1.5 million. Matt Frederick , a prin- cipal of PernaFrederick, and Joe Viturello a VP, negoti- ated the long-term lease agree- ments that involve a renewal at 1600 Market St., a move to Archworks, 117-125 North 8th St., and a relocation to 230 South Broad St. Maxercise is moving from 707 Chestnut St. to 6,100 s/f on the sixth floor of Arch- works. Frederick and Viturello were the sole brokers who arranged the lease with Arch- works Philadelphia, LLC, the real estate investment corpo- ration that owns the building. Edelstein Law, LLP, has relocated to 5,057 s/f on the ninth floor of 230 South Broad St. The lease was co-brokered by Eric Muller and Brian Hitchings of SSH Real Es- tate who represented 230 South Broad, L.P., the build- ing owner. At 1600 Market St., Per- naFrederick represented the law firm of Ryan, Brown, Berger and Gibbons, PC, in the extension of an existing lease for some 4,753 s/f. Shane Funston , a broker with the NAI Geis Realty Group , cooperated with Per- naFrederick and represented Hub Properties Trust , the building owner. n

• Robert Eshelman, CCIM – Lieberman Early and Com- pany, Wayne • Riley Hal- loran, CCIM – U.S. Realty Capital LLC, Conshohocken • Jeff Kurtz, CCIM - High Associates, Lancaster • Tra- vis Mitchell, CCIM - Bayer Corporation, Pittsburgh • Martin Perry, CCIM - New- mark Grubb Knight Frank, Pittsburgh “Through hard work and determination, each designee dedicated themselves to achieve the CCIM designation, which will pay off throughout their entire commercial real estate

Shown from left: Eric Gorman, CCIM; Jeff Kurtz, CCIM; Craig Fernsler, CCIM; Robert Eshelman, CCIM; Jeffrey Hoffman, CCIM; Michele Countis, CCIM


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