thing about it. This would be one way the church could provide a prac tical means of implementing their concern. However, the classes should be advertised as “ non-sectarian,” and there should not be talk in the class about “ our church.” After a person in the class accepts Christ as Sav iour, a part of the follow-up program will be to urge him to unite with a good Bible-teaching church. When he asks which one to attend, he will most likely go to the one you recom mend! Thus it becomes an excellent means of building a local church with new converts and adding fresh spiritual enthusiasm to the church. Q. Are there any dangers to avoid in the observance of special days? A. Yes! Sometimes in emphasizing too many special days, the observ ance becomes quite ordinary and common. These special programs should be held only at special times, and then they will be special! Plan ning a quarter ahead will keep the problem from developing. It will also help in seeing that the regular cur riculum presentation is not inter rupted too often and thus hindered in its impact. Q. How can we make our Workers’ Conferences worthwhile? A. A consultant for Scripture Press gives this formula for a successful Workers’ Conference: 1. INITIATE with fellowship (a meal), or perhaps conclude with des sert and coffee. 2. INSPIRE with worship (a brief, well-prepared, pertinent devotional.) 3. INFORM with facts (reports on your progress in the Lord’s work in Sunday school.) 4. INSTRUCT with practical helps (feature filmstrips, speakers, demon strations, etc.). 5. INVOLVE in departmental groups (give time for planned meet ings by departments). 6. INTEREST with year’s pro gram for Sunday school (keep your goals in view and focus). 7. INTERCEDE w ith earnest prayer (only through God’s leading and the work of the Holy Spirit can lasting work be done). Someone has well said, “ As the Workers’ Conference goes, so goes the Sunday school.” If your Sunday school is not ac complishing what it should, LOOK TO YOUR WORKERS’ CONFER ENCES — make all the improve ments necessary. LOOK TO THE LORD — ask His direction in mak ing every conference worthwhile!
Rev. Rithard DeHaan Teacher Radio Bible Class A N AGED minister was once riding on the back seat of a horse-drawn coach. The driver, a fine-looking young man, frequently swore at his horses. For some time the min ister was silent; at length he asked in a kind voice, “ Will you tell me, my friend, who taught you to swear? Was it your mother?" A tender point was touched. “ My mother? No, Sir! Why, my mother is a praying woman! It would break her heart if she heard me swearing.” In loving words the aged Christian pleaded with the driver to honor not only his mother’s teachings, but also the admonitions of his mother’s God. "Thank you, Sir,” said the young lad, and during the remainder of the journey not another oath was heard. There are many ways of swearing, however, and some who think they never misuse their tongue in this way, are still guilty of com mitting this sin in their heart. Let me illus trate. The father-in-law of an acquaintance
of mine—-who was a rather homespun phi losopher— frequently brought to the attention of his children the fact that their attitude indicated they were actually “ swearing" un derneath. For instance, when anyone slammed the door in anger, this Christian gentleman would exclaim, “ That is nothing less than ‘wooden swearing’!” And he was right! If you hold your tongue, but do some “ practical swearing” like kicking the cat or gritting your teeth, you are committing the same sin in principle. Remember Jesus said, “ Swear not at all!" This day keep your tongue from evil (I Pet. 3:10), but guard your actions as well, lest you be guilty of some form of “ wooden swearing.”
THOT: Swearing is a lazy man's way of trying to be emphatic!
The above selected from the daily devotional guide, OUR DAILY BREAD, as written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE CLASS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations, poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copy is waiting far you—FREE and POSTPAID—and is yours just for the asking.
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