King's Business - 1967-12


T b e c u o s s e s AT

You Money

BROADMAN COMMENTS, 1968 Edward A. McDowell and five other authors

How To Pray

Annual commentary on the International Sunday School Lessons with easy-to-use teaching plan for each lesson. Also contains clearly organized and stimulating exposition of Bible material, realistic application to every­ day living, and visual aid suggestions. Sold separately, $3.25 THE CROSSES AT ZARIN Jean Bell Mosley "A splendid portrayal of a man tom by hatred, suspicion, and revenge and finally touched by the love of God, has deep universal appeal." —Daniel A. Poling Chairman of the board, The Christian Herald This is religious fiction at its best! Zebedee and Salome, parents of James and John are the main characters. A tight-knit family, they are kinsmen to Jesus' family. The action takes place during the time of Jesus' ministry with the climax as the crucifixion. Full of suspense and moving dialogue, this book causes the reader to experience the struggles, doubts, fears, and loves of this "Bible times" family. Sold separately, $4.50 Buy the SPECIAL COMBINATION fo r $6.95

For Missionaries O NE OF THE MARKS o f adult­ hood is the ability to assume responsibility, to follow through what we have begun. Our respon­ sibility to missionaries does not end with their financial support. They need something more that we can give them. A missionary to Japan once said something which revolution­ ized my life. In essence, it was this: “You pray for your mission­ aries and expect God to do mi­ raculous things on their behalf. You expect them to live godly, Spirit-filled lives. You expect them to work in the heat of the battle, looking to God to do mighty things, to change lives, to supply material needs, to defeat the purposes of Satan. “But your missionaries expect these same things from you. Their God is your God, and He wants to be in you what He is in them. Only when you learn how to trust Him for your lives and every need in them will there result ef­ fectual prayer for missionaries.” God does not have two stand­ ards o f living—one for the mis- (Continued on p. 21)

Published by BROADMAN PRESS and available at your favorite book store W E S T E R N S T A T E S P A S T O R S C O N F E R E N C E JANUARY 15-19, 1968 Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center — Mount Hermon, California T h e m e — * “PREACHING IN A REVOLUTION” All Interested Pastors Welcome



• A time of rich personal refreshment. • A time to consider the imperatives of the Gospel ministry for today. AN EMINENTLY PRACTICAL FACULTY Rev. JOHN R. W. STOTT, Anglican Rector of All Souls, Langham Place, London. World- renowned preacher, author, and Honorary Chaplain to Her Majesty the Queen of England. Dr. DAVID HUBBARD, President of Full- Dr. ROBERT MUNGER, Pastor of Uni- er Theological Seminary, Pasadena. versity Presbyterian Church, Seattle. Dr. HORACE “ DIT* FENTON , General Director of Latin American Mission, Pa*tor RAY STEDMAN, Peninsula Bible pioneer with “ evangelism in depth.” Church, Palo Alto, Dean. Cost range for the week: $40.00-$50.00 inclusive. Laymen are urged to see that provision is made for their pastor to attend. RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOWI Wives are welcome as space permits. WRITE: Registrar, Mount Hermon Association, Inc., Mount Hermon, California 95041



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