King's Business - 1967-12

For Christmas -

THE NEW SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE WITH CONCORDANCE / / T J v far the most important, the most carefully con- D structed, and the most helpful reference Bible that we have in the English language." — Moody Monthly Christmas giving holds new excitement this year with these beautiful de luxe editions of T he N ew S cofield R eference B ible — the Bible treasured for more than half a century, now edited for today's reader. Acclaimed by evangelical scholars and students alike, T he N ew S cofield introduces thousands of additional cross references, expanded footnotes, and other im­ proved helps. It retains the theological position of Dr. C. I. Scofield and includes all the well-known Scofield features. Select these de luxe gift editions for personal and family use; for your minister, the student, and the Sunday school teacher. Each edition is unsurpassed in quality, craftsmanship, and design. A choice o f colors, a wide range o f prices Each with Concordance. 1600 pages; 16 pages of New Oxford Bible Maps, with Index. Page size: 5 3/t x 85/s". Moroccoette. 09172. $12.95 French Morocco. B lack , B lue , or R ed . 091 73 x . $19.50 Cowhide. With Family Record. B lack , B lue , or R ed . 091 78 x . $23.75 Genuine Morocco. B lack , B lue , or R ed . 09179 x . $27.50 x indicates Oxford India Paper edition — only 7h " thick. Also in Cloth. Printed jacket, stained top. 09170. $7.25

All editions except Cloth have gold edges and are gift boxed. Thumb indexing available.

At your bookseller OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS New York

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