LESSON (Continued) First we will choose a Christmas tree on which to hang a representa tion of these wonderful gifts. (Place a small tree, either natural or arti ficial, on a table. Print on various colored cards and shapes verses of Scripture showing our riches in Christ. Punch a hole in each, and place a piece of colored ribbon through each so that it can be tied to the tree. Pass these out among the children.) Now let us decorate our tree by tying on these pretty cards. Read the verses on the card aloud before tying on the card so we will all know which gift it represents. For in stance, a blue card may bear the verse John 3:16 telling of the gift of Everlasting Life. What a wonder ful gift this is ! Then a red card may bear the verse Eph. 1 :7, symbolizing the gift of Forgiveness of Sins. It is indeed blessed to know that one’s sins are forgiven. A gray card shaped like an anchor may tell of the gift of Hope, which is an anchor to the soul. This card will have print ed on it Heb. 6:19. Then there will be a gold card telling of the Many Mansions (John 14:1-3), and a white card shaped like a book indi cating that one’s name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Rev. 21:27). What precious gifts these are, each one more valuable than the most costly jewels. And do you real ize, boys and girls, that these gifts are all yours if you have received the greatest Gift of all, the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, and said from your heart, “ Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable G ift ” (II Cor. 9:15). He came on that first Christmas Day so long ago in order that He might go to the Cross of Calvary and there die for each of you that you might enjoy these wonderful gifts. So I will place this large red cross in front of our Christmas tree in order that you might realize that it was by His death on the Cross that you have been made rich. The Christmas tree should remind us of the Cross, for God hung His greatest and best Gift upon a tree, but not a beautiful tinsel-decorated tree such as you have in your homes at this Christmas season, but an old rugged Cross (Gal. 3:13). You may not receive many pres ents at this Chr i s tmas season, wrapped in pretty paper with seals and ribbons. Yet if you have re ceived the Lord Jesus as your Sav iour, you have gifts that will last throughout eternity. D®
Lee TaeYung. Total assets: a name, 2 slippers, 7 shirt. No mother, father or friends. No home. No regular meals. No education. No medical care. No love. No future Nothing—until Compassion and a Compassion sponsor come along.
#248 In Hwan
#227 Hui Suk
#103 Yang Kyoo #263 Kyung Ah #187 Sun Ja
#144 Soon Rye
GIVES THEM A FUTURE! Lee Tae Yung represents nearly 22,000 destitute, frightened, homeless little ones who’ve found their way to our 171 Compassion Homes. Here they receive nourishing food, comfortable clothing, a clean place to sleep, medical care, education, Bible training—and above all, Christian love and understanding. From their hearts, Compassion sponsors say, “I care.” Thousands across America have shared their love by sponsoring a destitute little child. For only $10 a month you can choose to invest in the future o f one of these little ones. Your future will be brighter, too, as you share letters, photos and other remembrances. Then you’ll begin to realize how much your sharing has meant to “ your” little boy or girl.
DID YOU KNOW? COMPASSION . . . Cares for nearly 22,000 Korean children. Maintains 171 Homes (includes 11 homes for children of lepers; deaf, dumb, and blind children), supervised by Christian staff and directors. Provides more than 27,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government.
SPONSORS Compassion will send a pair of lovely, colorful Korean Baby Shoes to eacn new sponsor.
Rev. Henry L. Harvey, Pres. □ Yes, with God's help, I want to sponsor a child for $10.00 a month. I enclose support for □ first month □ one year. I understand I may discontinue at any time. My choice is Number________ . If this child has been chosen, please send case history and photo of child you select for me as soon as possible. I prefer □ boy □ girl, approx imately _____years of age. □ Please select a child for me and send particulars at once. □ Please send folder, “Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans." □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $____________ enclosed.
Rev. Everett F. Swanson, Founder Interdenominational, Gov.-approved Non-profit Corporation— Est. 1952 Dept. K127 7774 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Compassion of Canada Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario Sponsorship or gifts tax-deductible.
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