flutters with fears, and she hopes that her children at the market place or at the school will be all right. Seeing a fighter plane pass ing by, the white-haired father prays that his son in the battle field will somehow be protected and unharmed. But the hearts breaking scene that people seldom witness is the sudden death of some loved one in some family. My uncle had two grandsons: one went into the South Vietnamese army and the other was forced to go with the communists. Last year the one in the army was killed on the battlefield; several months later, the o th er one was also killed by a deadly shot from a soldier in a night ambush. Unfor tunately, this very soldier was his cousin. Besides these fears and sor rows, many peop le have lost e v e ry th in g they owned. They came to the new resettlement with Atlanta, Georgia 30301 Combining evangelism and relief to Hebrew Christians and refugees in Europe, Israel, Asia, Africa, and South America, with a strong witness in America. 37 missionaries on all continents. Write for free copy of magazine, The Everlasting Nation. Jacob Gartenhaus, D.D., Pres., Robert G. Lee, D.D., Chairman Advisory Board. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, INC. P.O. Box 1256
their hands empty; all they had was burned up or taken away. What did they have to eat? To wear? To feed their children? Where would their families live during the rainy season? Those were unanswerable questions. To many young people it seemed that there was no hope for the future. So they gave themselves over to all kinds of sin saying, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” How hopeless they are! For the Christians, the situa tion is not the same. To escape from those sufferings, fears, and sorrows they do nothing but trust in the Lord God and in Him only. He is a mighty fortress, an im movable refuge for them. He is a living God, a God o f love and faithfulness. When His children take refuge in Him and trust in Him, He always protects them. Is there starvation? He is the God who supplies all their need “ ac- A unique worldwide evangelistic ministry It meets the physical and spiritual needs of the nationals, and missionaries too, by providing modern dental care and a sound Bible teaching ministry from the heart of the jungles to populated cities through Dental Evangelism Team programs. Films and literature available. THE MISSIONARY DENTIST, INC. Box 7002, Seattle, Washington 98133 The Missionary Literature Foundation pro vides evangelical missionaries with devo tional literature for their personal and family use. It also provides contacts useful in meeting the emergency needs of mission aries returned from the fields. MISSIONARY LITERATURE FOUNDATION Box 374 Burbank, Calif. 91503 NEW TRIBES M ISSION Woodworth, Wisconsin 1942-1957 — 25 years of tribal work • Reducing unwritten languages • Evangelism and Literacy • Scripture translation • Many indigenous churches functioning Please write for literature (158th year) Rev. Youngve R. Kindberg, General' Secretaiy An evangelical missionary organization, distri buting the Scriptures in over 70 languages about the harbor and within the City of New York; Marine. Immigration, Foreign, Jewish, Negro; Hotels, Hospitals, Blind, Scripture texts in subways. NORTH AMERICA INDIAN MISSION Formerly Marine Medical Mission, Inc., this interdenominational faith mission has evan gelized native Indians of Pacific Northwest since 1949 through resident missionaries, DVBS, summer camping, and itinerant coastal villages. Worked in 24 Indian com munities in 1966. Write for free publication. William W. Lottis, Director 2205 Fir Street, Dept. K, Vancouver 9, B.C. PRACTICAL ASSISTANCE TO EVANGELICAL MISSIONARIES NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY 5 East 48th Street New York, N.Y. 10017
or wounded. Cemeteries had to be enlarged. More h o sp ita ls were built to lessen the sufferings of the unfortunate people. Orphan ages and new resettlements were needed in many areas to receive the fatherless and h om e less. Where war is, there is no love, no pity — only hate and venge ance. A word or an act against such brutality can result in death or punishment. The families and relatives of soldiers may get into trouble at any time. What a trou bled situation this is ! Because o f such conditions, peo ple in Viet-Nam live in constant fear and sorrow. There is no safe place; nobody knows what will happen at the next hour. People may be killed or wounded while they are at the shopping center or waiting for the bus, riding along the highway or sleeping at home. Hearing an explosion some where, the old mother’s h ea rt EVANGELICAL M ISSIONARY ACTION W orldwide witnessing w ith tracts and music. Reaching students at home and abroad. Please pray and help today. For Free sample tracts, w rite: REV. WILLIAM SWAAN RUSKIH, British Columbia, Canada Serving: fields of great need in Bolivia, Bra zil, Colombia, and Patagonia. A faith work for 55 years. Send for free magazine and information. 78 W. Hudson Ave. 132 High Park Ave. Englewood, NJ. 07631. Toronto 9, Ont., Can. Member I.F.M.A. HOME OF ONESIPHORUS Completed fifty years of evangelical faith mission work in 1966. Rescues and trains orphans and refugee children in Hong Kong, Lebanon, Jordan. Full time missionary staff in each home. Ask for FREE copies of the Harvester —includes stories of outstanding Chinese and Arab Christians. Personal rep resentative available. George E. Hedberg, President Dept. 11, 3939 N. Hamlin, Chicago, III. 60618 THE INDEPENDENT BOARD FOR PRESBYTERIAN FOREIGN MISSIONS Having no connection with any denomination. Holding the Westminster Confession as a subordinate standard to the Word of God, which is our "only infallible rule of faith and practice." Biblical evangelism, teaching and medical ministries. Working in 14 countries. Write for Magazine BIBLICAL MISSIONS, 246 West Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 19144. INDO -BURMA PIONEER M ISSION Rochunga Pudaite, Executive Director P.O. Box 805 Wheaton, Illinois 60137 Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through National Missionaries in India and Burma. EVANGELICAL UNION OF SOUTH AM ER ICA
Since 1943, supporting leprosy work in four fields: Philippines, Africa, Bolivia and India. Treats leprosy patients, cares for chil dren of leprosy parents, rehabilitates former leprosy patients, preaches the Gospel and provides White Cross supplies. Write tor FREE copies of GLOBAL MISSIONS and News-
Prayer Letter. P.O. Box 8164
Portland, Oregon 97207
MEXICAN INDIAN MISSION, INC. Dr. John T. Dale, Director Establishing the Church among the Indians of rural Mexico by evangelism, Bible corres pondence courses, laymen’s institutes, child evangelism, medical evangelism. Now work ing in six tribes. Needed — more mission aries; prayer partners to form prayer bands. W rite for information and magazine 6018 Drexel Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 19131 MILLION TESTAMENTS CAMPAIGN, INC. Mrs. George T. B. Davis, Director Jews being saved in many lands through our Prophecy New Testaments in many lan guages. Our Hebrew Testaments reaching many Jews in the land of Israel. You can help by your prayers and gifts. News Bul letin and Prayer Card free upon request. 1505 Race Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19102
Providing highways in the sky end bush radio telephone servioe for your M issionaries in the rural and forward areas of the lits lo n fie ld . Writa For: Informative literatu re Challenging sound-color film s 0 1ft annuity information Box 32, Fullerton. C e lifo rn it 92632
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