white round about the villages. They withdrew and asked people in other villages about these strange soldiers they had never seen before. Nobody except the Christians knew the answer. Praise the Lord for taking care of His children. How about temp tations? There are many more temptations in these days than before, but God “ is able to keep his children from falling” (Jude 2 4 ). By His Holy Spirit and through the ministries o f His faithful servants, He delivers His children from the “ snare o f the fowler” (Psa. 9 1 :3 ). Some people may ask if it is true that all the Christians are always protected and kept safe. O f course not, but only those that dwell “ in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow o f the Almighty” (Psa. 9 1 :1 ). Under His wings we shall not be afraid of anything. What if we die? W e will be in His pres- ence where there is “ fulness of joy .” DÜ ■ ■ C L C H C L C H C L C M C L C ^ ^ j
the dearest Father, who never leaves His children alone. His Holy Spirit and His words com fort them day and night. I know many Christians who have suf fered much, and yet they have smiling faces. God is so good, is He not? Are there enemies? God “ gives his angels charge over his children” (Psa. 9 1 :1 1 ), and “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them” (Psa. 3 4 :7 ). Is it not wonderful! There were two villages in the Dalat area of Viet-Nam where I worked which the enemy wanted to attack; but when the enemy came at night, they were terri fied by seeing many soldiers in SPANISH WORLD GOSPEL BROADCASTING, INC. Box 335, Winona Lake, Indiana 46590 : Multiply your missionary efforts. Proclaim | I the Gospel by Christian literature and mis- | I sionary radio broadcasts to the Spanish ¡' I speaking world, now while the door is open s and the people respond to the message. We | a are receiving hundreds of written testimonies | I of conversions and requests for the Word f of God. SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION An evangelical partnership of God’s people, devoted to the preaching of the gospel and the establishment of the church. Fields : Liberia, Ghana, Dahomey, Upper Volta, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Aden, Lebanon. D r . R aymond J. D avis , General Director 164 W. 74th Street,'New York, N.Y. 10023 or — 406 Huron Street, Toronto 6, Canada UNITED WORLD MISSION Interdenominational in fellowship • Unde nominational in emphasis • Member mission —E.F.M.A. • Currently sponsoring mission aries in 17 countries world-wide. President. D r . S idney C orrell Mailing address: Box 8000, St. Petersburg, Florida 33738 W OM A N 'S UN ION M ISSIONARY SOCIETY OF AM ER ICA 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10010 Our Fields: INDIA, JAPAN, & PAKISTAN. Organized in I860—Undenominational, Fun damental, Evangelistic. Urgent need for Women Doctors, Technicians, Teachers and Nurses. Write for further information. WORLD VISION INT'L. Engaging in evangelistic outreach, Christian leadership development, emergency aid, mis sionary challenge and social welfare services in the name of Christ — assisting orphans, widows and lepers, as well as providing medi cal ministry, relief and other humanitarian assistance. World Vision International Box 0, Pasadena, California 91109 “Would that this Book were in every language.” M a r t i n L u t h e r WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS, Inc. P.O. Box 1960 Santa Ana, California 92702
cording to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4 :1 9 ). In 1944, in a terrible fam in e in North Viet-Nam , two million peo ple died from lack o f food. Among that large number there were none of the Christians. Through out many years God has always provided and supplied all the need of His children. Praise Him for ever! Is there sickness? God is the Great P h y sic ian , and “Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Heb. 1 3 :8 ) . He heals His children from all diseases. He casts out the devil. He raises the dead as He did when He was on earth. It is not strange at all. Are there sorrows? God is An open door to preach' to our Canadian Indians . . . but the laborers are few. Information sent on request. 58 - 18th Street, East Prince Albert, Saskatchewan O M S Interdenominational faith mission _ specializ ing in the establishment of indigenous churches on eleven fields through evangelism, medicine, radio, and teaching ministries. THE ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY Box A Greenwood, Indiana 46142 POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE International Headquarters 49 Honeck St., Englewood, New Jersey 07631 An aggressive missionary movement which combines mass evangelism using modern techniques and large scale Scripture distri bution. Currently conducting intensive cam paigns in Brazil, Viet Nam, Japan, Spain and France. THE SCOTT M ISSION A faith work, ministering to the poor with material help, and spiritual sus tenance. Rev. A. Zeidman, M.Th., Director RUSHING TO RUSSIANS andothers with the Gospel. Your pray- ! era and help needed to support Rus- * djflw sian and other Missionaries in Europe, . Alaska, and the Americas, sending G ob - *, pel literature, and broadcasting the i Gospel to Russians. Write For Free« Slavic Gospel News SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Deyneka, General Director. Dept. K 2434 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago, III. 60647 SOUTH AMERICA INDIAN MISSION P.O. Box 769, Lake Worth, Florida 33460 O bjective : T o reach the wild, tribal, primi tive and mixed-blood peoples with God's message of Redemption. Write for free copy of “ Amazon Valley Indian*' containing accounts of God’s mar velous dealings with these people. BOLIVIA BRAZIL COLOMBIA PERU * ' _ *1 i y Z T i JL C f i t NORTHERN CANADA EVANGELICAL MISSION 502 Spadina Avenue Toronto 4, Ontario
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