King's Business - 1967-12

CHRISTMAS PLANNING 'Tis Christmas planning time once more With shopping lists and hustle. We purchase food and gifts galore, The wrapping -papers rustle. Now festive meals and cards and seals, The wreaths to hang, the baking, The tree to decorate— one reels W ith head and body aching. Our Saviour looks down from above— Is this His Birthday greeting? His eyes are sad, but full of love The same as Peter's meeting.

So full of SELF and P LAN S and PRIDE " N o Room" for Him, the Crucified? Just US, OUR HONOR seeking? 'Tis true we give, but is His Name Atop our Christmas listing? And, dining, do. we without shame Give thanks His bounty to acclaim, Not pride, for once, resisting? Our country faces fear, despair, W ith Freedoms fast eroding For Bible Study, Church, and Prayer! And morals, too, corroding! Then look up, child of God, and see His Hand is still controlling! And Christ has promised victory To those with Him enrolling.

When, hand in His, content we'll roam To learn, and love Him dearer. Oh tell to those who've never heard The joys of free salvation A t Calv'ry paid— 'Tis in His Word— • And merits adoration. Yes, CHRISTmas planning time is here. Let's dedicate our giving That God's Good News, both far and near, May bring Eternal Living. Then let us mighty anthems raise, Tell forth the gospel story, And give ourselves, our gifts, our praise. To Him be all the glory! — Grace Concklin Lofton

Have we, like Peter, Him denied? (That is, in manner speaking)

The beauty of our Heav'nly Home Approaches ever nearer—

Won’t you please help us? Where do you go when your home and village have been de­ stroyed? Who will care for you when your parents, relatives and friends are killed? What can you do when everything you’ve held onto suddenly disappears?

Thousands of children in Vietnam are faced with these ques­ tions. Many huddle in refugee centers, frightened, hungry, ach­ ing with need. Too terror-stricken to. ask for help. Separated from their loved ones. Suddenly, awfully alone. Your sponsorship of one such needy child will keep him secure for as long as you wish against loneliness, deprivation and want. Through World Vision Childcare, you can help provide more meals, more needed items for children who lack so much. World Vision Childcare is gathering up these children to shelter, feed and teach them. In cooperation with evangelical churches in Vietnam, World Vision has helped establish 35 Christian Day Schools. Here needy children are given protective care, food, medical attention and elementary schooling. Gentle Christian workers are gradually instilling love in their hearts in place of fear. They’re teaching these little ones to know and love Jesus. As a sponsor, you’ll receive a photo and brief history of your little protege. You can exchange letters, snapshots, little gifts. You can praise his efforts, encourage and inspire him, strengthen him in times of testing. It costs so little to wrap a needy child in the warmth of your love. Fill out the coupon; send it in today.


Dear Dr. Pierce: □ I would like to sponsors boy. per month. Enclosed is $ ______ □ I would like to contribute $__ Childcare.


_at $10*

-month (s). _to the work of World Vision

□ I’m interested. Please send more information. NAME (please print) ...................................... ADDRESS .................................................. CITY......................................................... STATE .................................................. zip code ORGANIZATION (if any) .......................................... *$11 in Canada Write to: WORLD VISION INTERNATIONAL Dr. Bob Pierce, President, Box O, Pasadena, Calif. 91109 or WORLD VISION OF CANADA, Box 181-K, Toronto 12, Ont.

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WORLD VISION CHILDCARE A department of World Vision International



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