Suddenly, the twisted little tree heard a small boy say, “Mother, may I stay here with the Christ mas trees while you do your er rands? They smell just as our home in the hills used to smell. I’ll stay here at the back of the lot and not get in the way.” As th e little boy’s mother looked questioningly at the men, they moved over on the bench and welcomed the little boy with a smile. The twisted little tree no ticed that the little boy was also twisted and that he was walking on crutches. Soon the rush began again. People chatted happily and went busily on their ways. The twisted little tree and the twisted little boy sat side by side like old friends. Time passed quickly and the sun shone warm and friendly on the busy scene. Soon the boy’s mother returned. “W ill we have a Christmas tree as we did last year when Daddy was here?” the little boy asked wistfully. “W e still have all the trimmings.” His mother looked anxiously and sadly in her purse. A salesman nearby came over to her. “Could you use this little twisted tree?” he asked. “ I f so, you are welcome to take it.” “ Oh thank you, s ir !” the boy answered eagerly. “You see I’m twisted too and Mother loves me just the same. And God loves me, too; doesn’t He, Mother? I ’d love the little twisted tree!” The mother sadly smiled her approval. That evening, a happy, twisted little Christmas tree stood as straight and tall as he could, in a cozy, firelit room. He was shin ing with tinsel, silver bells and a radiant Christmas star. How he wished the birds and chipmunks and all of his forest friends could see him now, his patience rewarded and his heart full of happiness to know that he, a twisted little tree, could give so much happiness to a little twisted boy and his mother at Christmas as they remembered its true meaning: “For unto you is bom a Saviour . . . Christ the Lord.” DU
How will they hear UNLESS SOMEONE IS SENT! Arctic Missions has pioneered in per son-to-person evangelism in ALASKA since 1951. It has “sent” 57 mission aries to present Christ in 20 centers through Bible Conferences, Gospel team evangelism, Vacation Bible Schools and camps, a Christian High School and a native Bible Institute. Sound-Color Film Gives Details A 16 mm. sound-color film available on offering basis tells the wonderful story of this work of God in Alaska. For details, Arctic News, and litera ture mail coupon.
Another record attendance of 69,530 at the Sao Paulo, Brazil meetings of the P T L campaign of Scripture distribution and Evangelism. 80,000 gospels were distributed and 3,660 adults enrolled in Correspondence Course. Goal for Brazil 4,000,000 Gospels. Your prayerful cooperation is urgently needed to reach South America fo r Christ. J. Edward Smith, International Director Alfred A. Kunz, International Director Emeritus POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE 49 Honeck Street Englewood, New Jersey 07631 Canada: 74 Crescent Road Toronto 5, Ontario W A N T E D ! ! Used cars for use by Missionaries on furlough. In donating your used car for this worthwhile purpose, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt for top re tail value. Write: ASSISTANCE IN M ISSIONS, Inc. Box 3232, Glendale, Calif.
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THE KING’S BUSINESS a perfect gift for friends
REWARD A beautiful P IL G R IM ’S M A P O F T H E H O L Y L A N D , showing the journeys and deeds of our Lord with id e n tifyin g S crip tu re references, produced in The Carpenter’s W o rk shops of Nazareth. In full color, size 19" x 27". A collector’s item. YOUR PART A contribution to assist in reaching the more than 2 million Jews in metropol itan New ¥orle with the Gospel. A CHRISTIAN WITNESS FOR 70 YEARS N ew Y ork G ospel M ission to the J ews Sev. David J. Font, Litt.D., President Ruth Angel, General Director Dept. C 149 Avenue B New York, N.Y. 10009
American Indian children from many tribes that are “ unloved” — “unwanted” need your h e l p . Please give where it’s needed most. AMERICAN INDIAN MISSION SOCIETY Box 5215 Million Hills, Calif. 91340
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