King's Business - 1967-12


CULTS CRITIQUE A reader asks : “ I have been told that a former student of Mrs. Eddy, founder of Christian Science, in her early days sued her because of some preposterous claims she could not make good. What were they and where can I find the account? Who won the case?” Mrs. Eddy’s life was filled with lawsuits but I believe the one to which you are referring is the one brought by Wallace Wright, son of a Universalist minister of Lynn, Mass, which made headlines in the Lynn Transcript, Feb., 1872. Wright had taken Mrs. Glover’s (as she was then) course in mind healing, and when he had no success with his cures, he demanded a refund of his tuition. Mrs. Glover refused, and so he sued, demanding that she give proof of claims she had made. The bill of particulars included: 1. To restore the dead to life again as she claims she can. 2. To walk upon the water without the aid of artificial means as she claims she can. 3. To live 24 hours without air, or 24 days without nourishment of any kind without its having any effect upon her. 4. To restore sight when the optic nerve has been destroyed. 5. To set and heal a broken bone without artificial means. Needless to say, Mrs. Glover lost the case. This is described in the well-documented biography of Mrs. Eddy by Edwin Franden Dakin, pp. 88-89 (now out of prin t); as is also the following: In 1879, Mrs. Glover sued two other students, Tuttle and Stanley, for unpaid tuition. Tuttle testified in court that Mrs. Glover not only said she could walk on the water, but that there were no such things as lungs and liver and that she could live without eating. He challenged her to fast with him to see who could hold out longer! The Judge’s decision in the Essex (Mass.) County Court read as fol­ lows: “Upon careful examination I do not find any instructions given by her nor any explanations of her ‘sci­ ence’ or ‘method of healing’ which appear intelligible to ordinary com­ prehension, or which could in any way be of value in fitting the defen­ dant as a competent and successful practitioner of any intelligible art or method of healing the sick, and I am of the opinion that the consid­ eration for the agreement (payment of tuition) has wholly failed and so I find.” She lost again! DECEMBER, 1967

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