Over f i 6
trim s such as nuts and chocolate suc cumb quickly to hot climate. C O N T A I N E R S — T in s and sturdy cardboard boxes are good choices, of course. B u t p re tty coffee cans, plastic sewing boxes, colorful paper g ift-w ra p sacks, and baskets are all interesting containers fo r g ift cookies and candies. P A C K IN G — L a y e r cookies and candies in container one la ye r at a time. F ill in spaces between w ith crum bled paper or popcorn. Shake to pack. Separate layers w ith a piece of cardboard cut to ju s t fit inside container o r box. S E N D IN G — Pack containers carefully in stu rdy boxes, w ith p lenty of padding. T ie securely and label the packages clearly. H a ve the post office stam p the packages “ Perishable.” SWEDISH FRUIT SOUP Start a tradition for loved ones with this delicious holiday dessert. Or for a hostess gift, present recipe and ingredients in a lovely Scandinavian bowl— 1 11-ounce package (1 3/4 cups) mixed dried fruits % cup light raisins 3 to 4 inches stick cinnamon 4 cups water 1 medium orange, unpared, cut in y4-inch slices 1 i-pint 2-ounce can (2*/4 cups) unsweet ened pineapple juice Vi cup currant jelly % cup sugar 2 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca % teaspoon salt Combine mixed dried fruits, raisins, cin namon, and water. Bring to boiling, then simmer uncovered till fruits are tender, about 30 minutes. Add remaining ingredients. Bring to boil ing; cover and cook over low heat 15 min utes longer, stirring occasionally. Serve warm or chilled. Makes 8 to 10 servings. Better Homes & Gardens
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“m* * hat do you want fo r Christm as, V V Honey?” each ye a r I hopefully ask D ick, m y husband. “ O h, I don’t need anything, D ear,” comes back his old, tire d answer. N o w , I know he w ill get socks, shorts and shirts and all that, bu t I w a nt to get him something special, something great, something he’ll be thrilled about, bu t no, “ I don’t need a nything” is al w ays his answer. Th e n I fuss, fum e and spend hours thinking, and once in awhile I ’ve come up w ith a real w in n e r (lik e his b irth - stone rin g o r the Rolland Cole painting one ye a r) but b u yin g m y husband a Christm as present is alw ays challeng ing, to say the least. I t ’s not tha t we have an excess of money or that he really has everything, b u t more tha t he feels v e ry secure in everything God has already given him. H e is a ha rd m an to b u y fo r and I praise God fo r this unique problem. A b o ut eight years ago, I gave Dick the only real present I ’ll ever be able to give. I t was shortly a fter we had both come to: 1 ) T h e end of our m arriage 2 ) O u r conversion to C h rist 3 ) Th e beginning of a real C hrist- centered m arriage. W e had begun to discover the livin g C h rist and as the discovery began to fa ll fu ll upon us, we began re gu larly attending church, t e a c h in g Sunday school, tith in g and of course, reading the Bible and p ra yin g together. In m y personal devotions, I kept coming across the words of P aul, “ Th e husband is the head of the home and I kept thin k in g . . . “ O h, this is fine fo r someone else, bu t not me. I ’m too outspoken, too domineering, to make D ick the head. I should make some of the decisions.” B u t the thought of Dick as the head of the home began to ab sorb m y thoughts. F in a lly I felt if I purchased some of the new translations, they w ould be more tolerant, more lib eral, and certainly more watered-down. I bought them all and read Ephesians 5 in all of them, and to m y h o rro r, I found they were m uch clearer on the husband’s position in the home, and furtherm ore, they added such words as W I L L I N G L Y O B E Y , L O V I N G L Y , R E S P E C T F U L , H O N O R IN G , etc. I t was too m uch to resist, and so a fte r months of reading and heart-searching, I w ent to D ick one n igh t and said, “ D ick, I personally hate to adm it this, b u t ac cording to m y reading, I ’m going to have to make you the president of Th e L a n d o rf Corporation.” I waited fo r the “ A h a ! N o w -I-h a v e -y o u -w h e re -I-w a n t- you-slave bit,” bu t instead, guess whom he made vice president? T h a t’s righ t, me! Y o u see, he had been reading fa rthe r on in Ephesians 5 and had come to the 40 —obey yo u r husband”
by Joyce Landorf
words, “ A m an m ust love his w ife as his own self.” H e had taken seriously the vows of being a C hristia n husband and father, and in his devotional time had discovered he w as to be even the high priest of o ur home. H e had taken the responsibility on w ith great love. M y friend, Gordon M cLean, who has worked w ith hundreds of juvenile de linquents, said, “ Th e re is one thread of continuity ru n n in g thro ugh these boys; it seems to be the only thing tha t’s that?” I asked. “ W hether the boys are fro m high, middle o r low income families, they usually have a m other w ho is b y choice o r b y default, the head of the home.” E ith e r the fa the r is not w illin g to take this responsibility or he is too busy m aking the liv in g to accept it and as a result, the fa m ily breaks down and these boys are the products. I f you re a lly w a nt to give yo u r hus band the most beautiful g ift in the w orld, you can do it b y givin g, in great love, the headship of yo u r heart and home. A s k God to speak to yo u r own heart as you read Ephesians fro m all the translations. I t m a y mean fo rg ivin g yo u r husband fo r something done years ago; it m a y mean asking his forgive ness fo r being so critical and quick to judge, but it w ill mean the beginning of God’s plan fo r yo u r happiness in m arriage. M A IL IN G H INTS FOR CHR ISTMAS T o someone a w ay fro m home, no g ift is m ore appreciated than a box of homemade cookies — provided they a r rive whole and still delicious. Be sure tha t yours w ill a rrive w ith almost- fresh-from -the-oven goodness. T Y P E S — Choose fa irly moist, non- fra gile cookies such as fruit-filled drop or b a r cookies, brownies, etc. A void sticky frostings, and remember that r e a l l y consistent.” “ W h a t’s
JUST FOR TODAY Christmas joy is everywhere I simply have to sing! My heart is lull of praise lor Him Who came to be our King! O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. Psalm 95:6
M Y CH ILD SA ID THAT? K atie, age fo ur, had been peacefully eating her dinner when suddenly she began to choke on a piece of meat. A fte r much coughing and struggling, she finally swallowed the meat, then said, “ I thought I killed it the first time, but it came alive again.” A t the age of five, o ur son Butchie, w ent w ith his grandm other to a new church. H e had alw ays attended the B aptist church and this was his first experience in a church of some other denomination. A fte r the sermon the pastor invited all C hristians to come to the a lta r to
Sent by Mrs. Eunice Nethery, San Bernardino , Calif . * * *
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