King's Business - 1967-12

LET GOD BE GOD in your aloneness

We try to reach you by radio every day but Sunday. With a flick of the switch we can come in to remind you that you are never alone, unless you choose to be. Jesus Christ promised: "I, will never leave you nor forsake you." We're more than a broadcast. We're friends in Christ and you don't have to be satisfied with a one way friendship with us. Our purpose in broadcasting is to help you learn how to let God abundantly fill your aloneness. You can sing with us and write us. And we'll not only answer your letter, but we'll pray specifically with you about your pressing concerns. Write today for our station log and let God come in to your aloneness. Back To The Bible Broadcast Box 233, Lincoln, Nebraska * Box 10, Winnipeg, Manitoba

You shop for groceries, iron sh irts, vacuum floors, chauffeur your children and friends to lessons and luncheons. You are locked away in the confines of a woman's world . . . and personal mean­ ing seems to rush right past your door. In the darkness you lie abed . . . in the dawning you butter toast. And the silent questions swirl about you, "Is this all?" You feel alone with your dissatisfaction, your weariness, your repetition of femi­ nine tasks. You're rarely by yourself. . . but you're often alone, no matter where you go. You're surrounded by a hub-bub of people and sounds, but you remain un­ reached . . . haunted by the whisper in­ side you that somewhere there must be somebody who can love you enough to fill the emptiness.



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