King's Business - 1967-12

A TR IBU T E A s o n e p i c k s u p the newspapers o f today, or reads articles in the various weekly and monthly magazines, there is every reason to become alarmed, frightened or down-right mad with what we dare to say is a righteous indignation at the trend o f the times spiritually, morally, politically, economically, and in almost every way that could be imagined. It appears that any individual who is opposed to these trends feels extremely lonely and is inclined to say to himself, with the prophet Elijah: “ I, even I only, am left.” But as one travels about the country in Bible Conferences and Christian camps, there is the encouraging realization that comes that we have in our beloved land the "seven thousand” who have not bowed the knee to Baal. Because so much is going on in our land for which we must be profoundly ashamed, it is refreshing once in a while to consider the faithful remnant o f God’s people who are standing true to the fundamen­ tals o f the faith, once for all delivered unto the saints, and who are utterly opposed to the headlong downward course o f our American society. In great numbers o f churches scattered across the length and breadth o f our land, God’s W ord is proclaimed and the members still hold to the truths found in the W ord o f God. Hundreds o f other people are true to the faith, but for reasons known to themselves, remain in churches that have in large measure departed from the faith. They are endeavoring to purge the church o f the leaven o f unbelief by staying and fighting from within. Others in previous years made this same noble effort only to fail. As a result they have pulled out, leaving friends, loved ones, years o f toil, sweat, tears, money, and their church home to those who deny the faith and who preach "another gospel” which certainly is not another but a crass perversion o f God’s Word. Perhaps, in time, these too will realize the futility o f staying with "the establishment” and will seek fellowship with those o f like mind, “ without the camp.” Thousands o f outstanding young people may be found in the various Bible Colleges and Christian Colleges, as well as thousands on the campuses o f secular institutes o f higher learning connected with organizations such as Campus Crusade for Christ, Inter­ varsity Christian Fellowship, and other thoroughly Christian groups. They are not found among the beatniks, the "hippies,” the civil righters, and other "way out” groups who are seeking THE KINQ'S BUSINESS


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