King's Business - 1925-01




January 1925

Tke Language of a Lawman on tke Old-Faskioned Religion By Jam es J. Davis, U. S. Secretary of Labor I t is good indeed to have a government official of th e United States sound o u t a clear, clean-cut message in defence of th e Bible and th e fa ith of th e fath ers. The message below was given by Secretary Davis in th e little Welsh B ap tist Church where, as a boy, h e recited his Sunday School lessons. ■ HOLD a deep and abiding faith in the firmness of th e foundation of tru e religion, and I can see b u t little in the fu tu re for those who seek to te a r down th a t foundation. To my m ind tru e science w ith one of th e tim bers which has gone into its building. Let him follow th e example of Roger W illiams, who estab­ lished in th is, country the religion which this church rep re­ sents. When he disagreed w ith a m ajority of his creed he got out.

and tru e religion can march forw ard hand in hand, and science need no t seek to destroy th a t for which Christmas stands. In these days of many strang e and weird beliefs we m u st hold fast to our faith in God, else neith er indi­ vidual nor nation can endure. I will tak e my religion in the old fashioned way. We are becoming so modern in everything th a t some of us are even try ing to modernize God. I hold no sympathy w ith th e individual, w hether he be clergyman or layman, who, because his lim ited vision will no.t perm it him to believe, seeks to destroy th e beliefs of others. To my m ind th e man who finds himself a t odds w ith th e religious faith he has embraced has bu t one course before him, if he cannot by legitim ate means change the principles of th a t faith. T h at is to abandon th a t creed and to set up a creed of his own. There can be no excuse for th e schismatic who seeks to pu ll down a whole religious stru ctu re because he finds fau lt

I like the old fashioned preacher whose sermon comes from his h ea rt and soul as well as from his mind. H is is no coldly statistical religion, charted by m ental engineers and analyzed by theological chemists. He rests his faith on the Bible, th e g reatest book the world has ever known, and he does not read his Bible hypercritically. The world never needed th e Bible more th a n it does now. The faith th a t lives today will never die. The old fash- ioned religion, w ith its belief in God, is strong er now, despite all attacks, th an it has been a t any tim e in th e two thousand years since the mother of th e newborn Christ w rapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a man­ ger. The sp irit th a t came from the little stab le in Bethle­ hem has enveloped th e whole world. Those who oppose it may well beware, for, in th e words of Paul, “ Be no t deceived; God is not mocked.”

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Titles are Sometimes Misleading The following p ertin en t and tim ely comment is from th e pen of Mr. W . A. IJisher, th e able associate of Mr. A lbert H averm ale in th e m anagem ent of B iola P ress, and largely responsible fo r" ih e p rin ting of The K ing’s Business.. We are glad to give it to our read ers th a t they may know th a t Mr. F ish er is n o t only an expert along pub­ lishing lines, b u t competent to p resen t S cripture tr u th in clear and concise term s as well. (T. C. H .) 0 T would seem th a t th e title “D. D.” m ight be in ter­ preted in many cases today as standing for “Dam­ nable Deceiver.” This may appear to some as being ra th e r strong language, bu t it surely is ju s­ tified in view of th e prophetic utteran ce of 2 P eter 2:1. (m arginal rendering) for th eir sin.” And in verse 24: “ If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin; bu t now have th ey both seen and hated both me and my F a th e r.”

We have a sincere purpose to “ live peaceably w ith all men” , in accordance w ith P au l’s injunction to the Romans in chapter 12, verse 18, “ if it be possible.” But we are rem inded of the grave responsibility resting upon the chil­ dren of God to “ earnestly contend for th e faith once for all delivered to th e saints. F o r th ere are certain men crept in unawares.—ungodly men— denying th e only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jud e 3,4). And John tells us in his second epistle, verse 8, th a t “Whosoever * * * abideth not in th e doctrine of Christ, h ath not God.” And (verse 11 ), “ he th a t biddeth * * * (such an one) God-speed is p ar­ ta k er of his evil deeds.” How can a child of God do otherw ise th a n denounce those “who have trodden under foot th e son of God, and counted th e blood of th e covenant * * * an unholy th ing ” ? (Hebrews 10 :19 ).

Here the apostle speaks of th e ir denial of “ the Lord th a t bought them ” as th e climax of “ dam nable” heresy in these “ false teachers” , to whom P aul refers in 2 Timothy 3:13 as “ deceiving and being deceived.” A large charity is enjoined upon us by some well-mean­ in g Christians toward those w ith whom we do not see eye to eye. We subm it th a t Christ himself differentiated between those who were igno ran t of the tru th and those who, knowing the tru th , deliberately set themselves to oppose it. He said to th e Pharisees, as recorded in John 9:41: “ If ye were blind, ye should have no sin; bu t now y e say, We see; therefore your sin rem aineth .” And in chapter 15, verse 22: “ If I had not come and spoken unto th em , they had not had sin; bu t now they have no excuse



LOVE’S PURPOSE By F re d Scott Shepard

The Lord of love Came from above To earth, T h at lost mankind In him m ight find New birth.

He died to win F rom power of sin The lost; On him was laid Man’s gu ilt; he paid The cost.

In heaven he lives And pow’r doth give .To all, And grace bestows Freely, to those Who call.

Gracious and good, He ever would Be friend, S trengthen, endue , And guide unto The end.

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