TH E K I N G ’ S
January .1925
P u lp i t N otices - O l d an d N ew Rev. J. E rn e st Jones, A ttleborough, England
the Church parlors for a social evening w ith b rig h t music, coffee and cigar ettes, and happy jollifications. Now, young people, th is is th e place to bring your sweethearts! (4 ) MONDAY: At 3 P. M. the Ladies’ Social Committee will continue th eir noble efforts. We are happy, to repo rt th a t things are well in hand for our g reat Annual Bazaar and Gym khana, when we hope to raise consid erable money. At 7 P. M. th e L iter ary and Debating Society meet, when th e subject for discussion will be “The F resen t Political S ituation.” (5) TUESDAY: A t 7 P. M. our splendid D ramatic Society will present “The Passing of th e Third F loor F la t.” (6) "WEDNESDAY: At 7 P. M. our Social Club will hold ano ther of th e ir adm irably conducted gala nights. There will be a Whist Drive from 7 to I I P . M., and a dance from 11 P. M. to 2 A. M. Tickets, single 2 /6 ; double 4/6. Proceeds to de devoted to Church funds. We wish to dem onstrate to the young people th a t it is th e healthy- m inded Christian who gets th e most out of life. It is for us to carry the Christian sp irit into all our social af filiations, and to tu rn all our recrea tions and amusements into sacra ments. (7) THURSDAY: At 7 P. M. our Young People’s Guild will hold its Annual Devotional Meeting when an address will be delivered by th e P resi dent of th e local S piritualist Church. The Chairman of th e local Communist P arty will preside. (8) FRIDAY: 6 to 7 P. M. Chil d ren ’s Rhythm ical Dancing Class. 7:30 A dult Dancing Class. (9) SATURDAY: At 7 P. M. our popular S aturday night concert, when th e famous Auche-Aue-Daddle Mins tre l Troupe will introduce some of the latest coon songs from the U. S. A. (10) SUNDAY NEXT: I shall preach in the morning on “The Hope of th e World, the League of Nations,” and a t the evening service my subject will be “The Evolution of Man from th e P rim ordial Protoplasm ic Germ.” There will be a special attraction , also, in th e person of Madame Wibblede- Wobble, the famous operatic singer, who has kindly consented to sing for us: “ Every day, in every way, We are getting b etter and b etter.” In conclusion, let me make an earn est appeal to all our friends, who ap preciate our efforts to bring th e world into the church, to help as liberally as possible in th e collection, as we are heavily in debt. As Browning said, “God is in His heaven; all is rig h t w ith the world.”
the Holy Spirit on th e work of the coming Lord’s Day. (10) NEXT LORD’S DAY— God willing, a t th e Morning Service I shall preach on “The Hope of th e Church, th e Coming of th e Lord Jesus Christ,” and a t th e Evening Service, “ Redemp tion by th e Blood of th e Cross.” Immediately afte r next Sunday’s service we shall march straig h t to the Square and hold an open air serv ice| when several of our young converts will give th e ir testimonies. May I earnestly appeal to th e Lord’s people who are not called to take a public p a rt in th e work of the church, to continue steadfastly in prayer and supplication for those of us who are engaged in holding fo rth th e Word of Life? Our Blessed Master said, “Ye shall receive power afte r th a t th e Holy Spirit is come upon you.’’ B rethren, pray for us! The New — ANNOUNCEMENTS By the Rev. Octavius Modern Thinker Pastor of the Church of Progress and Enlightenment (1) This morning, as already an nounced, I shall continue my series of discourses on th e salu tary and bene ficent work of Modern Scholarship, th is tim e w ith special reference to the splendid services accomplished by th è H igher Critics in humanizing the Bible and thus rendering it more acceptable to the superior minds of atheists, ag nostics, U nitarians and other earnest and devout seekers afte r tru th . (2 ) There will be no Sunday School this afternoon, in consequence of th e Socialist dem onstration on the green, in which our Superintendent will tak e a prom inent part. I may also state here th a t we are contem plating closing down of all Sunday afternoon activities of a definitely re ligious character. We will,, instead, hold an early Communion service a t 9:30 A. M. in order th a t our young people may enjoy the best p art of the day in innocent amusements and healthy recreation. Those who p ar ticipate in th is service may come_ in tennis flannels or other sports attire. (3) F o r half an hour before the evening service, th e organist will en te rtain us w ith some selections from “The Beggar’s Opera.” My subject ton igh t is “How to be Always Merry and Bright.!' W ill the young people remember th a t the service lasts for only 45 min utes, afte r which we will rep air to
TheOld— 1864 ANNOUNCEMENTS By the Rev. John G reat Heart, Pastor of Bethel Church (1) This morning X shall ask you to consider w ith me th e teaching of God’s Word regard ing “ the Sin of Un belief.” (2 ) I shall catechise the young people on th e ir knowledge of Scripture a t th e close of th e afternoon service. During th e coming week I shall visit the members of the flock in the North Side district, when I shall tak e occasion to catechise th e children on th e ir knowledge of God’s Holy Word. (3) The usual P rayer Meeting will be held before th is evening’s service. My subject ton igh t is “How a Lost, Guilty Sinner May F ind Peace w ith a J u s t and Holy God.” The regu lar P rayer Meeting will be held afte r th e service, and any friends who are seeking th é Saviour are most affectionately invited to rem ain w ith us. (4) MONDAY: The Dorcas So ciety will meet a t 3 P. M. for its Week ly P rayer Meeting, afte r which they will discuss ways and means for mak ing and sending clothes to th e Armen ian refugees. The Church P ray er Meeting will be held a t 7 P. M. Special intercession is requested for revival and th e salva- tion of sinners. (5 ) TUESDAY: I shall be in the vestry from 5:30 to 7:00 P. M. to see any friends who may be anxious about th e ir souls. May I also asure you th a t I am always ready to see inquirers afte r any service, or a t any other time. The Young People’s Week-night Bible Class will meet a t 7 P. M. and continue th eir study of John ’s Gospel. (6 ) WEDNESDAY: The Mid-week service will be held a t 7 P. M. when I hope to lead you in th e study of God’s Word concerning th e Spirit-filled Life. W ill you pray, dear friends, for a blessing upon this service, especially, for the quickening power of th e Word upon the young people. (7) THURSDAY: The Children’s Gospel Service from 6 to 7 P. M., and th e Young People’s Service from 7 to 8 P. M. When I shall continue my ta lk s to them from P ilgrim ’s Progress, to be followed by th e usual Young People’s P rayer Meeting. (8) FRIDAY: The W o r k e r ’ s P ray er and P reparation Class a t 7 P. M., and th e Monthly Missionary P ray er Meeting a t 8 P. M. (9 ) S A T U R D A Y : Intercessory P rayer Meeting for the outpouring of
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