King's Business - 1925-01


TH E K I N G ’ S


January .1925

P u lp i t N otices - O l d an d N ew Rev. J. E rn e st Jones, A ttleborough, England

the Church parlors for a social evening w ith b rig h t music, coffee and cigar­ ettes, and happy jollifications. Now, young people, th is is th e place to bring your sweethearts! (4 ) MONDAY: At 3 P. M. the Ladies’ Social Committee will continue th eir noble efforts. We are happy, to repo rt th a t things are well in hand for our g reat Annual Bazaar and Gym­ khana, when we hope to raise consid­ erable money. At 7 P. M. th e L iter­ ary and Debating Society meet, when th e subject for discussion will be “The F resen t Political S ituation.” (5) TUESDAY: A t 7 P. M. our splendid D ramatic Society will present “The Passing of th e Third F loor F la t.” (6) "WEDNESDAY: At 7 P. M. our Social Club will hold ano ther of th e ir adm irably conducted gala nights. There will be a Whist Drive from 7 to I I P . M., and a dance from 11 P. M. to 2 A. M. Tickets, single 2 /6 ; double 4/6. Proceeds to de devoted to Church funds. We wish to dem onstrate to the young people th a t it is th e healthy- m inded Christian who gets th e most out of life. It is for us to carry the Christian sp irit into all our social af­ filiations, and to tu rn all our recrea­ tions and amusements into sacra­ ments. (7) THURSDAY: At 7 P. M. our Young People’s Guild will hold its Annual Devotional Meeting when an address will be delivered by th e P resi­ dent of th e local S piritualist Church. The Chairman of th e local Communist P arty will preside. (8) FRIDAY: 6 to 7 P. M. Chil­ d ren ’s Rhythm ical Dancing Class. 7:30 A dult Dancing Class. (9) SATURDAY: At 7 P. M. our popular S aturday night concert, when th e famous Auche-Aue-Daddle Mins­ tre l Troupe will introduce some of the latest coon songs from the U. S. A. (10) SUNDAY NEXT: I shall preach in the morning on “The Hope of th e World, the League of Nations,” and a t the evening service my subject will be “The Evolution of Man from th e P rim ordial Protoplasm ic Germ.” There will be a special attraction , also, in th e person of Madame Wibblede- Wobble, the famous operatic singer, who has kindly consented to sing for us: “ Every day, in every way, We are getting b etter and b etter.” In conclusion, let me make an earn­ est appeal to all our friends, who ap­ preciate our efforts to bring th e world into the church, to help as liberally as possible in th e collection, as we are heavily in debt. As Browning said, “God is in His heaven; all is rig h t w ith the world.”

the Holy Spirit on th e work of the coming Lord’s Day. (10) NEXT LORD’S DAY— God willing, a t th e Morning Service I shall preach on “The Hope of th e Church, th e Coming of th e Lord Jesus Christ,” and a t th e Evening Service, “ Redemp­ tion by th e Blood of th e Cross.” Immediately afte r next Sunday’s service we shall march straig h t to the Square and hold an open air serv ice| when several of our young converts will give th e ir testimonies. May I earnestly appeal to th e Lord’s people who are not called to take a public p a rt in th e work of the church, to continue steadfastly in prayer and supplication for those of us who are engaged in holding fo rth th e Word of Life? Our Blessed Master said, “Ye shall receive power afte r th a t th e Holy Spirit is come upon you.’’ B rethren, pray for us! The New — ANNOUNCEMENTS By the Rev. Octavius Modern Thinker Pastor of the Church of Progress and Enlightenment (1) This morning, as already an ­ nounced, I shall continue my series of discourses on th e salu tary and bene­ ficent work of Modern Scholarship, th is tim e w ith special reference to the splendid services accomplished by th è H igher Critics in humanizing the Bible and thus rendering it more acceptable to the superior minds of atheists, ag­ nostics, U nitarians and other earnest and devout seekers afte r tru th . (2 ) There will be no Sunday School this afternoon, in consequence of th e Socialist dem onstration on the green, in which our Superintendent will tak e a prom inent part. I may also state here th a t we are contem­ plating closing down of all Sunday afternoon activities of a definitely re­ ligious character. We will,, instead, hold an early Communion service a t 9:30 A. M. in order th a t our young people may enjoy the best p art of the day in innocent amusements and healthy recreation. Those who p ar­ ticipate in th is service may come_ in tennis flannels or other sports attire. (3) F o r half an hour before the evening service, th e organist will en­ te rtain us w ith some selections from “The Beggar’s Opera.” My subject ton igh t is “How to be Always Merry and Bright.!' W ill the young people remember th a t the service lasts for only 45 min­ utes, afte r which we will rep air to

TheOld— 1864 ANNOUNCEMENTS By the Rev. John G reat Heart, Pastor of Bethel Church (1) This morning X shall ask you to consider w ith me th e teaching of God’s Word regard ing “ the Sin of Un­ belief.” (2 ) I shall catechise the young people on th e ir knowledge of Scripture a t th e close of th e afternoon service. During th e coming week I shall visit the members of the flock in the North Side district, when I shall tak e occasion to catechise th e children on th e ir knowledge of God’s Holy Word. (3) The usual P rayer Meeting will be held before th is evening’s service. My subject ton igh t is “How a Lost, Guilty Sinner May F ind Peace w ith a J u s t and Holy God.” The regu lar P rayer Meeting will be held afte r th e service, and any friends who are seeking th é Saviour are most affectionately invited to rem ain w ith us. (4) MONDAY: The Dorcas So­ ciety will meet a t 3 P. M. for its Week­ ly P rayer Meeting, afte r which they will discuss ways and means for mak­ ing and sending clothes to th e Armen­ ian refugees. The Church P ray er Meeting will be held a t 7 P. M. Special intercession is requested for revival and th e salva- tion of sinners. (5 ) TUESDAY: I shall be in the vestry from 5:30 to 7:00 P. M. to see any friends who may be anxious about th e ir souls. May I also asure you th a t I am always ready to see inquirers afte r any service, or a t any other time. The Young People’s Week-night Bible Class will meet a t 7 P. M. and continue th eir study of John ’s Gospel. (6 ) WEDNESDAY: The Mid-week service will be held a t 7 P. M. when I hope to lead you in th e study of God’s Word concerning th e Spirit-filled Life. W ill you pray, dear friends, for a blessing upon this service, especially, for the quickening power of th e Word upon the young people. (7) THURSDAY: The Children’s Gospel Service from 6 to 7 P. M., and th e Young People’s Service from 7 to 8 P. M. When I shall continue my ta lk s to them from P ilgrim ’s Progress, to be followed by th e usual Young People’s P rayer Meeting. (8) FRIDAY: The W o r k e r ’ s P ray er and P reparation Class a t 7 P. M., and th e Monthly Missionary P ray er Meeting a t 8 P. M. (9 ) S A T U R D A Y : Intercessory P rayer Meeting for the outpouring of

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