TH E K I N G ’ S" B U S I N E S S
January 1925
Interesting Stories from Real Experience | A s to ld by Bible In stitu te Workers «
Evangelistic Department
ever He called us to a life of spreading before hungry souls these feasts of the King. A CHRISTIAN CLUB FOR GIRLS So often one is asked these questions: “W hat is th is Euodia Club? W hat does th e name mean anyway?” and this is sufficient to open up a very in teresting subject, dear to th e h ea rt of all Euodia teachers. The other day these questions were asked one of the teachers on th e street-car and, nothing loath, She proceeded to answer them. F irst, th e Euodia is a Christian Bible Study Club for Girls. They meet one day a week rig h t after school to study th e Bible and spend a happy hou r in Chris tia n fellowship. The word “Euodia” means “F rag ran ce”— every girl fra g ra n t for Christ. The girl who asked these questions looked very sad, and th e teacher began to tell h er of th e friendship of Jesus, and th e friendship of the girls who belonged to th is Club. Very soon she found th a t the girl knew absolutely nothing of the Bible or of our dear Savior. She had never had a Bible in her life, and afte r a long conversation, simply and earnestly accepted Christ as her Savior. She also accepted a Testam ent and prom ised to read it, and if you could have seen th e look of delight when she exclaimed, “This is the first Bible I ’ve ever had,” one would be almost tempted to question w hether we were in a Christian country. You may ask, “Was th is a genu ine conversion?” - The next week I m et th is same girl, and h er face was so bright. Another earn est conversation revealed the fact th a t she had read all of Jo h n ’s Gospel, and she said, “Oh, it is all too wonderful for words.” H er story is as follows: No mother, and though only 16 years old, she has to keep th e home for fath e r and b ro ther, and go to school. There is no tim e for Sunday School or Church. Why? The home has to be cleaned on Sunday. Lessons which are neglected during th e week have to be studied. She leaves home each day a t 7:30 A. M. and arrives home a t 5:30 P. M. She said, “ I have no chums, and I would like to join th is Club. I am going to make th e tim e to do so.” Oh, th e pathos of th is story, which is duplicated by so many of our girls. We can only pray and ask your prayers th a t many more m ight be reached and given the Gospel in th is way, and brought to th e knowledge of the “F riendship w ith Jesus, Fellowship divine; Oh, w hat blessed, sweet communion, Jesus is a F riend of m ine.” ONE BY ONE It is said of Andrew, “ th a t he first findeth his own b ro th er Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being in terp reted , th e Christ. And he brought him to Jesu s.” Andrew has some successors today; his good example is being followed by others. Two women in attendance a t one of th e Neighborhood Bible Classes became concerned about th e sp iritual welfare of th e ir own sisters. They were both successful in getting them to attend th e Bible Class. A call was made by the Bible Woman a t the home of one of
BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK Mr *. L ym an S tew art, Supt.— Tw enty-five W om en E ngaged in H ouse to H ouse P ersonal W ork, Bible C lasses a n d Soul W inning Clubs. Extension W ork in S alt L ake City a. . um ROM September 21 to October 5, we had the pleas- | J i | | ure of conducting a series of Bible classes in the | | 4 | | | | | city of Salt Lake, Utah. These were held under w the sponsorship of th e F irs t P resbyterian, F irs t1 Methodist, F irs t Christian, Immanuel Baptist, W estm inster P resbyterian, and several other churches. From the very first th ere was splendid in terest, bu t th is grew into a won derful enthusiasm fo r th e systematic study of God’s Word. The p articipating churches generously gave up prayer meet ings in th e ir own buildings in order to have union a tte n dances w ith th e o ther churches, and th e last Sunday even ing, two of th e congregations dismissed to meet w ith the th ird in order to have one g reat closing gathering. Classes were held each afternoon, and each evening, only om itting Saturdays, which were used for re st days. P ray er groups m et a t o th er times during th e day to hold th e classes and individual cases of need before th e Lord. Then wonderful answers to prayer began to come in, souls surrendered to th e Lord and many Christians made full dedication of themselves to Him. P resently th e in terested ones who had been coming so faith fu lly and in such large numbers to th e classes, began to ask if th e ir Bible study m ust stop w ith th e close of the meetings. They were most emphatically told th a t th e classes ought to go on. God gave the teacher in th e person of Mrs. Huling (form erly Mrs. Hall, Dean of Women, Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles), now the wife of Rev. F rank lin Huling, P asto r of th e Immanuel B aptist Church. On the Monday th a t we left Salt Lake, th e first perm anent, in te r denom inational class m et in the F irs t P resbyterian Church w ith sixty present. The church kindly assigned a room to th e class th a t would seat about one hundred people, bu t they have since had to move out of it to one where more could be accommodated. They have called themselves th e Monday Club a fte r th e original Monday Club of Los Ange les, and the p aren t Club is very proud of them , and conr stan tly holds them up in prayer. There were opportunities to speak before th e W estm inster College young women and th e Pocket T estam ent Club. This last organization was th e one to catch th e vision for g reater in terest in Bible study, and completed th e negotia tions for the series; fine, consecrated business young women. May God bless them! But th e work did not stop here. The pasto r from the P resbyterian church in Ogden kindly urged us to give a series in his city. We were only able to stay th e re th ree days, holding two classes a day, bu t we praise God th a t th ere has eventuated out of th a t ano th er class th a t will meet for systematic Bible study in connection w ith the Women’s Society of th e church, and will be ta u g h t by a young woman from Salt Lake. We give th e Lord all the glory for th is new proof of the sup ern atu ral draw ing power of His blessed Word, and humbly offer our thank s th a t
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