January 1925
th e women the same day th a t th e unsaved sister was calling. How wonderfully God works! In th e very room where the worker had led the first sister to Christ, about eight months before, th e other made her decision also and accepted Christ. The o th er woman was so burdened for her sister th a t she invited th e Bible woman to come and have dinner w ith them so th a t she m ight speak to th e loved one about Christ. F o r nearly th ree hours we spoke of th e things of Christ. F inally th e w orker said, “You do believe th a t Jesus is the Son of God, do you n o t?” She replied, “ I know He is.” “Will you receive H im ?” asked th e worker. An invitation card of acceptance gotten up by Mr. Horton, the title of which is “An Interview w ith th e King of kings,” was handed to her. ' She read it and then signed h er acceptance of Christ as her Savior. H er decision made us all so happy. The two pairs of sisters were present a t th e Bible Class la st week. A Children’s Class has grown out of th e Bible Class, which has been formed into a Home Class. The subject for th e meeting held recently was, “R e jo ic e ...........because your names are w ritten in heaven.” The Bible woman asked the children if th e ir names are w ritten in heaven, and added, “Are th ere any present who would like to give Jesus their h earts tod ay?” A little fellow five years old stood up and said he would. He then faced th e children and said he had tak en Jesus as his Savior. The following week he was asked if he had told his mother what he had done. He replied, “ I told her th a t God had w ritten my name up in th e sky, and th a t I had given my. h ea rt to Jesus, and she said she was glad.” WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam es A. V aus, Supt.— Bible classes an d Personal W ork, S treet M eet ings a n d Sem i-m onthly M ass M eetings fo r Jew s of Los A ngeles. UR Jew ish Work and Jew ish w orkers have recently come in for a lot of undesirable, unw arranted, and u n tru th fu l publicity in th e columns of th e several issues of a local Jew ish newspaper, which in. large headlines and w ith g reat waste of tim e and space have done much to aggravate th e ordinary and ever-present Jewish opposition to the Gospel. By reason of the above attack , and because th e evening chosen for th e beginning again of a series of Jew ish S treet Meetings fell on one of th e most im po rtan t Jew ish holidays of th e whole year, our w orkers anticipated a ra th e r stormy meeting. We had no sooner set up our folding organ on the stre e t corner and got our song service well under way, when a Jewish man drove his auto ju st opposite our position and sta rted to blow his horn as loudly as possible, and to race his engine. Up the stre e t ano th er auto horn joined the first; around the corner ano ther joined th e chorus, and soon th e racket and din effectually silenced our song. An egg spattered against a near-by wall, which was assumed by th e w riter to be th e opening gun in a b arrag e of eggs, bu t fo rtunately it was th e last as well as the first one throw n th a t evening. An Effectual Summons This occurrence illu strates how his Satanic m ajesty over reaches him self sometimes, for th e noise and rack et became so loud th a t Jewish people came rushing to the corner from every direction to see w hat the excitement was all about. Ju st about .that tim e an officer came along and silenced th e hubbub, and th ere was a fine big Jewish audi ence all ready to be spoken to.
We quickly availed ourselves of th e opportunity and for nearly an hour spoke about th e Jew ish holidays of Rosh H a Shonah and Yom K ipper (Jew ish New Years and th e Day of A tonem ent). F o r th e first ten m inutes or so even th e most orthodox Jew could not have taken exception to the message. We then w ent on to speak of Conscience, of Guilt, of Need, of Sacrifice, of Substitutes, and finally of th e proofs of th e Messiah-ship of Christ. No more atten tiv e or interested audience could have been secured even in a church, and we are confident th a t God will greatly bless th is seed-sowing. T racts and Gospels, in English and Yiddish, and invita tions to a Jewish meeting, were d istribu ted in large num bers, and, followed w ith prayer, cannot fail to produce fruit. SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT C laude H . P earson, Supt.— O ur W orkers b o ard all vessels in th e p o rt of San Pedro, holding G ospel Services an d D istrib u tin g L iteratu re. “B reth ren , I c o u n t n o t m yself to h av e ap p reh e n d ed : b u t th is o thm g I do, fo rg e ttin g th o se th in g s w hic h a re b ehind, a n d reac h i fo rth u n to th o se th in g s w hic h a re before, I p ress tow a rd th e m a fo r th e p rize of th e h ig h callin g of God in C h rist Je su s." P h il. 3 : we en ter th e New Year m editating upon both m istakes and victories in th e past one, we can sing “P raise God from whom all blessings flow,” for surely He has blessed us. We know little of w hat hardships, persecutions, and difficulties are ahead. We do know th eir source, and do know ,that we can be more th a n conquerors th rough Him who loved us and gave H im self for us. “We can do all things th rough Cnrist which streng theneth us.” We desire your fellowship in prayer th a t our lives may be in such living harmony w ith Him th a t He can use us. You will b e in terested in learning of our latest Japanese meeting. The vessel was no t a cruiser, nor a cargo carrier, but a floating school. Some of the large shipping lines in Jap an tra in th e ir officers in a Navigation School before commissioning them . P a rt of th is train ing includes a trip to America, operating th e ir own floating school w ith sails, using th e wind for power. Their in stru cto rs are old tim e sailors educated not only in the theory of navigation, bu t in practice as well. These young cadets are ta u g h t to read, w rite, and speak English, along w ith th e ir m arine duties. One of th e ir teachers in Japan, a Christian captain, noti fied us of th e ir arriv al, and suggested to th e ir captain th a t we have a meeting before th e ir departure. Visiting the captain we scheduled a m eeting for th e n igh t before they sailed. The excitement of th e ir visit was all over, and no b etter tim e could have been presented. We had seven of our strongest Japanese Christians and a Japanese m inister go to assist us. The Captain had about fifty of th e men in the lecture room for us, and a fte r a few songs and a sho rt message from th e Japanese m inister we gave a message. Using for our thought, “God— Sin— Salvation.” God hon ored His Word. Two imm ediate decisions were made; and a few weeks afterw ard we received a le tte r from the Commander telling us of much good being w itnessed from seed sown. Of course we know th e Japanese are very polite, and m ight be led to w rite us from the standpoint of courtesy, bu t we refuse to let Satan rob us of the blessing from belief in Isa. 55:11: “My word shall no t re tu rn unto me void, bu t shall accomplish th e th ing whereunto I sent it ” Quite often we m eet Christians who are undergoing per secution, and upon a second visit six or eight months after, th e re is sweet fellowship as b reth ren in Christ__w hether white, black, or yellow— kneel before th e ir K ing of kings and Lord of lords, claim ing victory in Him alone
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