King's Business - 1925-01


TH E K I N G ’ S


J an u a ry 1925

a t night, ventured into th e entrance ju s t a little too far, fo r he was cornered by th e man w ith th e mop, who a t once discarded it for th e sword of th e Spirit. Religiously b rough t up, th is man spoke in th e highest term s of his parents, moral and k indhearted folks, b u t who in all th eir instruction had never given him God’s simple, unincum ­ bered way of life, possibly never knowing it themselves. His delusion was th a t salvation depended upon his living a perfect life, and th a t should one sin and die, hell was all he could look forw ard to. So he was trying his best to keep out of his life all external sin, while inw ardly realizing something was decidedly wrong there. When th e tru th , line upon line, was finally clear, and th e finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ presented, he listened w ith deepening in terest, and finally, when the Word produced conviction, he reached out and exercised a living faith in a living Christ. As he was leaving th e city early th e following morning, one can rejoice th a t a serv an t of Christ, faith fu l to the menial tasks, was given th e eternal rew ard which comes to all who are wise in w inning souls. “Son, go work today in My vineyard,— for the n ig h t cometh when no man can work.” i t e m WORK IN THE SHOPS M arion H . R eynolds, Supt.— M eetings H eld in Shops, F actories, Car- B arns an d Fire-E ngine H ouses in Los A ngeles. EVER in th e history of the work of th e shop De­ partm en t has th ere been a g reater demand for consecrated helpers, and especially for those who would pray daily fo r th e work. As we w rite, twenty-four meetings each week are in full swing, and w ith the sick lists coming in each week from the different Shops it is becoming a problem to know where and when to go to visit the ones most needy. As th e question of Capital and Labor becomes more acute, it devolves a g reat burden on the Church of Christ to preach the unsearchable riches. Here in th e city very few churches realize th e trem endous responsibility of preaching Christ to th e laboring people and as a conse­ quence th is field is largely untouched w ith th e Gospel ministry.. If th e Church 'o f Christ would only help they could do much tow ards solving th is trem endous labor problem by preaching th e Gospel of Christ. L et me illu strate : F o r th e past several years we have been going to a certain Shop. There we m et a man who was very much opposed to religion, as well as to th e Govern­ ment. However, afte r two or th ree years he was taken sick and sent to th e hospital maintained by th e Company. We visited him many times while h e was th ere and did all we could for him. The other afternoon he came in to see us, saying, “Mr. Reynolds, I w ant you to te ll me how I can become a Christian. You have shown me how to be a real friend.” A fter talk ing to him and reading th e Scriptures, he took his stand a t Calvary, and got a vision of th e Son of God dying th e re th a t men m ight be re­ deemed. As a consequence he left our office deeply con­ scious of w hat the Gospel of Jesus Christ had done for him. In the m atter of ad ju sting life problems, w hat b etter oppor­ tu n ity could he have had th a n th e opportunity presented by th e work th a t was being done in the shops and factories? Is it any wonder then, dear friends, th a t we covet a list of those who will pray, and also a group of friends who will, from tim e to time, by th e ir means, help us preach th e Gospel in th is way? T ru sting th a t many may h ea r th e call of God for ju st th is kind of service, I am sending this fo rth in His name.

BIOLA HALL WORK D avid C ant, Supt.— O ur C ity M ission for Men in th e cen ter of Los A ngeles. M eetings continuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day P ra y e r M eeting.

“Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,— Sweetest nam e I know, F ills my every longing, Keeps me singing as I go.”

th e clear, sweet baritone voice rang out th e words, standing w ith glowing face before a noonday audience a t Biola Hall, our thoughts ra n back to a day when a pale-faced, sad-eyed, depressed look­ ing youth, a fte r years of absence, tim idly entered the hall and dropped into a back seat. We remembered him as one of th e many who had left us w ith b righ t hopes and every prospect of being much used of God in th e reaching of men for Christ in th e special evangelistic field to which he had been called. F o r a little season all had gone well, th en th e call came to launch fo rth into deeper w aters. I t certainly looked like a leap in the d ark to both him self and wife. He feared to make the grade w ithout cooperation. I t was a path wherein no man had trod, virg in soil, no Board behind him , no society to support him, no single individual w ith prom ise of one dollar to encourage him to go forward, and so, like hundreds of others, he pitched his te n t th is side of Jordan. L ifting up his eyes to well w atered plains, he soon had his nose close down to the grinding stone, like Samson among th e Philistines. Out of touch, he began to d rift, and soon, sinking to th e old daily grind, th e vision of a lost world and a Savior who has no other way to reach men save th rough men was well nigh lost. Then God began to speak to him in th e far country, rem inding him th ere was bread and enough to spare in the F a th e r’s house. Scenting th e bread from afar, he was tu rn ed back to Biola H all and, under th e inspirational messages from th e old Book, th e h e a rt was warmed, fed and strengthened un til one glad day he could again sing, “I ’ll go w here you w an t m e to go, d ear Lord, O’er m ountain or plain or sea; I ’ll say w h at you w an t m e to say, d ear Lord, I ’ll be w h at you w an t m e to be.” “Be of Good Cheer!” How often a word of cheer and encouragem ent will lift one up in th e day of adversity. This was beautifully illus­ trated in th e case of one such standing in fron t of Biola Hall. When asked to speak a word of testim ony for his Lord, he replied th a t he couldn’t; he had never y et spoken in public, didn’t know w hat to say, and was sure h e’d forget everything he ever knew from sheer frigh t. We agreed if he’d say ju st th a t much we’d stand and hold him up; so, w ith ju st th ree of us present, we began to ask him how he knew he was saved, when and where it took place, to all of which he gave good clear answers. We followed this up by inquiring how one could be absolutely su re of salva­ tion, and quite unconsciously he began to warm up. In th e meanwhile, the crowd gathered, and w ith no visible support he held, his crowd. His place was tak en by an­ other w orker who had followed one of his audience down th e street, and had won him to a definite acceptance and confession of the Lord Jesus. The surprise and joy was shared by all th ree while the blessed and glorious T rin ity above shared in th is triumph. “Is th e re anything too h a rd fo r God to do ?” “Open th y m outh and I w ill fill it.” One man, attracted to our entrance th rough curiosity as th e faith fu l worker was cleaning up the darkened hall late

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