T H E K I N G ’ S
January 1925
SPANISH WORK R o b ert H . B ender, S u p t.— Gospel M eetings an d H ouse to H ouse W ork am ong 50,000 M exicans in Los A ngeles an d V icinity, “F o r w hosoever shall call upon th e nam e of th e L ord shall be saved. H ow th en shall th ey call on H im in W hom they have n o t believed ?” ■ sti T may be possible th a t some of th e read ers of The ¡IP K ing’s Business will be surprised to learn th a t the Roman Catholics do no t believe in Christ as the Savior of men. The following recent incident is a common occurrence to us who have the privilege of work ing among the Spanish speaking people, who are professed ly Roman Catholics. We asked' in one home if they had read th e Gospel of John which we le ft on a previous visit, and were asked, “Why is it th a t th e Gospel of John does not make mention of the V irgin Mary?” We replied th a t it did, and then tak ing th e Gospel we opened to th e second chapter and explained the passage referring to th e wedding a t Cana. “Yes,” said the woman, “b u t Mary is our intercessor.” Then we explained, to her th a t Jesus is th e only mediator ftetwepn" God and man. While she did not have any more to say, it was very evident th a t she was devoted to the worship of Mary (the mother of God, so called by all Rom anists). Only by frequ en t visits and explanations, and prayer, are they able to see th e tru th as it is in Jesus. Hence, they do not call on Him because they do not believe on Him. Oh, yes, th ere is some belief in a historical Christ, b u t not belief in Him as Savior. In th e ir devotions, the V irgin Mary is uppermost in th e ir minds. At. one of our Mexican shop meetings, I was asked the meaning of the worship of the cross. In all L atin countries th e th ird of May is a g reat feast day of the cross. A t this tim e all Romanists decorate the cross and a ttrib u te to it g re a t efficacy, I explained to a group of Mexicans assembled th e erro r they had been ta u g h t of worshiping th e cross, instead of Him who died on the cross. Here again we see how th e cross is exalted above th e Lord Jesus Christ. Can you not see how much they need to have Jesus Christ preached unto them in order th a t they may believe and call on Him? W ith the help of your prayers and your gifts we a re striving to reach as many of these people as possible. W ith the help of students we are holding two meetings every day (except Saturday) and five on Sunday, and God is blessing our labors in giving us many souls. Our workers repo rt splendid meetings a t th e Plaza, w ith from two to ten professed conversions every Lord’s Day; and we are receiving calls for meetings from a number of out-of-town places, but are unable to respond un til we have more helpers and th e needed funds, which we are asking th e Lord to supply. A H earty Welcome We had a very h earty welcome recently a t a hew shop where about one hundred and fifty Mexicans are employed. A fter giving th e message, all th e men rushed tow ard me to extend th e ir hands in welcome, and begged me to continue to come and give them the message. I t was a g reat pleas ure to speak th e Gospel message to such a large and a tte n tive audience, many of whom no doubt had never before h eard it, and we desire your prayers th a t th e entrance of His Word may enlighten many of these benighted ones. We covet the prayers of God’s people for our Spanish De p artm en t, and we w ant to render unto Him, and Him alone, all th e honor and glory for w hat has been accomplished. ¿¡Mi. ' m a» SUBSCRIBE FOR THE KING’S BUSINESS
ONE OF OUR B. I. GIRLS IN CHINA The following in teresting le tte r is from Miss Florence Logan (B.I.O.L.A. 1919-1920), now working in th e Pres-: byterian Church U. S. A. Mission, Paoting-fu, Chihli, China: “My letters have been few and far between, and I am not even sure th a t my la st one, w ritten many months ago, reached you. But th e urgency and joy of th e immediate task have made it not easy to stop and ta lk about it. “L ast month I had the privilege of being a t Peitaiho and enjoying the Bible conference th e re under th e leadership of Miss R u th Paxson. Dr. John M. Maclnnis, now of th e Los Angeles Bible In stitu te, was th e chief speaker, and his scholarly and invigorating addresses, delivered in th e most winsome spirit, were a sp iritual feast. “Now I am having a few weeks of quiet in the hills near Peking, digging into th e Chinese language and my neglected correspondence. Our course in the form er covers five years, and I am working on the fou rth a t present. But I am not so sanguine as to hope ever to reach the point where no fu r th e r study is needed. You see th e Chinese have spent so many m illenniums gathering up th e ir language th a t they have collected a fearful lot! However, I am tru ly g ratefu l to the Lord for enabling me to use w ith fair ease the vocabulary necessary for daily intercourse, teaching the Word and preaching of His grace. ‘‘Since leaving Paotingfu we have had a fearful flood. P erfect to rre n ts of rain descending on th e b arren hills rushed in a raging flood across the plains, destroying hun dreds of villages in its path. Around Peking half a mil lion are reported homeless, while F eng Yu Hsiang and his men are w inning th e incredulous love and g ratitud e of the populace by th eir heroic efforts to prevent fu rth e r disaster. The people cannot understand such self-sacrificing devotion. It seems th e Lord is using th is means in th is tim e of calam ity to dem onstrate th e reality of Christian faith and the sup ernatu rally changed lives which are its fru it. General Feng and his men need th e unceasing prayers of the whole (Continued on p a g e '46)
A B IOLA GROUP AT K IKUN SHAN , HONAN, CH INA (L e ft to R ig h t) L o w er ro w — F lo re n c e L o g an , H a z e l T odd, F lo r ence B row n , H elen G aily ; U p p er R ow—M r. H u n te r, M a rth a S ch o rsch . . T h is p ic tu re w a s ta k e n w h en M r. H u n te r (S e c re ta ry of B.I.O.L.A. F a c u lty ) v isite d C h in a fo r th e p u rp o se of s p e a k in g a t th e v a rio u s M issio n a ry S um m er C o n feren ces, w h ic h v is it w a s g r e a tly b lessed to th e m issio n a rie s.
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