TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January 1925
Pointers for Preachers and Teachers
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“THEREFORE” (Phil. 4 :1 )
JUBILEE The Jubilee is a type of the “ accept able y ear” of the Gospel (Luke 4 :1 9 ). W hat did the Jubilee mean? 1. Recognition of the Lord’s claim — “The land is Mine” (Lev. 2 5 :23 ). “The Lord’s release” (Deut 15:1-4). 2. Remember th e jubilee was based on atonem ent (Lev. 2 5 :9 ). Christ’s sub stitu tion ary death is th e basis of all blessing. 3. Release from bondage—-“ P ro claim liberty th roughou t all th e land ” (Lev. 2 5 :10 ). 4. Rest— “A year of re st unto the land.” “A Sabbath for th e Lord” (Lev. 25:4, 5). 5. R estoration—-“ R etu rn e v e r y man unto his possession” (Lev. 25:10, 13, 28). 6. Rejoicing—The meaning of the word “ Jub ilee” is joy (Psa. 89:15-18). 7. Reunion— “Ye shall re tu rn ev ery man unto his fam ily” (Lev. 25: 10 )K—Exchange. OUTLINE OF PSALM 116 1. “ I love th e Lord”—Affection (v. 1). 2. “ I will call upon him ”— P ray er and Communion (v. 2). 3. “ I will walk before the Lord”— Fellowship and Experience (v. 9). 4. “ I believed, therefo re have I spoken”—-Confession and Testimony (v.. 10). , 5. “ I wili tak e th e cup of salva tion ”— Salvation (v. 13). 6. “ I will pay my vows”— F a ith fulness in Service and Obedience— (vs. 14, 18). 7. “ I will offer to thee th e sacrifice of thanksgiving”— Sacrifice of P raise and Thanksgiving (v. 17). — J. T. L. STUDY THE BIBLE “ Search th e scrip tu res”— John 5:39. 1. Topically. F o r g reat Themes. 2. Typically. F o r g reat Types. This will reveal to us: 1. Sin—-The cause of our Death (Rom. 5 :1 2 ). 2. Son— The cause of our Life (John 3:16; John 3 :3 6 ). Settle th e Son question (Rom. 6 :14 ; John 17:3; John 15:5,) and He will settle the Sin ques tion for you (Heb. 7 :2 5 ). — B. W. B. FOUR ASPECTS OF THE LORD JESUS Isaiah 53:11, 12 1. The Conqueror— “He shall di vide.” 2. The Substitute— “He b are the sins of many.” 3. The Intercessor— “Made in te r cession.” 4. The Justifier— “ Ju stify many.” — C. I.
CHRISTIAN GIVING I. The Divine Reason fo r perm itting u s to give: In order th a t we may become ' God-like. “ God so loved the world th a t He gave” (John 3 :1 6 ). “The Son of God, who loved me and gave him self for me” (Gal. 2 : 2 0 ). II. The Divine O rder in giving: “ F irst they gave th e ir own selves to th e Lord” (2 Cor. 8:5, R. V .). III. The Divine P ropo rtion in giving: “ Bring ye th e whole tith e into th e storehouse”: (Mai. 3:10, R. V .). IV. The Divine Time fo r giving: “Upon th e first day of th e week ' let each one of you lay by him in store as he may prosper, th a t no collections be made” (1 Cor. 16:2, R. V .). V. The Divine Spirit in which to give: “God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9 :7 ). VI. The Divine Assurance reg ard ing ou r giving: “My God shall supply all your need” (Phil. 4 :1 9 ). VII. The Divine Source of our giving: “ Of th ine own have we given th ee” (1 Chron. 29:14, R. V .). — F. G. H. CHRIST’S DEATH IN JOHN 12:21-23 1. Christ’s death in THE “HOUR” OF ITS OCCASION (23, 27). There was no accident in connection w ith Christ’s death. 2. Christ’s death in THE PRINCI PLE OF ITS ACT. He lost His life as the corn of wheat loses its first root (24, 25). 3. Christ’s death in THE INTEN SITY OF ITS REALITY. His soul was troubled. He knew what was before Him (27, R. V., m arg .). 4. Christ’s death in THE FA THER ’S APPRECIATION. The F ath e r had glorified Christ a t His baptism and transfiguration, and prom ises to do it again (28 ). 5. Christ’s death in THE PRO VISION OF ITS GRACE— “F o r your sakes.” He acted for others, not for H imself (30 ). 6. Christ’s death in THE CON-?; QUEST OF HIS VICTORY. The Cross proclaims the judgm ent of th e world, and its conquest over Satan (31 ). 7. Christ’s death, and the life into which it leads (25, 2 6 ) .S F . E. M. ROMANS 8 :2 8 OUTLINED 1. Movement—-“All things work.” 2. Harmony— “ together.” : 3. Blessing-—“ for good.” 4. L im itation— “to those who love God.” — Sel.
The importance of th e “ th e re fo re” is seen again and, again in th e Word, Perhaps not more so th a n in Phil. 4:1, for th e reason of conduct is founded on th e tru th of the Lord’s coming. Be cause He is coming, we are urged to be a lert to keep th e following com mands: 1. The “ SO STAND FAST” OF F I DELITY (4 :1 ). S tand fast as a sol dier w ith resolution, as a watchman w ith alertness, as a stew ard w ith faith fulness, as a friend w ith stedfastness, as a mother w ith affection, and as a shepherd w ith concern. 2. The “ SAME MIND” of unity (4 :2 ). The mind stands for th e soul, the will, and th e understanding. The two sisters who were a t variance are exhorted to make up th e ir m inds to have! a fellow feeling, and a clear un derstanding w ith each other. 3. The “HELP ” of ability (4 :3 ). To help those who help is to be help ed. The help of th e h e a rt of love to cheer, th e help of th e hand of power to lift, th e help of th e word of com fort to comfort, and th e help of th e look of solicitude to gladden. 4. The “ REJO ICE” of gladness (4 :4 ). Joy is a flower th a t blooms in th e soil of devotion to th e Lord. When the Lord is th e aim of our life, His joy is the h ea rt of our gladness. 5. The “MODERATION” of con-: sideration (4 :5 ). The R .-V . reading is “ forbearance” , or “ gentleness.” To forbear w ith others w ith th e gentleness of love, is to evidence and th ink of th e ir -feelings. Then the Lord is “ a t h and” , th a t is, a t our side, th a t makes us consider Him in th ink ing of others. — Sel. A GREAT DELIVERANCE P salm 34 :4 1. The F irs t Step— “ I sought the Lord.” 2. The Imm ediate Response—■ “He heard me and delivered me.” 3. The Completeness of th e Deliv erance.— “Out of all my troubles.” — E. A, W. TWELVE THINGS TO REMEMBER The value of time. The success of perseverance. The pleasure of working. The dignity of sim p licity ., I
The worth of character. The power of kindness. The influence of example. The obligation of duty. The wisdom of economy. The v irtue of patience. The improvement of talent. The joy of originating. —D. C. B. (Continued on page 43)
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