King's Business - 1925-01


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1925


Pointers for Preachers and Teachers

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“THEREFORE” (Phil. 4 :1 )

JUBILEE The Jubilee is a type of the “ accept­ able y ear” of the Gospel (Luke 4 :1 9 ). W hat did the Jubilee mean? 1. Recognition of the Lord’s claim — “The land is Mine” (Lev. 2 5 :23 ). “The Lord’s release” (Deut 15:1-4). 2. Remember th e jubilee was based on atonem ent (Lev. 2 5 :9 ). Christ’s sub stitu tion ary death is th e basis of all blessing. 3. Release from bondage—-“ P ro ­ claim liberty th roughou t all th e land ” (Lev. 2 5 :10 ). 4. Rest— “A year of re st unto the land.” “A Sabbath for th e Lord” (Lev. 25:4, 5). 5. R estoration—-“ R etu rn e v e r y man unto his possession” (Lev. 25:10, 13, 28). 6. Rejoicing—The meaning of the word “ Jub ilee” is joy (Psa. 89:15-18). 7. Reunion— “Ye shall re tu rn ev­ ery man unto his fam ily” (Lev. 25: 10 )K—Exchange. OUTLINE OF PSALM 116 1. “ I love th e Lord”—Affection (v. 1). 2. “ I will call upon him ”— P ray er and Communion (v. 2). 3. “ I will walk before the Lord”— Fellowship and Experience (v. 9). 4. “ I believed, therefo re have I spoken”—-Confession and Testimony (v.. 10). , 5. “ I wili tak e th e cup of salva­ tion ”— Salvation (v. 13). 6. “ I will pay my vows”— F a ith ­ fulness in Service and Obedience— (vs. 14, 18). 7. “ I will offer to thee th e sacrifice of thanksgiving”— Sacrifice of P raise and Thanksgiving (v. 17). — J. T. L. STUDY THE BIBLE “ Search th e scrip tu res”— John 5:39. 1. Topically. F o r g reat Themes. 2. Typically. F o r g reat Types. This will reveal to us: 1. Sin—-The cause of our Death (Rom. 5 :1 2 ). 2. Son— The cause of our Life (John 3:16; John 3 :3 6 ). Settle th e Son question (Rom. 6 :14 ; John 17:3; John 15:5,) and He will settle the Sin ques­ tion for you (Heb. 7 :2 5 ). — B. W. B. FOUR ASPECTS OF THE LORD JESUS Isaiah 53:11, 12 1. The Conqueror— “He shall di­ vide.” 2. The Substitute— “He b are the sins of many.” 3. The Intercessor— “Made in te r­ cession.” 4. The Justifier— “ Ju stify many.” — C. I.

CHRISTIAN GIVING I. The Divine Reason fo r perm itting u s to give: In order th a t we may become ' God-like. “ God so loved the world th a t He gave” (John 3 :1 6 ). “The Son of God, who loved me and gave him self for me” (Gal. 2 : 2 0 ). II. The Divine O rder in giving: “ F irst they gave th e ir own selves to th e Lord” (2 Cor. 8:5, R. V .). III. The Divine P ropo rtion in giving: “ Bring ye th e whole tith e into th e storehouse”: (Mai. 3:10, R. V .). IV. The Divine Time fo r giving: “Upon th e first day of th e week ' let each one of you lay by him in store as he may prosper, th a t no collections be made” (1 Cor. 16:2, R. V .). V. The Divine Spirit in which to give: “God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9 :7 ). VI. The Divine Assurance reg ard ing ou r giving: “My God shall supply all your need” (Phil. 4 :1 9 ). VII. The Divine Source of our giving: “ Of th ine own have we given th ee” (1 Chron. 29:14, R. V .). — F. G. H. CHRIST’S DEATH IN JOHN 12:21-23 1. Christ’s death in THE “HOUR” OF ITS OCCASION (23, 27). There was no accident in connection w ith Christ’s death. 2. Christ’s death in THE PRINCI­ PLE OF ITS ACT. He lost His life as the corn of wheat loses its first root (24, 25). 3. Christ’s death in THE INTEN­ SITY OF ITS REALITY. His soul was troubled. He knew what was before Him (27, R. V., m arg .). 4. Christ’s death in THE FA­ THER ’S APPRECIATION. The F ath e r had glorified Christ a t His baptism and transfiguration, and prom ises to do it again (28 ). 5. Christ’s death in THE PRO­ VISION OF ITS GRACE— “F o r your sakes.” He acted for others, not for H imself (30 ). 6. Christ’s death in THE CON-?; QUEST OF HIS VICTORY. The Cross proclaims the judgm ent of th e world, and its conquest over Satan (31 ). 7. Christ’s death, and the life into which it leads (25, 2 6 ) .S F . E. M. ROMANS 8 :2 8 OUTLINED 1. Movement—-“All things work.” 2. Harmony— “ together.” : 3. Blessing-—“ for good.” 4. L im itation— “to those who love God.” — Sel.

The importance of th e “ th e re fo re” is seen again and, again in th e Word, Perhaps not more so th a n in Phil. 4:1, for th e reason of conduct is founded on th e tru th of the Lord’s coming. Be­ cause He is coming, we are urged to be a lert to keep th e following com­ mands: 1. The “ SO STAND FAST” OF F I­ DELITY (4 :1 ). S tand fast as a sol­ dier w ith resolution, as a watchman w ith alertness, as a stew ard w ith faith ­ fulness, as a friend w ith stedfastness, as a mother w ith affection, and as a shepherd w ith concern. 2. The “ SAME MIND” of unity (4 :2 ). The mind stands for th e soul, the will, and th e understanding. The two sisters who were a t variance are exhorted to make up th e ir m inds to have! a fellow feeling, and a clear un­ derstanding w ith each other. 3. The “HELP ” of ability (4 :3 ). To help those who help is to be help­ ed. The help of th e h e a rt of love to cheer, th e help of th e hand of power to lift, th e help of th e word of com fort to comfort, and th e help of th e look of solicitude to gladden. 4. The “ REJO ICE” of gladness (4 :4 ). Joy is a flower th a t blooms in th e soil of devotion to th e Lord. When the Lord is th e aim of our life, His joy is the h ea rt of our gladness. 5. The “MODERATION” of con-: sideration (4 :5 ). The R .-V . reading is “ forbearance” , or “ gentleness.” To forbear w ith others w ith th e gentleness of love, is to evidence and th ink of th e ir -feelings. Then the Lord is “ a t h and” , th a t is, a t our side, th a t makes us consider Him in th ink ing of others. — Sel. A GREAT DELIVERANCE P salm 34 :4 1. The F irs t Step— “ I sought the Lord.” 2. The Imm ediate Response—■ “He heard me and delivered me.” 3. The Completeness of th e Deliv­ erance.— “Out of all my troubles.” — E. A, W. TWELVE THINGS TO REMEMBER The value of time. The success of perseverance. The pleasure of working. The dignity of sim p licity ., I

The worth of character. The power of kindness. The influence of example. The obligation of duty. The wisdom of economy. The v irtue of patience. The improvement of talent. The joy of originating. —D. C. B. (Continued on page 43)

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