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January 1925
For Fellowship and Intercession
TKe F ami l y C i r c i v^i . W. R . H A L E
The Word— the Foundation for Prayer “How read est th o u ?” (Luke 10:26) “When thou h a st sh u t th y door, pray.” (M att. 6 :6 ) J A N U A R Y THURSDAY, 1 Tomorrow. “Boast not thyself of tomorrow ; for thou knowest not what a day may bring fo rth .”— Prov. 27:1. P ra y for Jerusalem . FRIDAY, 2 Talebearers. “Where no wood is, th ere the fire goeth out: so where th ere is no talebearer, th e strife ceas- eth .”— Prov. 26:20. P ra y fo r Your Church. SATURDAY, 3 “Never trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you.” “He th a t passeth by, and meddleth w ith strife belonging not to him, is like one th a t ta k eth a dog by the ears.”— Prov. 26:17. P ray fo r Your P asto r. SUNDAY, 4 His House. “E n ter into his gates w ith thanksgiving, and into his courts w ith p raise: be th ank fu l unto him, and bless his name.” Psa. 100:4. P ray fo r Mission Work. MONDAY, 5 “He Leadeth Me.” “F o r ye shall not go out w ith haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and th e God i of Israel will be your rerew ard .”— Isa. 52:12. P ra y fo r the Missionaries. TUESDAY, 6 S trayed Ones. “All we like sheep have gone astray ; we have tu rn ed every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him th e iniquity of us all.”— Isa. 53:6. P ra y fo r Back sliders. WEDNESDAY, 7 Griefstricken? “Surely he h ath borne our griefs, and carried our sor rows: yet we did esteem him stricken, sm itten of God, and afflicted.”— Isa. 53:4. P ra y fo r th e Unfortunate. THURSDAY, 8 I AM! “Remember the form er things of old: for I am.God, and th ere is none else; I am God, and th ere is none like me.”— Isa. 46:9. P ra y for Those Who Doubt God’s Word. FRIDAY, 9 H is Counsel S tandeth. “Declaring th e end from the beginning, and from ancient times th e things th a t are not
yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all iny pleasure.” — Isa. 46:10. P ra y fo r Dan Crawford in Africa. SATURDAY, 10 Satan, th e P rince of this Worid. “How a rt thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of th e morning! how a rt thou cut down to th e ground, which didst weaken th e nations !’H 1 Isa. 14:12. P ra y fo r Your P asto r. SUNDAY, 11 T h e W atchm an’s P roclam ation. “The watchman said, The morning cometh, and also th e n ight: if ye will inquire, inquire ye: retu rn , come.”— Isa. 2,1:12. P ra y fo r Dr. and Mr 3 . Howard Taylor and th e C. I. M. MONDAY, 12 Christian Unity. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for b reth ren to dwell together in unity !”-ft? sa . 133: 1. P ra y fo r Your Church, TUESDAY, 13 God H ath Spoken. “God h ath spo ken once; twice have I heard th is; th a t power belongeth unto God.” — Psa. 62:11. P ra y fo r th e Bible House of New York. WEDNESDAY, 14 H is Name E ndu reth . “His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and m en -shall be blessed in h im : all na tions shall call him blessed!”— Psa. 72:17. P ra y fo r Those Who Lack Assurance. THURSDAY, 15 Christian Sustenance. “ Cast thy burden upon th e LORD, and he shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer th e righteous to |be moved.”— Psa. 55:22. P ra y fo r th e Bereaved. FRIDAY, 16 The Remedy. “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me w ith thy free Spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy w ay s; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.” -y-Psa. 51: 12, 13. P ra y fo r Laborers in th e H arvest F ield. SATURDAY, 17 L et God Open Your Mouth. “O Lord,' open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew fo rth thy praise.”— Psa. 51:15. 'P r a y fo r Your P asto r. SUNDAY, 18 Sacrifice, Well-pleasing to Him. “The sacrifices of God are a broken sp irit: a broken and a contrite h eart, O God, thou w ilt not despise.”—-Psa. 51:17. P ra y fo r th e P rin ted Word.
MONDAY, 19 HE P rayeth . “Then he tu rned his face to th e wall, and prayed unto the LORD.”-—Num. 20:2. P ra y fo r th e H un an B ible In stitu te. TUESDAY, 20 Commissioned. “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all th e days of th y life: as I was w ith Moses, so I will be w ith th ee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake th ee.”— Josh. 1:5. P ra y fo r A ll T rue P asto rs. WEDNESDAY, 21 The Book. This book of th e law shall not depart ou t of thy mouth; but thou, sh a lt m editate therein day and night, th a t thou mayest observe to do according to all th a t is w ritten th erein : for then thou sh alt make thy way prosperous, and then thou sh alt have good success.”— Josh. 1:8. P ra y fo r th e B. I. of L. A. THURSDAY, 22 H is Spokesman. “And he answered and said, Must I not take heed to speak th a t which the LORD h ath pu t in my m ou th ?”—Num. 23:12. P ra y for Native Teachers in Mission Fields. FRIDAY, 23 Give Him th e Glory. “W hat hath God w rough t!”—Num. 23:23. P ray fo r th e Bible Women of B. I. of L. A. SATURDAY, 24 Grasshopper Men. “ So we were in th e ir sigh t.”—Num. 13:33. P ra y fo r Your P asto r. SUNDAY, 25 The Beginning. “ In the beginning God created th e heaven and th e ea rth .” '—Gen. 1:1. P ra y fo r th e Modernists. MONDAY, 26 W here is Thy B ro th e r? “And th e LORD said unto Cain, W here is Abel thy bro th er? And he said, I know not: Am I my b ro th er’s keeper?”— Gen. 4:9. P ra y for Cook B ible School fo r Indians. TUESDAY, 27 H idden by Him. “And he was w ith her hid in the house of th e LORD six years.”— 2 Kings 11:3. P ra y fo r The World F und am en tal Association. WEDNESDAY, 28 Standing W atch. “ I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon th e tower, and will watch to see w hat he will say unto me, and w hat I shall answer
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