TH E K I N G ’ S
January 1925
SATURDAY, 31 The F u tu re Evangel. “ Behold upon th e mountains th e feet of Him th a t bringeth good tidings, th a t publisheth peace! O Judah , keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows: for the wicked shall- no more pass through thee; he is u tterly cut off.”—Nahum 1:15. P ra y fo r Your Pastor.
Your Sunday School and Superinten dent. FRIDAY, 30 In T h at Day. “Then said I, O my lord, w hat are these? And th e angel th a t talked w ith me said unto me, I will shew thee what these be.”— Zech. 1:9. Pray fo r H is Coming.
when I am reproved.”—Hab. 2:1. P ra y fo r th e B and W orkers of th e H unan Bible In stitu te. THURSDAY, 29 H is Knowledge. “F o r th e earth shall be filled w ith th e knowledge of th e glory of th e LORD, as th e w aters cover the sea.”— Hab. 2:14. P ra y fo r Practical H EW subscribers to The K ing’s Business who may desire the previous lessons in soul w inning work which have been given on th is page, may w rite us and, if we have them , back numbers of th e magazine will be fu r nished a t ten cents each. We are endeavoring to in terest our K ing’s Business Fam ily in th e very best work in th e whole world— th e work which was comm itted to His church by our Lord—-the work for which we shall be held accountable by Him when our record is reviewed “ in th a t day”— th e work of soul-winning. In th e F ou r Gospels we are given th e example of our Lord in soul- win ning. In th e Book of Acts we have th e record of th e early, church carry-, ing the Gospel to th e regions beyond. Read it and see how th e church was formed. W hat m ighty things were w rought largely by humble fishermen of Galilee and th e ir fellows! W hat is the need of th e world? Men and women of God, w ith th e Book in th e ir hands, and th e joy of th e indwelling Spirit in th e ir h earts, fol lowing in th e footsteps of the Master. Read the story a t th e close of the lesson and see w hat one “Defender” is doing in Porto Rico. LESSON EIGHT In our last lesson we found th a t be lievers in Jesus Christ were consti tu ted Servants, Stewards, Ambassa dors, and Witnesses. In th is lesson “As thou h a s t sen t m e into th e world, even so have I also sent them in to th e world.” The word “ sen t” is apostólos. P aul was an apostle, a “ sent one.” The Lord Jesus Christ was the g reat m is sionary, and He has commissioned every believer for m issionary service. We are to do th e same service which He did. He came w ith th e message from th e F a th e r; we go w ith the mes sage from the Lord Jesus. Every believer is a foreign mission ary. . The world is a foreign field; heaven is our home. (Phil. 3:20).! “F o r ou r conversation (citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also we look fo r th e Saviour, th e Lord Jesus Christ.” , The Son came gladly when sent of God. we find th a t they are also Missionaries (John 1 7 :1 8 ):
.iM'i* ate Metkods of Personal Work F o r Defenders of th e F a ith T. C. H orton The Holy Spirit came gladly when sent of Christ.
WHAT A PORTO RICO “DE FENDER” IS DOING “Your helps for ‘Defenders of the F a ith ’1arrived safely. Thank you for giving me th is chance to be more closely associated w ith you in your g reat work. In these days I meet a lot of professing Christians who do not believe in hell, and who call our be loved Master ‘th e son of Joseph.’ “Yesterday I happened to meet a famous schoolmaster, who said to me: ‘We cannot speak about hell to an ed ucated person.’ He calls himself a Christian. Another clever fellow, who is a teacher in a Sunday School, a r gued, ‘I don’t believe in m an’s fall, nor in Satan. T h at is only a tale.’ “The Lord has helped me to make them understand th a t every doctrine of the Bible must be believed. That if th e re were no hell, it would be nec essary to create one. T h at if there is no Satan, somebody must be re sponsible for the devilish works we are seeing in these perilous times. “ I will keep you informed about th e work here, if you would like to have me. I am a subscriber to The K ing’s Business and hope to enroll a few m ore subscribers.” Many other “D e f e n d e r s ” have thanked us for th e ir “Ammunition,” and have themselves purchased fu r th e r supplies of it, besides getting new subscribers for The K ing’s Busi ness. T hat is th e best possible way of extending th e work, for The K ing’s Business brings a monthly supply of the very best “Ammunition” to be obtained-—helps for th e Sunday School Teacher, the Christian Endeavorer, th e Personal, Worker, th e P reacher, th e Fam ily Circle, the Children, and always splendid up-to-date illu stra tions of real soul-w inning work from our own evangelistic workers.
We should go gladly bearing the message of salvation. W hat joy to be as He was in th e world. W hat tidings we bear; w hat blessings we bring. It is un scrip tu ral to make th e in vidious distinction of Home and F o r eign M issionaries. Every believer is a F oreign Missionary. L earn th is ex pression by heart. Business Men (Luke 1 9 :1 3 ): “And h e called his te n servants, and delivered them te n pounds, and said u n to them , Occupy till I come.” The word “ occupy” is business—: “ do business un til I come.” How did Christian men ever con ceive the idea th a t we were called to a life of ease? How did they ever come to look upon the Christian life as one of independence of God? A life in which they could do as they pleased? He has set u s’ up in business. We have th e most sacred service; our business i s . th e w inning of men from the kingdom of darkness. It is busi ness, no t play. E tern al business. We must push the business to the ends of th e earth . We are traveling men, and m ust dispose of our sacred stock. We m ust display our goods; we must find- customers. F ish ers of Men (Matt. 4 :1 9 ). “And h e saith un to them , Follow me, and I w ill m ake you fishers of men.” The sea is a type of th e world. Out of th e sea we are to take men alive. The prom ise h ere is very spe cific: “ I will make you.” F ishing for men suggests some new though ts about th e work of w inning men. There are so many kinds of fish and so many different ways of catching them— big f is h ^ little fish. F ishing from shore— from boats. All kinds of hooks, bait, tackle, and nets. To be a good fisher of men, study your fish, th e w ater, th e seasons. It is an a rt to be a good fisherman. “Follow Me.” The secret of catch ing th e fish lies in these two words, Follow H im ; study H im ; live like H im ; obey Him. You may be very green and raw a t the business, b u t if you follow Him you will be made a successful fisher. To catch men is the g reatest work in th e world. (Commit these seven term s as ap plying to yourself.)
P reach th e Word! Oh, live it, send it! ’Tis the only hope for m ah; P ray th a t sinners may receive Him, F o r God has no other plan. Many souls in heathen darkness Grope as blind men for th e wall; Who can th en praise God for Jesus, F o r they on His name may call. —Selected.
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