January 1925
K I N G ’ S
THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, THE LAND, AND THE BOOK Notes Concerning th e Jews and Prophecy Compiled by Jam es A. Vaus, Superintendent of Jewish Work, Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles. The following extracts tak en from th e “New P alestine,” th e official organ of the Zionist O rganization, should prove of special in terest to our readers. Increase of Jew ish Imm igration in to P alestin e A dispatch from the Jew ish Telegraphic Agency states th a t during th e month of September, according to official figures issued from Jerusalem , 2400 imm igrants entered Palestine. A large increase of Jew ish imm igration into P alestine in th e n ear fu tu re is indicated in a cable received by th e Zionist Organization from Jerusalem giving details of the new imm igration regulations issued by the Government. According to these regulations, the dependents of Jewish ag ricu ltu rists will be adm itted into th e country irrespective of th e reg u lar quota. In addition, th e re will also be adm it ted regardless of th e quota, male relatives of Jew ish ag ri cu ltu rists who are over 18 years old and who will be likely to increase the productivity of th e farms. These conces sions according to th e regulations, apply to th e small-hold ers settlem ents. W ith regard to th e co-operative groups,— a t least one dependent relative fo r every working member of these groups will be adm itted. It has been estim ated th a t these concessions will enable an early increase of over 1,000 per sons to th e ag ricu ltu ral population of th e K eren Hayesod colonies alone; in addition, of course, to th e regu lar quota. The cable states fu rth e r th a t all th e K eren Hayesod Kwuzot and Moshavim have been officially approved as cap able of supporting an increased population. I t is expected th a t with* th e continuation of the p resen t imm igration rate into Palestine, and given th e continued development of the Keren Hayesod ag ric u ltu ral and building program , the monthly average of newcomers into th e Homeland will rise to 3,000 in the near future. Beginning of th e G reat R etu rn The m ost impressive fact of Jewish life a t the present moment is th e stream of imm igration flowing into Palestine. It began in th e m onth of Jun e and it has been steadily ris ing. In August it reached th e record figure of 2,670. In September the new arrivals numbered 2,400. W hether regarded as th e beginning of th e G reat R etu rn , as th e reas sembling of th e disjecta membra, or as th e deliverance of a sub stan tial portion of our people from physical and sp irit ual suffering, th e fact is equally impressive, and will loom large in th e fu tu re annals of our people. Phenom enal Building Boom in Xel-Aviv. Three hundred and one houses have been bu ilt w ith th e help of th e Mortgage Bank of th e Zionist Organization in which the K eren Hayesod has invested to date 50,000 lbs. This bank, whose h eadqu arters are in Tel-Aviv, has granted 306 loans, am ounting to 48,732.50 lbs., distributed as follows: Jaffa and Tel-Aviv, 225 loans, aggregating 32,- 639 lbs; Haifa, 48 loans, aggregating 9,323.50 lbs; Tiber ias, 32 loans, aggregating 6,110 lbs; Jerusalem , 1 loan of 660 lbs. It will be seen th a t th e Zionist Mortgage Bank has con cen trated most of its activities in th e Jew ish township of Tel-Aviv, w here a phenomenal building boom is still in progress. The Mortgage Bank has advanced very few loans in Jerusalem , leaving it to such in stitu tion s as th e Palestine
W. Graham Scroggie Britain’s Foremost Bible Teacher NO MAN in the world today combines more notably a deep spiritual insight, unshaken faith in the whole Bible, scholarship of the most exacting sort, and rare power of literary expression, than this Scottish preacher and teacher. He commences this month, exclusively in the Sunday School Times, a rich, comprehensive every-week exposition of the International Uniform Lessons. Ernest Gordon, a Harvard graduate holding staunchly the Christian fundamentals, a wide traveler, having lived for years in Europe and read ing or speaking several European languages, a bril liant writer who keeps closely informed of the lit erature of the civilized world and the mission fields, writes the monthly “Survey of Religious Life and Thought” that keeps you posted on the latest chal lenging signs of Christian advance. These are but two of the many unusual features in
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