TH E K I N G ’ S
January 1925
Building Loan & Saving Cooperative Society to m inister to its needs, b u t has responded to the growing demand of the builders of Tel-Aviv. The Managers of th e Mortgage Bank take pride in the fact th a t all repayments on loans are being m et promptly. W ith th e help of th e Mortgage Bank new Jew ish suburbs are being built, such as th e Tel-Nordau and Nordiah quar ters of Tel-Áviv, th e H ad ar H acarmel in H aifa, and the K iryat Schmuel in T iberias.' P rof. E in stein to Jo in Hebrew University Staff A cable from Vienna to th e Jew ish Telegraphic Agency repo rts th a t Prof. A lbert E instein, au tho r of “The Theory of R elativity,” will shortly leave Germany for Palestine, where he will assume the professorship in Science a t the Hebrew University. The same cable reports, Prof. E instein stated during, his stay in Vienna, th a t the most, difficult work in laying the foundation of th e Jewish National Homeland in Palestine had been accomplished by the Zionists, and th a t th e Jews of the U nited’ States, G reat B ritain, and Germany should now be prepared to cooperate w ith th e Zionist organization. “ I expect from Zionism th e reb irth of th e Jew ish people,” Prof. E instein stated, and he added th a t what he had seen in P alestine gave him an indestructible belief in th e success o f the Jew ish colonization of th e country. Also, th a t the present development has assumed overwhelm ing propor tions, and th a t once P alestine is reb u ilt as a cultural center, the position of th e Jews all over th e world will be fortified both morally and politically.
P alestine and th e League of Nations A t a recent session of th e P erm anen t Mandates Commisr sion of th e League of Nations, in Geneva, it was repo rted th a t Mr. Ormsby-Gore, th e accredited representative of the B ritish Government, in a brief statem ent, a fte r having sum marized th e course of events in P alestine during th e B ritish occupation, concluded by observing th a t: “The work of reconstruction required m illions in money and thousands of workmen. The B ritish Government was of th e opinion th a t only Jew ish, capital and men could achieve th is work, and would be pleased if Z ionist organiza tions devoted themselves more and more to practical work. According to a news rep o rt from Jerusalem to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the questions asked by th e Mandates Commission of th e League of Nations w ith reference to the situation in Palestine, are as follows: “W hat measures have been tak en to place the. country under such political, adm inistrative, and economic condi tions as will secure th e.estab lishm en t of the national home for the Jew ish people? “W hat measures have been tak en to place th e country under such political, adm inistrative, and economic condi tions as will safeguard the civil and religious righ ts of all inhab itan ts of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion? “ In w hat m anner has th e Jew ish Agency been officially recognized? W hat is th e extent of th e cooperation w ith th e Adm inistration of P alestin e in economic, social, and other m atters? In w hat manner has th is agency tak en p a rt in »the development of the country, and w hat steps have been tak en in consultation w ith His B ritannic Majesty’s Govern m ent to secure th e cooperation of all Jews who are w illing to assist in the establishm ent of th e Jew ish national home?”
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