King's Business - 1925-01


TH E K I N G ’ S


January 1925

Building Loan & Saving Cooperative Society to m inister to its needs, b u t has responded to the growing demand of the builders of Tel-Aviv. The Managers of th e Mortgage Bank take pride in the fact th a t all repayments on loans are being m et promptly. W ith th e help of th e Mortgage Bank new Jew ish suburbs are being built, such as th e Tel-Nordau and Nordiah quar­ ters of Tel-Áviv, th e H ad ar H acarmel in H aifa, and the K iryat Schmuel in T iberias.' P rof. E in stein to Jo in Hebrew University Staff A cable from Vienna to th e Jew ish Telegraphic Agency repo rts th a t Prof. A lbert E instein, au tho r of “The Theory of R elativity,” will shortly leave Germany for Palestine, where he will assume the professorship in Science a t the Hebrew University. The same cable reports, Prof. E instein stated during, his stay in Vienna, th a t the most, difficult work in laying the foundation of th e Jewish National Homeland in Palestine had been accomplished by the Zionists, and th a t th e Jews of the U nited’ States, G reat B ritain, and Germany should now be prepared to cooperate w ith th e Zionist organization. “ I expect from Zionism th e reb irth of th e Jew ish people,” Prof. E instein stated, and he added th a t what he had seen in P alestine gave him an indestructible belief in th e success o f the Jew ish colonization of th e country. Also, th a t the present development has assumed overwhelm ing propor­ tions, and th a t once P alestine is reb u ilt as a cultural center, the position of th e Jews all over th e world will be fortified both morally and politically.

P alestine and th e League of Nations A t a recent session of th e P erm anen t Mandates Commisr sion of th e League of Nations, in Geneva, it was repo rted th a t Mr. Ormsby-Gore, th e accredited representative of the B ritish Government, in a brief statem ent, a fte r having sum ­ marized th e course of events in P alestine during th e B ritish occupation, concluded by observing th a t: “The work of reconstruction required m illions in money and thousands of workmen. The B ritish Government was of th e opinion th a t only Jew ish, capital and men could achieve th is work, and would be pleased if Z ionist organiza­ tions devoted themselves more and more to practical work. According to a news rep o rt from Jerusalem to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the questions asked by th e Mandates Commission of th e League of Nations w ith reference to the situation in Palestine, are as follows: “W hat measures have been tak en to place the. country under such political, adm inistrative, and economic condi­ tions as will secure th e.estab lishm en t of the national home for the Jew ish people? “W hat measures have been tak en to place th e country under such political, adm inistrative, and economic condi­ tions as will safeguard the civil and religious righ ts of all inhab itan ts of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion? “ In w hat m anner has th e Jew ish Agency been officially recognized? W hat is th e extent of th e cooperation w ith th e Adm inistration of P alestin e in economic, social, and other m atters? In w hat manner has th is agency tak en p a rt in »the development of the country, and w hat steps have been tak en in consultation w ith His B ritannic Majesty’s Govern­ m ent to secure th e cooperation of all Jews who are w illing to assist in the establishm ent of th e Jew ish national home?”

Beware of Substitutes ! HE w o r l d is full of I ^ J them today. Litera- tu re of cults t h a t make th eir “ special revela­ tions** th e key to the Bible, has been so widely circulated th at m any Christians are in u tte r confusion as to w hat the Bible teaches. OUR BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES have straightened o u t hun­ dreds of people, grounding them in the g reat doctrines of the Faith. You are no t made dependent upon the view» of any teacher, bu t the Bible is made its own comm entary and you dig out the tru th for yourself, Comparing Scripture w ith Scripture, u n d e r our direction. ASK FOR BULLETIN

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