King's Business - 1925-01



K I N G ’ S


J a n u a ry 1925

word is rendered “figure” in Romans 5:14, “fashioned” in Acts 7:44, and “p a tte rn ” in T itus 2:7. Adam was a “fig­ u re ” of th e coming Christ; Moses made th e tabernacle like th e “fashion” shewed by God; and T itus was to be a “p a t­ te rn ” in holy living to others. In each case th ere is the though t of likeness to, or th e reproduction of, a certain thing. “Delivered” means to be given over. I t is tran slated “betray ed ” in speaking of Christ’s betrayal into th e hands of wicked men (Mark 1 4 :4 4 ); “gave up ” , in c a llin g 'a tte n ­ tion to men being given up by God to th e ir sins (Rom. 1:24, 26, 2 8 ); and “ delivered up” when we are told Christ was “delivered up ” for us all (Rom. 8 :3 2 ). When we are “ deliv­ ered up” to th e tru th of Christ’s Lordship over us, nothing else can m aster us. We are m asters of th e situation when we are m astered by Christ. 6. EDIFICATION IS THE OUTCOME OF DOCTRINE The dying charge of th e apostle to Timothy was “ Preach th e Word” (2 Tim. 4:2, 3 ), and, in calling atten tion to the gift of tongues he says: “W hat shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine,” and he sums all up by say­ ing “ let all things be done unto edifying” (1 Cor. 14:6, 26). Edification is th e sum and substance of all m inistry. Edifi­ cation means th e building up of the life by means of the tru th . The word “ to edify” occurs seven tim es in 1 Cor. 14, verses 3, 4, 5, 12, 17, 26, and means “ to build up,” and is so tran slate d in speaking of th e man who “b u ilt” his house on th e rock, and of Christ when He speaks of His Church as being “b u ilt” on what He is (Matt. 7 :24 ; 1 6 :18 ). He who would have his ch aracter sanctified in its entirety, and be symmetrical in every part, needs to have it formed and fashioned by th e m aterial of th e Word, and by th e Mas­ te r hand of th e Spirit. 7. RESPONSE TO DOCTRINE IS OBEDIENCE TO THE LORD. The directions of th e Spirit in relation to H is tru th are explicit and emphatic. He, bids us by specific direction and


to “live for ever” (1 Pet. 1 :23 ; Rev. 4 :1 0 ), to be above everything and everyone else (Psa. 1 1 9 :7 2 ;'S. of S. 5:10- 11), and n eith er of them can be broken (John 10:35; 19: 36). 4. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE TEACHER OF DOCTRINE. The Spirit is spoken of as “ th e anointing” which “ teaeh- eth you all th ing s” (1 John 2 :2 7 ). The Spirit is th e Spirit of T ruth, and as such leads into all tru th (1 John 1 4 :1 7 ).' He is essentially tru e, and ean do nothing else th an make us tru e and lead into th e tru th ; as one has said: “The anoint­ ing which abides in, and teaches believers, is essentially tru e, is not a lie, and hence nothing can come from it which is a lie” . As it was th e business of Eleazar, as associated w ith Aaron th e High P riest, to look afte r “ th e oil for the light, the sweet incense, th e daily meat-offering, the anoint­ ing oil, and the; oversight of all th e tabernacle” (Num. 4: 16 ), so the Holy Spirit, acting w ith our G reat H igh. P riest, is the source of our S piritual life and ligh t (Rom. 8 :2 ); the secret of tru e worship ( Phil. 3 :3 ) ; the Revealer of Christ, ou r P erfect Meat Offering (John 16 :14 ))? th e anointing power for consecration and service (1 John 2 :2 0 ); and the Overseer of all th a t pertains to th e church and the individ­ ual believer (Acts 20:28; 1 Cor. 12 :11 ). 5. MAKING “L IKE TO ITSELF” IS THE END OF DOCTRINE. P aul commended the saints in Rome because they “ obeyed from th e h ea rt th a t form of doctrine whereto they were delivered” (Rom. 6:17 m arg in ). He likens them to molten m etal, and th e “ form of doctrine” to a mold, and th eir obedience like to m etal being poured into th e mold so th a t th e tru th shaped them and made them in form like to itself. I t is not the tru th we hold which makes us, it is th e tru th which holds us th a t shapes us. The expressiveness of the sentence uaed is apprehended more fully if we ponder the words “form ” and “delivered.” “F o rm ” denotes an image deeply engraved, and fitted to reproduce its impress. The

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