King's Business - 1925-01


January 1925


K I N G ’ S


by practical example to continue in it sted fastly as whole­ hearted believers (Acts 2 :4 2 ); to be shaped by it contin­ ually as pliable saints (Rom. 6:17 m a r.); to feed upon it personally as dependent disciples (1 Tim. 4 :6 ) ; to attend to it regularly as diligent scholars (1 Tim. 4 :1 3 ); to ta k e heed to it thoroughly as earnest stew ards (1 Tim. 4 :1 6 ); to teach it faithfully as consistent Christians (1 Tim. 6 :3 ; T itus 2:7, 1 0 ); to preach it tenaciously as zealous w orkers (2 Tim. 4 :2 ; T itus 2 :1 ) ; to hold it firmly as convinced w it­ nesses (T itus 1 :9 ; 2 John 1 0 ); and to abide in it loyally as satisfied servants (2 John 9). One of th e most p ertinen t things L u th er ever said was: “Who is armed w ith the text, th e same is a rig h t Pastor, and my best advice and counsel is, th a t we draw w ater out of th e tru e Fountain, that; is, diligently to read th e Bible. He is a learned divine who is well grounded in th e text, for one text and sentence out of the Bible is of far more esteem and value th a n many w ritings and glossings which n either are strong, sound, nor arm or proof.” Our study covers th e general term of Biblical Theology, or Christian Doctrine as revealed in th e Bible. Hooker defines Theology as “ the science of th e things of God.” The relative term s “morality, religion and worship w ith theol­ ogy” have been defined as follows: “Theology is a science; morality is a law; religion is a life; and worship an act,” bu t I p refer to say Theology is the knowledge of God (John 1 7 :3 ); m orality is likeness to God (Micah 6 :8 ) ; relig ion is acting lik e God (Jam es 1 :2 7 ); and worship is communion w ith God (John 4 :2 4 ). Theology comes from , two Greek words: “Theos” , sig­ nifying God, and “Logos”;,, meaning speech or discourse. Both “Theos” and “Logos” .are applied to Christ. “Logos” is rendered “Word’’ four times in John 1:1-14, and is tran s­ lated “ saying” in John 4,¡-39; “ trea tise” in Acts 1 :1 , and “u tte ran ce” in Eph. 6,19. “Theos” occurs th ree tim es w ith “Logos” in John 1:1, 2, in relation to Christ and God. Christ is the center and circumference of all tru e theology. “And th e peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep (g arrison ) your h ea rts and m inds th rough Christ Jesu s.” : LOVE is from the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5 :5 ): “And hope m ak eth n o t ashamed, because th e love of God is shed abroad in our h ea rts by th e Holy Ghost which is given un to us.” We are called to walk in love (Eph. 5 :2 ): “And w alk in love, as Christ also h a th loved us, an d h a th given him self fo r u s an offering and a sacrifice to God fo r a sweetsmelling savour.” ■ (1 John 3 :1 4 ): “We know th a t we have passed from d ea th un to life because we love th e b reth ren .” The assurance of our salvation is manifested by our knowledge of God (1 John 4 :7 ): “Beloved, le t us love one ano th er; fo r love is of God; and every one th a t loveth is bo ra of God, and know eth God.” We should heed th e exhortation in 1 Pet. 1:22: “Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying th e tru th th rough th e S p irit un to unfeigned love of th e b reth ren , see th a t ye love one ano th er w ith a pu re h e a rt fervently.” MERCT is from our F ath e r, and it endu reth forever. He has bowels of mercy. He lovés to bestow it. Peace is through His Son (Eph. 2 :4 ). The punishm ent of our peace (Continued on page 48) OUTLINE STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF JUDE (Continued from page 27)

The Greatest Book on “Dispensational Truth” in the World T his book is bound

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to ry a n d Prophecy. W ith the Scofield Bible a n d th is book before him th e stu d en t w ill be well equipped to secure an all- aro u n d know ledge of th e ‘Plan of the Ages.* ” (Rev. C harles C. C ook). “ P a sto r C larence L ark in has published w h at m ay be called th e m o st elab o rate and ex­ h au stiv e specim en of Biblical a n d D ispensational C arto g ra ­ ph y th a t h as ev er been de­ signed.” (Rev. F. W . F arr, D D . ) T H E SAME AUTHOR th e “U nderw orld” “S atan," “D em onism , th e “Interm ediate S tate,” “H eaven a n d H ell,” etc. It co n tain s 19 ch ap ters, 160 pages (5% x8 inches)', and is illu stra te d w ith 27 p ictu res a n d 17 c h arts. C loth— P rice P o stp aid , $1.50. T he Second Com ing of C hrist T his is a B ooklet (revised an d enlarged) of 70 pages, illu stra te d w ith a num ber of fine c h a rts a n d p ictu res. It h as an ornam ental brow n p a ­ p er cover. It is highly com ­ m ended, an d h as h ad a large an d w ide circu latio n . Price P o stp aid , Single Copies, 25cts., 5 Copies, $1.00 T ra c t Edition, 40 p ag es giv ­ ing a sh o rt review of “the second com ing.” 5c p er copy, 6 copies fo r 25c.

“ Mr. L arkin is a ‘M aster W orkm an’ in ‘R ightly D ividing th e W ord’.” (Rev. I. M. H al- dem an, D. D.) “ It is th e b e st collection of ‘D ispensational Charts* evex published. I know of none to com pare w ith it.” (Rev. Frank S. W eston, T o ro n to Bible Col­ lege). " It is th e m o st rem arkable pub licatio n on ‘D ispensational T ru th ’ in existence. The C h arts a re m asterly a n d cover th e en tire range of Bible H is­ OTHER BOOKS BY R ig h tly D ividing th e W ord T his book “R ightly D ivides’* th e “ Fundam entals” in a se r­ ies of c o n tra sts, a s “Law and G race,” “F aith a n d W orks," etc. It co n tain s 29 ch ap ters, 330 pages (size 5% x8 inches), an d 55 c h arts. C loth— Price P o stp aid , $3.00 T h e Book of R evelation T his is a n in te rp reta tio n of th e “Book of R evelation” from th e “ F u tu rist S tan d p o in t.” It is highly spoken of, a n d is illu stra te d w i t h num erous c h arts, m aps, a n d cu ts. The te x t a n d descriptive m a tte r is em phasized w ith b lack type. Size 6x9 inches. P ages 210. C loth—-P ric e P o stp aid , $2.50 The S p irit W orld T his book tre a ts of the “Pow ers of Good an d Evil,"


Rev. Clarence Larkin

P hiladelphia, P a.

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