King's Business - 1925-01


January 1925

TH E K I N G ’ S


A CAPTIVE DELIVERED “The Spirit of th e Lord is upon me, because he h a th anointed me to preach th e gospel to th e poor; he h a th sent me to heal th e broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to th e captives, and recovering of sigh t to th e blind, to set a t liberty them th a t are bruised” (Luke 4 :1 8 ). The editor takes pleasure in giv­ ing the following recent and thrilling illu stratio n of the way in which the Good Shepherd never rests until' He b ring s back the wanderer from the fold, no m atter “how deep are th e val­ leys crossed, or how dark is the night th a t He passes through, ere He finds th e sheep th a t was lost.” Wherever the blessed Gospel of sal­ vation through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ is preached, it has the same power to “ deliver the cap­ tives” and to “ set a t liberty them th a t are b ruised.” Mr. George Achilles-—the devoted Christian worker whom God used to

BIBLES! SCRIPTURAL BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS! TRACTS! POST CARDS! ETC., ETC. Send for a f r e e copy of our new catalogue listing a large line of choice, helpful and scriptural books, pamphlets, tracts, etc. A splen­ did booklet sent f r e e to all mentioning this ad. I. C. HERENDEEN, Bible Truth Depot, 7313 Wade P ark Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio




Teachers’ Quarterlies help to. m ake Sunday School Lesson teaching easy. They contain expositions that are Scriptural, Spiritual, Practical, and Pure. W. S. Hottel, Editor-in-chief Beginning Jan. 1, 1925, there are two new departm ent Editors added to the editorial staff— Rev. R. H. Glover, D irector of Missionary Coursé a t Moody Bible Institute, has agreed to supply the “Missionary Application“ for each lesson. Rev. H. M. H ildebrandt, pastor T hird P resbyterian C hurch of Springfield, 111., has consented to edit “The Golden T ext Illum inated“ Departm ent. This staff is to o well know n b y th e read ers of th e m agazine to need comm ent. The Series co n sists of a full line of helps fo r teach ers a n d sch o lars of all g rad es Sam ples of th e full line will be sen t free on req u est Address UNION GOSPEL PUBLISHING CO., Box 680, Cleveland, Ohio

JOHNWESLEY THES T,AN B y E lsie E. E germeier

In a few hours of delightful reading you are given an excellent view into the life of the great Wesley, preacher* and reformer. It'w as written for young people; is very entertaining, and is clothed in a spiritua 1 atmosphere. Cloth bound. 75c, postpaid. JOHN G. PATON Tou°™s™sE B y B essie L. B yrum A well-written story of the fearless missionary to the cannibals. It is the kind of story one loses sleep to read. Both young and old minds will be well repaid by reading this book. Illustrated. Cloth bound. 75c, postpaid. INNATURE’SHAUNTS WX™ M.„ds B y W m . A. B ixler Here is an unusual collection of “ good things” for boys and girls. It broadens the mind and helps its readers to converse intelligently on many subjects. Contains more than 75 stories and explanations of such topics as light, heat, electricity, icebergs, tornadoes, mirages, animals, seasons, etc. It entertains and instructs. Size, 7x9. Cloth bound. $1.00, postpaid. BIBLE PICTURE A B C BOOK B y E lsie E. E germeier New and Original. 26 full-page beautiful color pictures, 26 delightful poems, 26 Bible stories. An unusual book giving children impressive lessons on the Bible. Price, po8tpaid. BIBLE STORIES AND STUDIES By A. L. B yers The first part of the book is taken up in telling beautiful narratives from the Old and New Testaments. Most of the stories are those in which children play a leading part. The children will enjoy answering the 300 search questions on the Bible, found in the back of the book. Cloth bound. 75c, postpaid.

MBS. MAE DONALDSON m inister to and re sto re p su c h an one” ^ —was one of the faith fu l members of the w riter’s Bible class in St. Paul, Minnesota, thirty-five years ago;' and ■—although a business man—he never lost his love for winning souls, and is now giving his life wholly to prison work, being in charge of the Texas Howard Association. Those of our readers who belong to th a t “ inner circle” of the K ing’s Busi­ ness fam ily known as “Defenders of th e F a ith ” , will remember reading on page 565 of the September issue, a let­ te r from a Dallas subscriber telling of the marvelous reclam ation of a young woman from th e “ dope” habit. This victory of Divine grace was ef­ fected th rough the efforts of a Chris­ tian worker, who found her in the County Jail, prayed w ith her, and left her a Bible. This she later took w ith

For Your Juvenile and Young People*s Book-shelf

Beautiful Girlhood................. $1.00 The Hero of Hill House.. . . 1.00 Bits of Biography....................... 75 Mary’s Reward............................6Q Bedtime Stories............................60 Happy Hours at Home...............60 Do you want our catalog? Books, Bibles, scriptural velvet mottoes, postcards, etc. Free for the asking.

Gospel Trumpet Co. ANDERSON, IND.

Branches Pom ona, Cal., 7 th S t. an d C arey Ave. K an sas C ity, Mo., 15th and P ro sp ect. A tlan ta, G a., 638 Edgew ood Ave. Y akim a, W ash., 10 S o u th 7 th Ave.

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