January 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S
h er when committed as a hopeless case to the F ed eral Prison a t Canon City, Colorado. Mae Donaldson had in youth ac cepted Jesus Christ as h er Savior, was la te r m arried, and became the mother of a child. But she was taken very ill, when a number of serious opera tions were performed, during which opiates . were freely adm inistered. When she left th e san itarium she was a drug addict. She did not su rrender w ithout a fight, but tried every known means and every suggested refhedy to free herself from th e awful appetite, ta k ing in all twenty-one “ cures.” Her people did all they could for her. But it was always th e same old story: she had to have th e stuff. Once she went six weeks w ithout the drug, b u t was finally overcome w ith th e intense de sire for it, and th e feeling th a t she would die if she could not get some “ dope” . Once, during a shortage, she forged some narcotic prescriptions, and was brought before a F ederal Judge, who sentenced her to the peni te n tia ry for “ a year and a day” . Five and a half feet tall, she weighed but 99 pounds, looking more like a skele ton th a n a human being. A rriving a t the Federal prison— hopeless, helpless, but, praise God, not friendless (Prov. 1 8 :2 4 )— she asked for th e Bible which had been given her, and opened it a t th e passage: “F o r God so loved th e world, th a t h e gave his only begotten Son, th a t whosoever believeth in him should no t perish, b n t have everlasting life” . Then and th ere the Holy Spirit con victed her and, like the prodigal, she resolved: “ I will arise and go to' my fa th e r” , and she did, meeting w ith the same reception th a t is always accord ed th e re tu rn in g w anderer, and prov ing anew th e promise, “ If we confess our sins, he is faith fu l and ju st to for give us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” From th a t moment it was a winning fight fo r Mae Donaldson. When the prison physician offered her something to make her sleep th a t first night, she told him she was th rough ; and she was. To th is very day she has never taken any more “ dope” , and never has a desire for it. H er rem arkab le feat was subsequently rewarded by the prison officials. She was given her freedom about th e place, and filled various positions of tru st, in addi tion she formed a Bible class for the women prisoners which, before she left, was attended by over a hundred women. Upon her release, she was offered a perm anebt position in th e penitenti ary, bu t refused it, saying: “ In Dallas I fell and in Dallas I will serve the Lord” . This she has done. Through the good offices of Mr. Achilles she was given a position as City Missionary w i t h the C entral Congregational Church, her field of service being in South Dallas, where th e church sup ports a mission. The superintendent of the mission, Mr. F. E. Morris, says the attendance a t the Sunday School has increased 100 per cent, and a t the church services over 300 per cent,
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