King's Business - 1925-01


January 1925

TH E K I N G ’ S


since Mrs. Donaldson took up the work. “ I know th a t God cured me” , Mrs. Donaldson testifies. “ I tried every­ thing else. I had given up all hope, when ju st all of a sudden I received Him back into my h eart, and th e crav­ ing left.” ' Both Mr. Achilles and Mr. Morris are members of “The K ing’s Business fam ily” , and keep us inform ed con­ cerning Mrs. Donaldson’s success in h er chosen field of labor. A recent let­ te r from Mrs. Donaldson herself says: “Thus far my new life has been one •continuous blessing. Won’t you join me in praying th a t He will always keep me humble, steadfast, faithful, and more worthy of th is wonderful blessing? I w ant to th ank you for your le tte rs and for The K ing’s Busi­ ness sent me while in prison, as our mail privileges were ra th e r lim ited. ***It is w ith pangs of grief and a sense of hum iliation th a t I speak of my past, bu t I do so for Jesu s’ sake, hoping th a t some poor soul, knowing how I was lifted up from th e very depths, will take h ea rt and be led to seek for the same saving grace which I found. The voice of th e Son of God is still bringing the dead to life, speak­ ing liberty to the bound, re st to the weary, hope and cheer to th e hope­ less, and pardon to the penitent. “Use the photograph which I am sending in any way you may care to— for Him who ‘gave His only begotten Son, th a t whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, b u t have everlast­ ing life.’ ” (Note: Ju s t as we are going to press th e mail brings a le tte r from Mr. Achilles saying th a t Mrs. Donald­ son spoke in th e park in Dallas on Sunday n igh t to several thousand peo­ ple, and later in one of the churches where she held the congregation spell­ bound. Mr. Achilles requests believ­ ers to be much in prayer for Mrs. Don­ aldson, th a t she may be sustained and her service owned and blessed of God. -...Editor. ) a » CHURCH SIDE-SHOWS “An attack on th e ‘side-shows’ of the churches was made by th e Rev. T. Dinsdale Young a t this morning’s ses­ sion of the Wesleyan Conference, (Not­ tingham , England) which took the form of a conversation on th e work of God. “Mr. Dinsdale Young said th e g reat danger of th e Church was its absorp­ tion in secondary things. T w ant to raise my voice against th e side shows’ he said. Some of the present mod­ ernists . did not describe themselves as ‘guilty, hell-deserving sinners,’ but he so described them . (L aughter.) ‘T h at is how I describe myself,’ he added. “A g reat deal of the religious teach­ ing today was U nitarian. T hat was not th e way of salvation tau g h t by Wesley, P aul and the Master. He was much afraid of th e views of th e Bible th a t were being propagated. There was a low doctrine of inspiration in many pulpits, and a tendency to preach on trum pery topics.”

HERE THEY ARE— Real, live human beings, doing ju st what you have wanted to do for so long. At th e same rate of commis­ sion we will pay you, they MAKE OVER $50 A DAY E. S. Holmen says:

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W. L. Horne, Jr., says: “During 5 consecutive days of hot August weather I sold 50 copies of The System Bible Study, mak­ ing an average daily profit of over $50. This is by far the best sell­ ing proposition I ever tried; Aside from financial consider­ ations, it is a real satis­ faction to know. that 1 am rendering my customers a great service in placing ‘the masterpiece of Bible helps'

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You need no t write a letter— Just fill in spaces below. THE SYSTEM BIBLE COMPANY 209 S. State St. Chicago, Illinois G entlem en: I am in terested in your proposition as described in K in g 's B usiness. W ith o u t obligation on m y p a rt, please tell m e how your salesm en m ake $10-$50 daily. N am e......... ............................ St. or *Cit y ........................................Sta t e................... in their hands." O ur Proposition: Your O pportunity Many others are making BIG MONEY selling The System Bible Study—why not YOU? We will tell you how to sell successfully, furnish you a complete selling talk, and take a personal interest in -your success. Isn't such a proposition worth a trial? If you would like to become independent finan­ cially and at the same time render a real service to your fellow-man, WRITE US TODAY. THE SYSTEM BIBLE COMPANY 209 S. S tate S t. (D ept. K ) Chicago We also handle Bibles and Testaments.


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The m ore th a n h alfmillion copies ofT abernacle H ym ns No. 2 sold in th e p ast three years per­ m it us to offer th is .wonderful book a t a B IG PR ICE REDUCT ION ! Per 100 copies: M an ila. $2 5; F u ll C lo th , $ 4 0 ; A rt Buckram superfine binding« $50; (single copies prepaid, 30c, 50c an d 60c respectively.) Sample copy sent without obligation for 30 days Ju st say on post card: f Please send me copy o f Tabernacle Hymns No. 2 (specify binding ) which I w ill return or Payfo r after30 days. ’’ W R IT E TODAY. | ‘ TABERNACLE PUBLISHING CO. i 29 S. La Salle St., Room 915, Chicago, 111* SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH T his is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E vangelists and Bible W om en w ho are being sup p o rted fo r from 80c to $2^00 a week. $40 to $100 fo r a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free literatu re. SAMUEL MORRIS— TH E STORY OF AN AFRICAN BOY w ho cam e to Am erica to learn of th e H oly S pirit. T housands helped by it. One h undred w ere given o u t in H aw aii ■— an en tire com m unity tu rn ed to God. W e know of no book th a t will w arm h e arts like th is. O rder a copy, 10c; 20 fo r $1.00, p o st­ paid. G olden Rule Book Shop, A lbion, Mich. n r u u Has an alibi. “EVOLUTION DID IT.” Is man l l h ¥ I I . 2 million years from monkeydom and 20 see­ ms aj v a sj on(jg from heaven? Few books that defend the “faith once for all delivered,” are eagerly read by’students and workingmen“Jocko-HomoHeavenbound.” Riddlesapeismwith un, factsandsatire. 2 dimes.HomoCo.,Rogers, 0 .Cartoonsfree-

By AMOS R. WELLS, Litt. D., LL.D.

For fifty years this Sunday H .School Comment ary on the International; Lessons has been the constant help to millions of Sunday Schoof;teachers. It is complete in itstreatment of the lesson text,fullofmaps and full- page illustrations, pen and ink | drawings, chronologicalchartsg and a helpful index. Send for the: first lesson o f 1925 f Price $1.90. net $2^00 dpliyered W, A. WILDE' COMPANY ' 131 CLARENDONSTREET.BOSTON, MASS. . FOR SA LE A T A iL BOOKSTORES

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