January 1925
TH E K I N G ’ S
since Mrs. Donaldson took up the work. “ I know th a t God cured me” , Mrs. Donaldson testifies. “ I tried every thing else. I had given up all hope, when ju st all of a sudden I received Him back into my h eart, and th e crav ing left.” ' Both Mr. Achilles and Mr. Morris are members of “The K ing’s Business fam ily” , and keep us inform ed con cerning Mrs. Donaldson’s success in h er chosen field of labor. A recent let te r from Mrs. Donaldson herself says: “Thus far my new life has been one •continuous blessing. Won’t you join me in praying th a t He will always keep me humble, steadfast, faithful, and more worthy of th is wonderful blessing? I w ant to th ank you for your le tte rs and for The K ing’s Busi ness sent me while in prison, as our mail privileges were ra th e r lim ited. ***It is w ith pangs of grief and a sense of hum iliation th a t I speak of my past, bu t I do so for Jesu s’ sake, hoping th a t some poor soul, knowing how I was lifted up from th e very depths, will take h ea rt and be led to seek for the same saving grace which I found. The voice of th e Son of God is still bringing the dead to life, speak ing liberty to the bound, re st to the weary, hope and cheer to th e hope less, and pardon to the penitent. “Use the photograph which I am sending in any way you may care to— for Him who ‘gave His only begotten Son, th a t whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, b u t have everlast ing life.’ ” (Note: Ju s t as we are going to press th e mail brings a le tte r from Mr. Achilles saying th a t Mrs. Donald son spoke in th e park in Dallas on Sunday n igh t to several thousand peo ple, and later in one of the churches where she held the congregation spell bound. Mr. Achilles requests believ ers to be much in prayer for Mrs. Don aldson, th a t she may be sustained and her service owned and blessed of God. -...Editor. ) a » CHURCH SIDE-SHOWS “An attack on th e ‘side-shows’ of the churches was made by th e Rev. T. Dinsdale Young a t this morning’s ses sion of the Wesleyan Conference, (Not tingham , England) which took the form of a conversation on th e work of God. “Mr. Dinsdale Young said th e g reat danger of th e Church was its absorp tion in secondary things. T w ant to raise my voice against th e side shows’ he said. Some of the present mod ernists . did not describe themselves as ‘guilty, hell-deserving sinners,’ but he so described them . (L aughter.) ‘T h at is how I describe myself,’ he added. “A g reat deal of the religious teach ing today was U nitarian. T hat was not th e way of salvation tau g h t by Wesley, P aul and the Master. He was much afraid of th e views of th e Bible th a t were being propagated. There was a low doctrine of inspiration in many pulpits, and a tendency to preach on trum pery topics.”
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