January 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S
nected w ith th e music departm ent, while Mrs. Hooker is teaching Sunday School Methods and Personal Work. Mary and Christine MacDonald, ’24, have been used of th e Lord to testify for Him in different services in th eir own home town and nearby places, Mary is rem aining a t home th is year, in K ilmuir, Prince Edward Island, Canada, while Christine is a th ird year stud en t a t P rince of Wales College, Charlottetown. Married George Hall, ’22, and Miss E d ith E lyea, Post G raduate, ’23, August 18th. Melbourne, Australia. M artin L. Long, ’24, and Myrtle Thompson, ’24, September 7th, La- Grange, 111. H al Reed, ’23, and Lois Matthews, September 14th, Los Angeles. Jam es A. K er, and E d n a K lair P roud, N iligiri Hills, South India. Born To Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k Olson (E sth er Segerkrantz, ’20 ), a son, F rank , June 3.0. Seattle, Wash. To. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailes, a son, John Douglas, October 8. Los Angeles. AN IMPORTANT LETTER TO FORMER B. I. STUDENTS If you are in Active Missionary ser vice or in p reparation for it, th e Stu dent Missionary Union invites you into its fellowship, as you are eligible for Active Membership. Our purpose is th a t B. I. students who are, or who intend to become, active in m issionary work, may be kept in touch w ith each o ther and able to remember each o th er’s needs in prayer. The definite needs of each member will become known through The K ing’s Business, togeth er w ith other items of Missionary Union in te r ests. ■ This will also be an excellent ,oppor tu n ity for m issionaries to reach the hundreds of Day, Evening and Corres pondence School students w ith the needs of th e ir respective fields. The K ing’s Business will send the magazine free to m issionaries in ser vice, so th a t any deserving member of th e S tudent Missionary Union may have The K ing’s Business upon appli cation. We would be pleased to hear from you, and, if you so desire, mail you a Declaration Card, which when signed and sent to us w ill en title you to be come a member. This card, w ith which some of you are already fam iliar, con tains a pledge of allegiance to the whole Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope th a t we may have your prayers th a t God will use th is student fellowship as a means of bringing joy and glory to Himself. “Unto Him th a t loveth us,” STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION. P. S. Please address communications to the P resident of the Student Mis sio n a ry Union of th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles.
BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS (Continued from page 28) The teachers need help, too, as all of them are. n o t Christians as yet.” Miss Beatrice Lang,> ’23, has been doing some work among children,5 teaching home Bible Classes, in Long Beach. Rev. Hugh P . Andrews, who is as sociated w ith Evangelist David F. Ny- gren, is scheduled for th e following places: Salt Lake city, Anaconda, Mont., Everett, Wash., Matsqui, B. C., Canada, Hoquiam , Wash., Seattle, Wash., and points in California and Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley O. K emptner w rite from Brooklyn, N. Y .: “As we have previously asked you to pray, we now ask you to rejoice w ith us th a t the Lord has made pro vision and opened the way for our re tu rn to Africa. Some of our friends have wondered why we haven’t re tu rn ed before, bu t recent events and circum stances have proven beyond any doubt th a t God has delayed us for a definite purpose, and we cannot tell you how glad we are th a t we were not allowed to go before. We wouldn’t have missed all th e Lord has done for us th e last few months for anything. Again we give Him all the praise, for His marvelous works to us— His re deemed ones through the precious blood of. Christ. ‘The Lord hath done g reat things for us, whereof we are glad.’ Psalm 126:3. “We now expect to leave New York October 25th on the Steamship Cal cu tta, going direct to P o rt Sudan on the Red Sea, thence to K hartum , and up the Nile River to R ejaf, thence across to Aba in the Belgian Congo. We will of course be very busy th e next few weeks making final p rep a ra tions, and would ask th a t you kindly remember us in your prayers th a t God’s will may be done in every de tail, as well as keep and use us during the journey, and bless our m inistry on the field. We go fo rth rejoicing in Him, bu t covet your prayers more than ever before ‘th a t the Word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified.’ ‘B rethren, pray for us.’ 1 Thess. 5 :2 5 /’ : Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hooker (Mar garet Sm ith) are on the faculty of the John Brown University at Sulphur Springs, A rkansas. Twice a week they teach at' the John Brown school in Siloam Springs. M r.'H ooker is con-
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