King's Business - 1925-01



K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1925

OUR BIBLE INSTITUTE IN HUNAN PROVINCE, CHINA (Continued from page 16) feet of hundreds of men, women and children had to rn up th e lawn, but th e real impression of w reckage was in th e church itself. In th e vestibule th ree little pigs were enjoying th eir siesta. Looking rig h t down th e main aisle to th e platform we saw a Chinese, com fortably stripped to the waist, en­ joying th e luxury of th e preacher’s chair. Every bench held a family, and glad indeed they were to have this tem porary shelter. In th e week or more th a t they were living there they heard the Gospel daily from th e plat­ form and from th e band men in per­ sonal conversations. Everyone who was able and willing to make use of it was given a piece of Gospel lite ra ­ tu re published by the “ China Depart­ ment of th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles,” and no t a few1testified that, they were now tru ly tru stin g the Lord Jesus. B eal C hristian H ospitality One of th e most in teresting features of this flying visit was a meeting which was held on F riday morning, when th e students form ally introduced the enquirers to the P resbyterian Church and pastor. Tea and cakes were served, and the students hovered around those young converts, plying them w ith good things to eat, and later helping them to find the place in hymn book or Bible in a way th a t seemed to be something more than Chinese courtesy. Was it no t rath e r the irrepressible love of th e Christian h e a rt for th e child begotten in the Lord? The Chinese pastor and his helpers took down in g reat detail the names and addresses of all th e new enquirers, and we feel confident th a t they will do everything in th e ir power to fan into a healthy flame th e spark th a t has been kindled by the zealous preaching of the students. A Vacation Vision May we add ju st an illu stration of the value of th is Summer band work as p art of the train ing of Hunan Bible In stitu te students. Mr. Chang P ’ei Jan , early last term , w rote to his mis­ sionary asking for perm ission to re­ tu rn home for the Summer and for funds for traveling expenses. This he was quite free to do as he is not a scholarship student, b u t through some hitch th e funds did not reach him be­ fore th e close of school and he was assigned to th e band whose work we have been describing. When the w rit-

Do You Make theseMistakes inENGUSH? Free yourself of e m b arrassin g m ista k es in sp eak in g a n d w ritin g . W onderful new in ­ v en tio n a u to m a tic ally finds a n d co rrects y o u r m ista k es; gives y o u a p ow erful m a s­ te ry of lan g u ag e in o n ly 15 m in u te s a d ay.

1 r ‘A New 1 Song Book for All Uses O nly N on-D enom inational book w hich com bines th e b est selection of b o th S ta n d ard H y m n san d

G o sp e l S ongs. T h erefo re, it can b e used fo r every service, season, and occasion. No other book will satisfy everybody in tne church as “ The Greatest Hymns” will. Send to d a y for returnable sample copy.

Many persons say, “Did you- hear from him today?” They should say, “Have you heard from him today?” Some spell calendar “calender” or "calen­ der.” Still others say “between you and I” instead of “between you and me.’* It is astonishing how many persons use “who” for “whom" and mispronounce the simplest words. Few know whether to spell certain words with one or two “o’e” or “m’s” or “r’a,” or with “ie” or “ei.” Most persons use only common words—oolorless, flat, ordinary. Their speech and their letters are lifeless, monotonous, humdrum. Every time they talk or write they show themselves lacking in the essential points of English.

3 0 D a y s’ F r e e T r ia l “ T h e G re a te st H ym ns'* will add spiritualforce to devotional services, saving grace and con­ verts to revivals, glad hearts andenthusiasm to song services and consecrated lives to the Church and Sunday School. U n u su ally w ell-bound,light and easy to hold. Divided into tw o groups: first half, great hymns of the church; second half, masterpiecesofmoderngospel song. See.trial offer below. PUBLISHED BY Tabernacle Publishing Company, Chicago, 111. F. O. B. following Distribu­ tors: (Single Copies Prepaid )

Three Beautiful Bindings at Attractive Prices (Prices are F.O.B. your nearest distributor) BLUEVELLUM PAPER Single Copy, postpaid 50c 100 Copies. . . . $35.00 SILK BASKET CLOTH Single Copy, postpaid 75c 100 Copies . . . . $60.00 SUPERFINE SILK Gold Stamped 100 copies with Church name stamped in gold leaf on cover. . .$85.00


Every time you talk, every time you write, you show what you are’ When you use the wrong word, when you miepronounoe a word, when you punctuate incorrectly, when you use flat, ordinary words, you handicap yourself enormously. A striking command of English enables you to present your ideas dearly, forcefully, convincingly. If your language is incorrect it hurts you more than you will ever know, for people are toe polite to tell you about your mistakes. Wonderful New Invention For many years Mr. Cody studied the problem, of oreating instinctive habits of using good English. After countless experiments he finally invented a simple method by which you can acquire a better command of the English language in only 15 minutes a day. Now you can stop making the. mistakes whioh have been hurting you. Mr. Cody’s students have secured more improvement in fiveweeks than had previously been obtained by other pupils in two years! Learn by Habit—Not by Rules Under old methods rules are memorised, but oorreot habits are not formed. Finally the rules themselves are forgotten. The new Sherwia Cody method provides for the formation of correct habits by constantly callingattention only to the mistakesyouyoprself make—and then showing you the right way, without asking you to memorise any rules. One of the wonderful things about Mr. Cody’s course is the speed with which these habit-forming practioe drills oan be carried out. You can write the answers to fifty questions in 15 minutes and oorr.eotyour work in 5 minutes more. The drudgery and work of copying have been ended by Mr.Cody! Youconcentratealways on your own mistakes until it becomes “second nature” to speak and write eorrectly. F R E E BOOK o n ENGLISH a n d 1 5 -M in u te T e st A command of polished and effective English denotes educatidh and culture. It wins friends and favorably impresses those with whom you come in contact. In business and in social life correot English gives you added advantages and better opportunities, while poor English handicaps you more than you will ever realise. And now, in only 15 minutes a day— in your own home—yeu can actually see yourself improve by using the 100% self-eorreoting method. Mr. Cody has prepared a simple 15-minute test with oorreet answers whioh you can take in your own home so you ean tell at ones just where you stand. If you are effioient in English it. will give yeu greater confi­ dence; if you are deficient you eurely want to know it. Write today for this test—it ie free. We will also gladly mail you our new free book, “How to Speak and Write Masterly English.” Merely mail the coupon or a postal card. SHERWIN CODYSCHOOL of ENGLISH 731 Searle B uilding, R ochester, New Y ork

G o o denough & W oglom 14 V esey S tre e t, N ew Y ork, N . Y .

T ab ern acle P u b lish in g C om pany 29 So. L aSalle St. C hicago, 111. Blola Book R oom 536‘So. H ope St. Los A ngeles, C alif. D epository 2013-15 Jack so n S t. D allas, Texas G eorgia School Book D epository, In c. 110 W. P each tree S t. A tla n ta, G a. Copy o r P a s t e o n P o st C ard a n d M ail to n ea re st D istrib u to r D ept. 615. Gentlemen: Please send me without obligation except tnat I will return orpay for same within 30 days, a copy of “The Greatest Hymns”, bound in...... .................Binding. S ign Y our N am e a n d A ddress Below. TWO NEW BOOKS FOR CHILDREN H appy H ours W ith Little Folks Com piled by Stanley H . Frodsham O ver 60 sto ries. M ore th a n 100 illu stra ­ tions. S. S. Tim es says, “T he sto ries a re in ­ terestin g ly to ld a n d in ap p licatio n s th e p re ­ cious tru th s of the Gospel are presented clearly, so th a t th e child m ay g rasp them . The little book is to be m o st h eartily recom ­ m ended.” P rice 50c p ostpaid. THE GOLDEN BIRD AND OTHER STORIES By Am y Y eom ans A splendid series of sto ries fo r boys an d girls, each sto ry settin g fo rth som e C hristian tru th . W ell illu strated . D aintily g o tten up. P rice 50c p o stp aid G ospel Publishing H ouse, Springfield, Mo. Texas School Book WINSTON-INTERNATIONAL REDLETTERBIBLES SELF-PRONOUNCING BIBLES and TESTAMENT8 that EMPHASIZE CHRIST A ll th e Prophetic Types an d Prophecies in O ld T estam ent an d W ords of Christ in N ew T estam ent a re Printed in Red. Sendfor Illustrated Catalog THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO Publishers American Bible Headquarters 299 WINSTON BUILDING PHILADELPHIA yGVGYfV f f iYaYiT i \ a l \ | \ i r If they teach your boy he is a promoted rep- ■ lAlllJl tile, 6 evolutionary hops ahead of a toad. 1 /H I /I/ A Cousin of apes, ask for free cartoons or send 2 dimes for“Jocko-Homo Heavenbound” (ape-man-saint). little book of fun, facts and keen satire by humorist turned from infi­ delity. Boys read it eagerly. Homo Co.. Rogers, 0 . Agts. 200 %


731 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. Please send me your Free Book “How to Speak and Write Masterly English,” and also the 16-minute Test.

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