King's Business - 1925-01


T H E K I N G ’ S


January 1925

er went to S iangtan th e funds had come to hand and the suggestion was th a t Mr. Chang should re tu rn to Changsha and go imm ed iately . to his home in Anhwei. But the sho rt tim e th a t he had spent in the band had quite changed th e young m an’s opinion about going horned He was enthusiastic for the band work, and very th ank fu l for the circum stances th a t gave him the opportunity to tak e a p art in it this Summer. His whole face and attitu d e showed th a t he had had an experience th a t study alone could never give him. Thank God, th is stu d e n t’s experience is no exception. Indeed we fully ex­ pect th a t studen ts who, in th e first weeks of th eir course feel th eir assign­ ments a burden, will (a t least before they enter th e senior year) see th a t th e ir g reat joy as well as th e ir g reat business in life is to tell ou t the story of th e love of God in Christ Jesus. W. T. S. PH a » ܧ WHERE THE GARDEN OF EDEN WAS LOCATED It has been discovered! It was in the Nevada and Arizona region and here is th e proof, as stated in a recent news dispatch: “ Samuel Hubbard, curator of arch­ eology a t the Oakland Museum and a leading au tho rity in th e field of p re­ historic civilization in th e Southwest, left A lhambra today for the Grand Canyon of Arizona where he expects to investigate evidences of prehistoric man th a t he has already found there and to find new proof of a prehistoric race. “Accompanying Mr. H ubbard on the trip are F rederick B. Shaw, expert in making casts, and Robert L. Carson, photographer. Prof. Bailey Willis, professor of geology a t Stanford Uni­ versity, will join the expedition later. • “Twenty-six years ago Mr. Hubbard unearthed evidence, he says, which tended to show th a t a race of men inhabited the Grand Canyon country in ages gone by, and th a t th is race originated there. F rom tim e to tim e he has visited Arizona to sub stan tiate his first findings. Recently in terest of scientific men has, been directed to the Nevada and Arizona regions as the possible home of the first w hite race, through the discoveries of Captain Alan Le Baron, whose theory is th a t the Nevada plateau is the oldest place in the world.” The only trouble th a t confronts us, in th is connection, is th a t ju st about th e time, th is is proven to be a well au then ticated fact, a new site will be located, so we shall ju s t depend on the record in Genesis for a while longer anyway. If th e Recording Angel keeps a dally account, why n o t seek to regis­ te r a faith fu l day’s doings?


Goes LikeWildfire J N JU L Y our Business Manager, Mr. R. H. Rich­ ards suggested getting T he King’s Business on the news stands throughout th e country. Just read this encouraging letter from one who prom ptly p u t the plan into execution: ‘‘D ear ‘K ing’s Business’: “ I enclose herew ith ten dollars, for which please send me 100 copies of th e November num ber of T he K ing’s Business, which 1 will p u t on news stands here in A urora, Neb. “T he copies 1 received in O ctober went like wildfire, so please send these November numbers as soon as possible. “ Christian people a re clamoring for a magazine like The K ing’s Business, tru e to th e fundam entals of Christianity. “ I only wish 1 could be more used of God to spread His T ru th— th a t is why I am doing this for The King’s Business. I am also enclosing herew ith five dollars to cover four new yearly subscriptions to th e magazine. “May God keep you tru e to th e old Book. “Yours in His service C arl O. Sands, Route No.3, Box 55, M arquette, Neb.” The King’s Business onVour Nevtfs Stands H ere is a splendid chance for The K ing’s B usiness Fam ily to help th e B usiness M anager in a n en terp rise w hich will be a blessing to all who have a p a rt in it. The la rg e st News C om pany in th e w orld tells) us th a t th ey will be g lad to p u t th e m agazine on th e ir stan d s, b u t they m u st be a ssu red th ere is a dem and for it first. Now th e m em bers of “ O ur Fam ily” a re th e very ones to create th a t dem and. W rite to us for an a ttra c tiv e p oster, ad v ertisin g th e m agazine, w hich will be sen t you im m ediately. A s soon as you receive it, • tak e i t a n d one o r tw o copiesi of T he K ing’s B usiness to a news stan d , show them to the pro p rieto r, explaining p a rticu larly all the desirable features of th e m agazine to him , g et him to promise! to display the m agazine an d th e p oster, an d then follow it up. Go back as soon as you can, find ou t w h at th e resu lts have been, an d see if you can n o t secure his o rd er fo r a reg u lar m onthly supply. TH E KING’S BUSINESS REQU IRETH HASTE! D O I T N O W ! Thank you, R. H . RICHARDS. B usiness M anager. • Now th at Mr. Sands has proved his faith by his works, and since the results are such as to give encouragem ent to even the most faint-hearted, WHO WILL BE THE NEXT? The original appeal is printed herew ith:


The King’s Business has now an exceedingly ' attractive cover, and many new and helpful features, so proprietors of news stands every­ w here should be eager to display it. The Editor- in-Chief echoes Mr. R ichards’ exhortation to DO IT NOW !


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