King's Business - 1925-01


TH E K I N G ’ S


January 1925

THE FUNDAMENTALS (Continued from page 11) who is competent to expiate it? “There is no eye to pity and no; arm to sav e!” This was the dire necessity th a t brought the only-begotten Son out of “th e glory which he had w ith the F ath e r before th e world was” , to hear th e penalty of our m isdoing in His own body on the tree. The cry of a despairing race for help rang up to heaven; and when angels and archangels in per­ plexity asked: “Whom shall we send and who will go for u s?” th e only-begotten Son in th e bosom of the F ath e r answered: “Here am X; send m e!” He .came, therefore, to die. To live? Aye, surely, and th u s to show us evermore what life should he. But if th a t were all, it was merely to decorate the walls of a mausoleum w ith an un attainab le dream. L et Him prepare th e way by quashing th e indictm ent against us. He must raise th e dead before He can give significance to any program of life. Behold the Cross! It lays the specters of th e mislived past; it cancels the obligations of the broken law; so th a t God can now he “ ju st and the justifier of th e ungodly” in the behalf of all who signify, by the acceptance of faith, th e ir w illingness to be saved th a t way. This is the doctrine of “ justification by fa ith ” . Who can suggest any objection to it? There are th ree parties to the Covenant of Grace: to w it, God th e F ath e r, who consents to give His only-begotten and well-beloved Son for us men and our salvation; God the Son, who consents to expiate our sins by tak ing our place before th e bar of th e broken law; and th e p arty of th e th ird part, to wit, the sinner. When I have once affixed my sign atu re to th a t covenant, where in all the universe is any man or angel who can presume to interpose between us? In the sign of th a t Cross th e Church goes fo rth to. the con­ quest of th e world. “ I, if I be lifted up,” said Je su s,y ‘will draw all men unto me” ; and the chronicler adds: “This he said, signifying w hat death he should die.” To pass te a r­ fu l eulogiums on the singularly beautiful life and ch aracter of Jesus, while casting reproach upon th e supreme impor­ tance of His vicarious death as our only hope of salvation, is to scandalize all His life-giving words. I t is to cry , “ Hail, M aster!” While betraying Him w ith a kiss. It is to crown Him w ith thorns, mock atj His passion, and make a reductio ad absurdum of His whole redemptive work. Oh, no! “Thus it is w ritten ,” He said, “ and thu s it must he.” Wherefore we preach not merely the m an Christ Jesus, hu t Christ and H im crucified; “ unto the Jews a stum ­ bling-block, and unto th e Greeks foolishness; h u t unto them which are called, Christ the power of God and th e wis­ dom of God.” The A uthority of th e Holy Scriptures The th ird of the fundam entals is th e A uthority of Revela­ tion. There must he au tho rity somewhere for the essentials of our faith, for th e Godhood of Jesus, and th e saving power of His cross, else the preacher runs, like Ahimaaz, w ithout a message. It will not answer to say: “ I have the w itness of tru th in my inner consciousness.” Who cares for the inner consciousness of another man? A pioneer’s claim to his quarter-section is not established by squ atter sover­ eignty, bu t by a recorded title w ith a Government seal upon it. “So then, your religion is the religion of a Book?” Cer­ tainly. Why not? Precisely as our Republic rests upon a w ritten Constitution. Its basic principles are there; w rit so plain th a t th e w ayfaring man though a fool need not err therein. Pointed fingers are no t argum ents. If the Bible could have been laughed out of court th e Lucians and Vol-

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