King's Business - 1925-01


T H E K I N G ’ S


January 1925

taires and Ingersolls would have disposed of it long ago; bu t because it stands to reason th a t no thesis can hold its own w ithout a foundation in ultim ate and infallible au th o r­ ity, the long-derided, unfairly-criticised, m utilated and mal­ treated Bible stands as the “ best seller” in th e book m ar­ kets of the world today; “Aye, bu t if Christ was Himself ‘the fullness of the God­ head bodily’, what need of any fu rth e r revelation of th e tru th s th a t center in God?” Let it be remembered th a t Christ lived in a remote cor­ ner of the world, and for a brief period of th irty years: yet He came avowedly to establish a religion for the world and all the centuries. In order th a t His teachings m ight be thu s universalized and p e rp e tu ate d ,. is it not obvious th a t they must be recorded somewhere and somehow? And where b etter or how otherw ise th an in a divine Book, “w rit­ ten by holy men as they were moved (o r borne onward) by th e Spirit of God” ? It thu s appears th a t the sponsor for the Book is the Spirit of God. The word is inspiration, literally “ breathed of God” ; and in th e Book thu s w ritten we have our au tho rity for w hat we are to believe as the Word incarnate. “Search th e S criptures,” said Jesus, “ for in them ye th in k (and righ tly th in k ) ye have eternal life; and these are they which testify of me.” Let the veracity of th a t w itness be impugned, and who or what is le ft to bear tru stw o rthy w it­ ness of Jesus as th e Savior of men? You have cut down the tree of life! In view of w hat our Lord said of th e Old Testam ent; “ If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neith er will they be persuaded though one rose from th e dead,” one is bound to wonder w hat evidence is required to convince a rejecter of th e New Testam ent as to th e fundam entals of our Chris­ tian faith. This may perhaps account for the fact th a t m u tilaters of the Scriptures as a rule are deniers of th e virgin birth, th e vicarious death, the bodily resurrection, and every supern atu ral factor in th e Gospel of Christ. It is impossible to emphasize too deeply the importance of these fundamentals. The Church, w ithout them , is as un­ substantial as th e stuff th a t dream s are made of. “Ye are bu ilt,” says Paul, “ upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ him self being th e chief corner-stone; in whom all the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto a holy temple in th e Lord.” (Eph. 2:20, 21.) Aye, resting on th a t sure foundation, th e gates of hell shall not prevail against it! And our individual faith is assured in th e same way. To be a Christian is simply to let Christ have His way w ith us. Less th an th a t is to follow Him afar off, which means, sooner or later, to arrive at a complete denial of His ju ris­ diction over us. He stands w ith His Book in hand__the Bo.ok th a t He knew and loved and believed and never criti­ cised— enjoining us to search it for a sufficient knowledge of H imself as a Rock to build on; which having found, all henceforth th a t makes the Christian life worth living is to build upon it. .“But let every man take heed how he build- eth thereupon,” for “ every m an’s work shall be made mani­ fest.” (1 Cor. 3:10-17.) Behold, the Temple rises! There is no lim it to th e pos­ sibilities when one has grounded his life upon th e Rock of Ages. It is wonderful to have thu s begun to grow. Let us dream on, beloved, for our largest dream s are destined to come true. “Now are we sons of God,” by faith in th e gos­ pel of His grace, “b u t it doth n o t y et appear w hat we shall b e!”

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