TH E K I N G ’ S
January 1925
VULNERABLE POINTS IN THE EVOLUTION THEORY (Continued from page 12) lutionists have tak en little advantage of th is uncertainty among evolutionists concerning th e causal explanation of evolution. They have devoted themselves to affirming dog matically, or try ing to prove, th a t th ere is no such th ing as evolution; a t least, and particularly, no such th ing as the evolution of man. They could have made more trouble if they had stressed more th e differences of opinion among th e evolutionists regard ing th e causes and control of evolution.” By way of rejoinder we would make a few observations. F irst— if th e advocates are in such a quandary as to the causes of evolution, how can they be so cock-sure about the theory itself. If it has been proved so clearly and abso lutely, surely the causes of it should no t be so obscure and so difficult to trace! Second— we feel disposed to make the evolutionists all the trouble we can in view of th e ir differ ences of opinion as to th e causes of evolution. We hold th a t, if they cannot agree on th a t subject, they have little or no ground for th e ir agreem ent th a t evolution has been dem onstrated. However, in th e th ird place, it is not good reasoning to say th a t the chief argum ent again st evolution lies in the fact th a t its champions differ as to its causes. No! what th e anti-evolutionists demand, and have a rig h t to demand, is a few clear cases of spontaneous generation and of the transform ing of one species into another by n a tu ra l forces. T h at is th é gravam en of th e whole argum ent. If such actual instances could be produced, we would not heed to krfow the causal explanation. Let us illu strate. Toss a ball into th e a ir; after its momentum has been spent, it will- inevitably fall to th e ground. The force th a t draws it down is called gravitation. Do we know w hat g rav itation is? Do we know all the causes of it? Surely we do not. But we see th e fact of its attractin g power dem onstrated again and again before our eyes. So th ere can be no doubt about th e fact of gravitation,'?, albeit nobody has yet explained how it exercises its force, or the causes of its doing so. Now apply the illu stration . If we could be plainly shown th a t non-living m atter evolves into living m atter by means of resid en t forces, we would accept the, fact as proven, even though th e causes were never so obscure. The same is tru e regarding th e evolution of one species in to a higher species. It is no t th e causes of evolu tion th a t create questioning among anti-evolutionists; what they call for is empirical demonstration. All around us in the n a tu ra l world we see species rep ro ducing tru e to form— each afte r its kind. E arnestly do we ask th e evolutionist to show us sim ilarly clear cases of species m erging into species. To reply th a t such merging does not occur now, but; occurred m illions of years ago, is to sub stitu te conjecture for scientific demonstration. The Over-worked Law of V ariation Much is made by th e promoters of evolution of th e law of variation w ithin th e species. Since no two individuals of a species are exactly alike, it-is held th a t in th e process of tim e-—m illennium s on millenniums-;—these variations m ight have become sufficiently marked to form new species. But th e very fact th a t th e verb “m ight” has to be used proves th a t th e explanation is only a guess. Moreover, so far as observation can be made, th e so-called fluctuations never am ount to species differentiation. A fter all, while we can plainly see th a t no two individuals of a species are precisely alike, we can see no less distinctly th a t apples always pro duce apples, not peaches or pears; th a t robins breed robins, not cardinals or w rens; th a t apes give b irth to apes, not to
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