King's Business - 1925-01


January 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S


hum an beings. There are always th e clear m arks and boundaries of the species. P rofessor Kellogg him self upsets the value of variations as a cause of the evolution of species. A fter sta tin g th e argum ent of th e evolutionists from variations, he adds: “Also a plausible explanation, bu t weakened, if not shat­ tered, as far as species form ing is concerned, by th e resu lts of modern biological study, which have shown th a t many of these small variations are not inherited. They are mere fluctuations around a mean, to which m ean the offspring tend constantly to retu rn . Besides, it is asking too much to ascribe a life-or-death-determ ining value to these m inut6 variations, despite any conceivable intensity of th e stru g ­ gle for existence.” (See his “Evolution,” p 99). Thus, th e evolutionist him self being w itness, w hat may be regarded as th e most plausible argum en t for evolution is nullified for lack of evidence to support it. In conclusion we may add th a t we have read w ith intense in terest Vernon Kellogg’s articles on evolution in The A tlan ­ tic Monthly for April, 1924, and in The W orld’s W ork for May, 1924; b u t we are compelled to say th e fallacies of non­ sequence and begging the question are so evident and num­ erous in them th a t no rejoinder seems to be needed. The outstanding impression made on our m ind by his articles is th a t Q. E. D. cannot be asserted of the d o ctrin e'o f evolu­ tion. To our mind, P rofessor Kellogg furnishes strong evidence of intelligent design and special creation in his analysis of n a tu re ’s marvelous processes. The defect in his statem ents is th a t he fails to follow up th e obvious clues, and to carry his prem ises to th e ir logical conclusion. How can any one study n atu re -w ith o u t seeing God’s handiwork in h er phenomena? ¿Ms. DR. WILLIAM EVANS IN A WORLD MINISTRY The many friends of Dr. W illiam Evans will be interested in the following item, from “The Life of F a ith ” (London) regarding th e blessing and inspiration which he has brought to believers in his world tour. The Bible In stitu te

“Best” Books ____ fo*Bible Study Ransacking the Scriptures By K eith L. Brooks This is a book which every Christian should possess and carry w ith him. It contains Bible Rules for Bible Study; alphabetical arrangem ent of im portant Bible chap­ ters; num ber of chapters in each book; key note of each book; key verse of each book; Christ in each book; ou t­ w ard divisions of the Bible; spiritual conclusion of each book; im portant facts about the Bible; dispensational divisions; proofs of inspirations; index of all Bible events. It is a topical and alphabetical arrangem ent of all Bible stories, enabling one to tu rn instantly w ithout the use of a Concordance, to any incident or im portant theme. ________ _____________ Paper, 25c Jesus— the P rophet, Priest, King D r. R. A. T orrey The Gospel and Its Ministry

T his rem arkable series of serm ons gives a p ic tu re of o u r L ord Jesu s C h rist w hich is unique; tak in g up th e P ro ­ p h etic a sp e c t from th e Old T estam ent, including H is in ­ carn atio n , crucifixion, a n d resu rrectio n ; th e P riestly a sp e c t of o u r L ord during th e p resen t dispensation; the K ingly a sp e c t settin g fo rth H is reign during th e m illen­ nial periods. (P ap e r) 35c copy; (C loth) 65c

By S ir R o b ert A nderson No b e tte r book h as y e t been w ritten in defense o f the g re a t fundam ental doctrines of th e C h ristian religion. The ch ap ters on th e Godhood of God, th e C ross, th e A tone­ m ent, th e S p irit’s w ork, etc., a re incom parably g reat. It is a book you need to have h andy in these days w hen so m any a re d ep artin g from the faith. P rice 25c p o stp aid (p ap er)

The Triumphs of the Cross By W. C. Stevens

A splendidly w ritten small book treating on the deeper lessons of th e Cross. It shows very clearly w hat the V ictorious, Sacrificial death of Christ on Calvary’s Cross purchased for the believer— w hat the believer’s standing and privileges are as a new man in Christ. Dr. Charles A. Blanchard, president of W heaton (111.) College, says of it, “ In this day when so many pass the cross and look upon it as a needless thing, those who realize as Mr. Stevens does, th at it is everything to the needy souls of men, have a right to speak, and I do not believe there will be found one person in the world who will thoughtfully, prayerfully read this book, who will not find help and com fort in it,’’_____________ Paper, 35 cents The Son of God By K eith L. B rooks The Son of Man

of Los Angeles is looking fo r­ ward w ith anticipation to h ear­ ing him on his retu rn , when he will speak for two Sundays in the In stitu te auditorium . “From a correspondent in China we have received an in­ teresting r e p o r t—-unfortun­ ately, much too .long for inser­ tion— of a visit paid to the m issionaries' th e re th is sum ­ mer, by Dr. Evans, form erly of th e Los Angeles Bible In stitu te, and of the Moody Bible In sti­ tu te, Chicago. A rriving in S h a n g h a i on Jun e 21, Dr. Evans, on Ju ly 3, began a ser­ ies of Bible readings for the m issionaries gathered on Ki- kungshan, Honan. A week

Mr. B rooks h as w orked out a plan for th e stu d y of the Gospel of Jo h n th a t is entirely new. It is riot orily a sy ste ­ m atic stu d y b u t a very effect­ ive stu d y . The m ethod is to s ta te sug g estiv e questions, leaving blank spaces fo r the answ ers, an d giving in each case th e reference th a t wilJ supply th e explanation. N ote­ book form w ith bond pape] th a t will tak e ink. 50 cents

By K eith L. B rooks A v erse by v erse stu d y of Luke’s Gospel, all in te rp re ta ­ tion being tak en from S crip ­ tu re itself. The stu d en t w rites th is com m entary fo r him self in th e blank spaces provided, g ettin g his m aterial from th e references cited. A m o st fa s­ cin atin g stu d y of th e life of C hrist a s th e “Son of M an.” P ap er, 50 cents

Suggestive Lessons on the Tabernacle By Mrs. A . L. Dennis These lessons unfold the teaching of the T abernacle in a very simple, easily understood way. A re arranged for those who have never been able to understand Old T estam ent typology. The foreshadow ing of Christ is brought out so clearly th at the ordinary Bible reader can readily comprehend its meaning. Pastors and Bible teacher® will be especially glad to get this book as these lessons are presented in ju st the way you would w ant to give them to your class. Splendidly illustrated. Paper, 50 cents If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. u nless otherw ise specified. If books a re to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

la ter he went on to Kuling, where in addition to his meet­ ings for foreigners, he addressed, th rough in terp retation , a conference of Chinese Christian leaders, etc. A fter th is he w ent from C en tral China to Peitaiho, in the North, where sim ilar conferences were arranged, and where as in th e other resorts, m issionaries from th e inland d istricts depend for inspiration and help upon the few weeks they spend, away from th e ir stations. Dr. Evans’ Bible readings centered mainly around two epistles—-those of St. P aul to the Ephe­ sians and of John 1, and the m issionaries were much encouraged by his messages.

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