TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
January 1925
DEATH 1. “D eath” in Rom. 6:23, is a general term , and in cludes (1) Physical death, or th e separation of th e soul, o r anim al life, from the. body (Rom. 5 :12 ; 1 Cor. 15:21; Heb. 9 :2 7 ). (2) Sp iritual death, or th e separation of the sp irit from God. The sp iritu al life of th e unsaved is covered by “ trespasses and sins,” and is thu s rendered incapable of knowing and enjoying God. Dead (Eph. 2 :1 ; 4 :18 ; 1 Tim. 5 :6 ; 1 John 3 :14 ; 5 :12 ; Rev. 3 :1 ). (3 ) E te rn a l death, or etern al separation from God (2 Thess. 1 :9 ; 1 Cor. 5:9, 10; Matt. 25:30, 41, 46). 2. D eath is th e separation of a person from the purpose or use for which he was intended. I t deprives him of th a t fo r which he was created. This definition will fit th e word in whatever connection it is found. Man was created to live forever, physically; physical or n a tu ra l death deprives him of th at. He was intended for th e presence of God, sp irit ually: sp iritu al death separates him from th a t. He was created to dwell w ith God forever; etern al death deprives him of th at. We are dead to sin and sin is dead to us when Satan and the self-life are so thoroughly “ rendered idle and inoperative,” or p u t out of business by th e power of the indwelling Spirit th a t they are powerless to do th e ir work. Satan is dead, as far as we are concerned, and we are dead to him as long as we keep Spirit-filled and Spirit-Controlled. 3. D eath is never annihilation, nor destruction in th e sense of annihilation. (1 ) A tru e definition of a word holds good wherever th a t word is found. The idea of death as annihilation breaks down everywhere and is, therefore, no definition. (2) The sinner is said to be dead while living (Eph. 2 :1 ; 1 Tim. 5 :6 ), having n atu ra l life b u t living the wrong way. Note the ab surdity of sub stitu ting “ an nih ilation” for “ d eath ” in eith er verse thus, “ She th a t llvath in pleasure is annihilated while she liveth.” (3 ) T ry such substitution in Mark 14:1, 34; Rom. 5 :10 ; Lk. 8:52, 53; Rom. 6:2, 8; 1 Jn . 3 :14 ; and many others, a s it would be proper to do if death means annihilation. (4) Death is th e absence of life, and sp iritu al death is the absence of Christ, who is th e life, and is, therefore, banish ment from God (1 Jn . 5 :12 ; Jn. 17 :3 ; Col. 3 :4 ; 1 Cor. 6:9, 10; 2 Thess. 1:8, 9 ). (5 ) The death which is the penalty for sin is th e second death, th e lake of fire (Rev. 2 1 :8 ), which is etern al punishm ent (Rev. 2 0 :1 0 ). (6) A cold, formal definition from a secular dictionary will not always work when applied to the Bible. We m ust compare Scripture w ith Scripture. ■—H. S. M.
POINTERS FOR PREACHERS (Continued from page 21) I F
If you are not saved— you are lost. If you do not pray-Byou have no power. If you are not meek— you are haughty. If you are not humble—-you are proud. If you have no peace—you have no rest. If you have no re st—you have worries. If you have no joy— you get despondent. If you have no hope— you are discouraged. If you are not honest—you are deceitful. If you lose your tem per—you commit sin.
If you are not m erciful—you are hard -h earted . If you have no forbearance— you lack patience. If you are discourteous— you áre inconsiderate. If you use profanity— Satan uses your tongue. If you have h a te in your h ea rt— you are a m urderer. If you don’t love th e b reth ren— you don’t love God. If you are no t consecrated— you are not separated. If you are not submissive to God— you are rebellious. If you are not going to heaven—you are going to hell. If you are not pu re in h e a rt—you are impure in thought. If you are not spiritually-m inded— you are worldly- minded. If you do not bear your cross—-you become a stumbling- block. If you love th e world— you don’t love sp iritu al things. If you are no t b om again—you are not in the kingdom of God. If you can’t control your m ind— you can’t control your tongue. If you take the Lord’s nam e in vain— you are no t gu ilt less. If you are not in touch w ith God— you are in touch w ith Satan. If you have an unforgiving sp irit—your sins are n o t fo r given. If you are not filled w ith the Spirit— you are filled w ith self. If you are not w alking in th e ligh t— you are w alking in the dark. If you haven’t grace in your h eart— you have h ell in your heart. If you are not w itnessing fo r Jesu s—you are w itnessing for Satan. If you are not led by the Sp irit of God—-you are led by the devil. If you are not wise unto salvation—you are unwise unto condemnation. If you haven’t God’s love in your heart-^—you are un ch ari table towards others. If you are not carrying burdens for others— you are m ak ing burdens for others. If you are not sowing th e seed of th e kingdom—you are sowing ta re s of th e devil. —Geo. W. Achilles. Dallas, Texas.
“SEEKEST THOU GREAT THINGS?” Though small th e sphere Assigned thee here, Take up thy task and do thy best; But do not ask severer test. The Smallest charge May prove too large, A t Christ’s g reat quest, when all must tell, Not where they labored, b u t how well!
— John H. Sammis
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