January 1925
' F I N E (GOLD (Continued from page 14) longer.. You can’t bring your fath e r th a t way,” scolded his mother. “Yes, come along, Billie Bob,” said Aunty Nell Chapman, “and I ’ll play cars w ith you.” “ Is he always like this Mrs. Morehouse when his fath er is away?” Aunty Nell, as th e little boy called her, was an elderly friend who had come a short tim e before to stay w ith the fam ily as a companion and helper, and little B illie Bob had already learned to love her. “Billie Bob is always like th is when Will is gone. I never saw a man so devoted to a child, and as for Billie Bob, he simply worships his father. I suppose I m ight be jealous if I w;ere not so busy w ith lots of o ther things, and have no tim e to give to th e child myself. W ill reads to him, tells him stories and plays w ith him, till I tell him he is nothing bu t a big boy him self.” Mrs. Morehouse spoke pettishly. Billie Bob relu ctan tly left th e window, and dutifully started his tra in around the track , bu t in th ree m inutes” tim e he was on his feet again and a t the window. “The tro lley ’s stopped a t our corner, and it m ust be papa,” happily called the little fellow. “Well, I certainly hope so,” said his mother. | | | “Yes, yes, it’s papa, may I go to meet him? Open the. door, please.” In his excitement he rushed to the door and pounded on it w ith small fists. A lready steps were h eard coming up the flight of steps leading to tb e house, and as th e door was thrown open and the ligh t flashed on, little Billie Bob flung him self upon the man standing there, calling out, “ Papa, papa, why did you stay so long?” But it was a strange voice th a t replied, “ I ’m afraid I made a m istake in the house, and th is little fellow has m istaken me for his papa. I was looking for my sister’s house, and I see, since you tu rn ed on th e ligh t th a t it is probably next door. . In the darkness I could not see th e num ber from the walk. Sorry to disappoint the youngster, b etter luck next tim e,” he called to Billie Bob, who ran back into the house when he found out his m istake. When th e two women retu rn ed to the lib rary they found the little boy sobbing as if his h ea rt would break. “ I never saw anyone look so much like W ill Morehouse,” said Aunty Nell, as she took th e child in h er m otherly arm s and strove to com fort him. She let him have his cry out, and then softly sang to him. She had a wonderfully sweet and com forting voice, and Billie Bob loved to h ear h er. He said not ano ther word about his fath e r and soon, tire d out, dropped off to sleep; la ter when h e was helped to bed he scarcely wakened during th e process, so completely worn out was he from his tense watching. “ I cannot th ink what is keeping W ill,” said Mrs. More house a half hou r later. “He said he would be back yester day, or a t least th is morning. They are to have th a t m eet ing o f th e church board tonight, and W ill is to tu rn over the funds for th e new building. They have already le t the contract to a firm th a t is to begin a t once. I ’ll be glad when they get th e new building; the old one is so shabby I’m ashamed of it. There goes th e ’phone, I suppose it’s one of those tiresome tru stees asking for Will. I wish he’d come home and attend to his own affairs.” Saying th is she reached the ’phone and wearily took down th e receiver. Aunty Nell sat in her chair poking into
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