King's Business - 1925-01


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

January 1925

“W hat is it? ” she asked quickly, i '. “Will Morehouse was drowned last night on th e hay, we th ink ; th e re was a storm , and he was out in the motorboat, and although we have hunted all day we have found only the boat tossed upon the beach th ree miles from here. Did you get it? ” called th e voice as he heard no answer. “Yes,” was the stunned reply. Tremblingly she hung up th e receiver and tu rned to the moaning wife, still lying at her feet. Again the téléphoné rang. Scarce able to get the receiver to her ear she called, “ hello,” in a strange voice. “ Is Mr. Morehouse there? The meeting has already begun, and we are expecting him any m inu te,” came in a m an’s voice over th e ’phone. Three times Mrs. Chapman moistened her lips before she could make reply., “Will Morehouse is dead, drowned by accident, a t his fath e r’s home in Rhode Island.” She could say no more, and trem bling all over she hung up th e receiver. (To be Continued)

the old-fashioned fire-place and watching th e tiny flames leap upward. Suddenly she sprang to her feet. She heard Mrs. More­ house in sta rtled tones cry, “W h at?” and then, “Oh, my God,” and th e receiver fell from h er shaking hand. Aunty Nell rushed to h er, asking h er w h at was th e m atter, hut Mrs. Morehouse had fainted. H astily she took up the receiver. “Hello! hello !” she called, bu t only central answered. >; «The p arty has hung up. I will try to get them again if the. message was not clear.” W ith th a t Aunt Nell Chapman bent over Mrs. Morehouse and sought to revive her. The stricken wife only moaned in a dazed so rt of way, and Aunt Nell could get no inform a­ tion from her. ■ Ju st th en the ’phone rang again and when Mrs. Chap­ man answered it, she h eard th e question, “Is th is Rev. W. N. Morehouse’s home?” “Yes, yes,” she replied. ■ “Did you get my message a sho rt tim e ago ?” was the next question.

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