King's Business - 1925-01


January 1925



ONE OF OUR B. I. GIRLS IN CHINA (Continued from page 20) church of God th a t they may be tru e w itnesses in the m idst of a corrupt and defiled society. “ It is estim ated th a t if will ta k e a year for one of our large Paotingfu fields to drain. As the population is imme­ diately dependent on th e produce of the fields, th is means famine. Already th e In tern ation al Fam ine Relief Com­ m ission is planning public works to furnish employment to as many men as possible. The building of roads and dikes is contemplated. But a t best a g rea t deal of suffering is inevitable. It is too early to know ju st how severe th e food shortage will be. “ I had hoped th is year for much systematic, intensive work by means of special classes th roughou t th e country. But if we must tu rn our atten tion to fam ine relief work, I am sure the Lord can bless th a t means of entrance for the Word. “We are rejoicing in answered prayer for more country workers. Two of our young women have retu rn ed from Bible School in Peking and are already a t work. This fall Dr. Mackey plans to send out a fine graduate nurse, as com-: m unity worker and evangelist. This young woman has much consecrated common sense, so am sure she will be a blessing to th e women and open many doors for th e gospel. “ Summer vacation Bible schools we find very effective in new centers especially. Nine such to be conducted for a month in each place, were undertak en th is summer. But I have no t yet learned whether any were disrupted by the floods or no t.” and vile to be spoken; th e very slime of the serpent of hell has gone into it. So th e Gospel tru th about th e cross is, th a t “He suffered the ju st for th e u n ju st” to save men; “th is is my blood which is shed for you fo r th e remission of sins,” and if th is is emptied to mean simply a m a rty r’s death by th e Lord, the alternativ e for sinful man is hopeless. So also is the Resurrection of Jesus from th e dead, for if Christ did not rise w ith His body revived, then He is still in a Judean grave, and our hope is blasted forever. Is it only a mouse in th e meal th a t changes th e patern ity of man from" God to a beast; th a t changes th e Word of God to th e lying u tterances of fallible men? I t is tim e to emphasize always th e powerful proof of Professor Machen th a t Modernism is not a modified Chris­ tian ity bu t another religion entirely. And to th is many Modernists themselves frank ly agree. It is Christ, or a reversion to P agan materialism , a religion w ithout a Savior, a message w ith no Divine voice nor word, a morality w ith­ out a new h eart, a beginning w ith beasts and an end in forever sealed tombs. Where is the h allelu jah in all th at? THE MOUSE IN THE MEAL (Continued from page 8)

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To point a moral,— one dollar and twenty-five cents in­ vested in a K ing’s Business subscription, either for yourself or for som e'Christian worker who needs its help and inspi­ ration, is an investm ent which will continue to bring in retu rn s for tim e and eternity. DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!

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