King's Business - 1925-01


T H E K I N G ’ S


January 1925

W ILL THEY OBEY “SYMBOLICALLY” ? The Commission on Course of Study and th e editor of our Sunday school lessons have been ordered by th e General Conference to conform to th e Methodist stand ard s of do c­ trine. The instructions are specific and definite, and what honest man can now devise a way to evade them ? And what bu t Church lawlessness is it to ignore and to disobey them? But w hat about obeying them “ symbolically,” .in Mod­ ern ist well-known phrase and fashion? - The garrulous Episcopal Bishop Brown so obeyed the standard s of his Church, he declares; and he, if alone in such wise, would be of no consequence. But he exactly stands for th e whole Modernist group and has let the beans be spilled before all eyes. H ear him : “Do you believe th e B ible?” he was asked, “Every word,” said the bishop. “And th e Book of Common P ray er?” “F rom cover to cover! And th e en tire Nicene Creed, A thanasian, and th e Apostles Creed fully.’’- But holding such wholesale faith in all orthodox doctrines, he yet declared th a t Jesus Christ was a myth and never existed, th a t th e Bible is full of errors, superstitions, and falsehoods, and so on in all Modernist lingo and unbelief to the extrem es.’ How then, in all sanity, could he believe the Creeds? He believed them “symbolically” and “ in terp reted ,” in terp re­ ted, mind you, a ll of them “ spiritually.” How fam iliar is “ symbolically,” and “ sp iritu al in te rp re tatio n ” in Fosdick, and the Chicago B aptist professors, and in our Methodist w riters and teachers? By no possible meaning of “sym­ bolic” and “ sp iritual in te rp re tatio n ” can Methodism be made U nitarian and followers of Ingersoll and Renan and Voltaire, bu t th is is w hat those symbolic m isleaders have made of it. And is th e re really any one so simple as he goes away from Springfield to imagine th a t all th e ir m ilder-than-ever resolutions to insure the in teg rity of the historic faith will change th e dot over an i or th e crossing of a t in the infidel Course of Study or the distressing confusion and unbelief in our Sunday school lessons? Did the Springfield General Conference pass resolutions th a t no “ symbolic” adherence to th e faith would pass? B u t w hat is th e use? Was it not a spectacle for angels and honest men to weep over to have those glorious declarations of the faith actually endorsed by men who for years have preached and taugh t and have w ritten dow nright contradictions of almost every article and sentence of them ? Did they show fru its meet for repentance by humbly confessing the monstrous wrong they have done th e Church for four years disobeying th e m andate of th e Des Moines General Conference? Not a t all. On the contrary they held up th e ir reckless product of unbelief gleefully praising it; and where were those who ought to have rebuked them to th eir face? Oh, the more’s th e pity of it! However, the tim e for mere words is past. Our laymen in th e Sunday School m ust now face th eir God and Master for His stern orders if the unbelief in th e Sunday school lessons continues. If th e editor defies th e “ instructions” of the General Conference w hat possible shadow of an obligation caiT rest upon Methodist Sunday school pastors and teachers to use th e infidel publications he issues? Let them no longer p rate of loyalty w ith th e ir actions belying it in toto. Real loyalty to the Church will demand the throw ing out of every publication of th e Book Concern. Can any one dispute this? As one who has been hoping against hope for relief and who has kep t every lesson of our own Church in use to th e present, except when too absolutely ro tte n a t times, this editor as a pastor faces w ith all others in sim ilar stra its a

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