RECORD REFLECTIONS Nineteen Twenty Four is gone—twelve months— three hundred and sixty-five days! You have meditated upon it. Looked over your books. Know how much you have made—how much you have saved—how much you have lost.
hearted, fully separated life to His praise and glory. We may profit from the mistakes and failures of 1924, and make 1925 a glorious year, by devoting lip and life to the one great object for which He has saved, separated, and set us apart. Let The King’s Business Family join hands and hearts, and by prayer and praise, with the old Bible
•You have bidden fare well to the Old Year, and now you face the New Year. B u t—have you over looked one thing? God keeps books. His record of your year is closed. You cannot change that record, neither can He. The blood of Christ cov ers our sins, but cannot change the record. Every believer’s work for 1924 must be tried by fire of what sort it is. This is an unchangeable law,—wood, hay, stub ble; gold, silver, pre cious stones,^the day shall declare it. There is nothing more seriously solemn in all the world than this. Is there, t h e n , no atonement for the past year’s failures and fol lies? None! Is there no way to change the mis taken investments we made for the L o r d ? None! No way to redeem the wasted time and op portunities ! None! If we seek forgiveness, w i l l He not forgive ? Yes! Will He not, then,
as our sword, fight the good fight of faith in defense of its funda mental truths, rescuethe perishing all arouttd us, and by every and all means possible make this year a J u b i l e e Year for our loving Lord. LOYALTY TO OUR LORD What do we mean by this term? Just what t h e definition of the word “ loyalty” implies, which is;“ constancy and faithfulness in any rela tion : implying trust or confidence; true devo tion.” • We are loyal to our country when, we defend its constitution. When “ The S t a r Spangled Banner” is sung, we rise to our feet and voice our heart’s devotion. How much more should these hearts of ours s u r g e with intense love and adoration of Him who made t h i s country of ours “ the land of the free” ! There is no virtue in
“The King's Business” W r itte n e sp e c ia lly fo r T h e K in g ’s B u sin e ss b y W illiam O lney, E n g la n d . Of what King? Not of Self, for we served it too long, And its service a slavery is: Not S atan ,-^h is “ business” is ju st doing wrong, And would surely deprive us of bliss: Not the World,— for its servants alike testify That its wages are poor a t th e best; In th e h eart of its g reatest attraction s th ere lie D isappointment and failure confessed; We allow, to be kings, these make out a claim, But th e ir service is sin, and th eir wages are shame, The King, whom we serve, was once cruelly crowned W ith a woeful encircling of thorn, Of men, whom He died to redeem, was disowned, And His limbs w ith th e ir iron were to rn : W ith Blood of our King, th a t was shed on the cross, He redeemed us, His servants to be; His “ business” our every though t must engross, F rom all o th er m asters set free: O Thou, who a rt King both of suffering and love, Our service is Thine, both on earth and above! Thy “ business,” our King, soon as ever we wake, Day by day is to own we are Thine: A whole-hearted, w illing su rrend er to make F o r Thy work,-—Thought, Speech, Action, combine. Thy principal “business” is our holiness; To m irror Thy likeness around; And th e wandering world w ith our witness to bless, ' T h at low a t Thy feet it be found: Our business for Jesus is ever to bring The sinful and strayed to the Cross of our King.
change the record? No! The Book is closed and sealed, and it will be opened when we stand in His presence. If, in place of the gold of service we turned in hay; if, for silver we rendered wood; and, instead of pre cious stones, brought stubble,—the record must stand. We are sad when we consider the waste of wealth and time,—and we should betS-but what is the lesson we should learn? Redeem the time! We may live another year, by His grace. We may be spared for His service. We may make it a good year for Him,—bringing in sheaves, building up others in the faith, bestowing our gifts for soUl-saving service, living a clean-cut, single
half-hearted loyalty to any cause. Men who salute the flag because it is the custom to do so are not patriots; they are parasites. There is no sincerity in such- a salute. But when the hat is lifted, and the heart pulses strong, and the voice is raised in glad acclaim, these are the expression of true, patriotic ardor. How is it in reference to our loving Lord? Does your heart warm when you hear His name ? Does your heart beat faster? Does your soul lift its voice in praise? Does every fibre of your being thrill with tumultuous joy when He is lifted upff-when He is magnified?, Does your will yield to the will of the Holy Spirit when He desires to take the things of Jesus and show them unto you?
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